Instrumentos y accesorios de secuenciación Sanger

Nuestros sistemas de análisis genético de Applied Biosystems son confiables para la secuenciación de Sanger y el análisis de fragmentos, y han probado su calidad a través de décadas de resultados. Nuestros sistemas de análisis genético Applied Biosystems pueden ayudarlo a obtener un excelente desempeño, confiabilidad y soporte de clase mundial.

Low to high sample throughput—choose the genetic analyzer that is right for you

¿Qué analizador genético es el adecuado para usted?


Lowest sample throughput, easy-to-use, flexible system

Medium sample throughput, basic and automated operation system

Maximum throughput, scalability, and flexibility

 SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer3500 Series Genetic AnalyzerRefreshed 3730 Series Genetic Analyzer
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Number of capillaries48 (3500), 24 (3500xL)48 (3730), 96 (3730xl)
Ease of useSimpleEasyModerate
Number of dyes665
Capillary array length (cm)Integrated into click-in cartridge36, 5036, 50
Polymer typePOP-1 integrated into click-in cartridgePOP-6, POP-7, POP-4*POP-6, POP-7
Sample capacity

12 standard 8-strip tubes
1 standard 96-well  plate 

2 sample plates (96- or 384-well)16 sample plates (96- or 384- well)
Integrated plate stackerNoNoYes
ApplicationsSequencing + fragment analysis on same runSequencing, fragment analysisSequencing, fragment analysis
Minimum run time30 min30 min20 min
Sequencing read length (bp)800At least 850900
Maximum sequencing throughput (base pair reads/day) 67k

138k (3500), 403k

1.38 M (3730), 2.76 M

Maximum fragment throughput (samples/day)** 192384 (3500), 1,152
3,456 (3730), 6,912
 Learn moreLearn moreLearn more

* POP-4 is generally only used with HID applications and requires GeneMapper ID-X Software for analysis.
** 96 capillaries are not recommended for fragment analysis.

Genetic analyzers ready for your regulatory and industry needs

Capillary electrophoresis instruments for clinical use

3500xL Dx Genetic Analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use

CE-IVD and IVDR compliant

3500xL Dx Genetic Analyzer ›

Capillary electrophoresis instruments for microbial identification

SeqStudio QST and Flex PA systems for rapid microbial identification

SeqStudio Series PA genetic analyzers ›

SeqStudio Series genetic analyzers

The Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Series systems deliver the high quality and reliable performance of Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis that scientists need, while leveraging design improvements and technological advances for increased flexibility, easier operation, enhanced connectivity, and remote serviceability.

With a wide range of applications from simple, targeted sequencing to identification of the latest SARS variant of concern, SeqStudio Series instruments help you to achieve freedom and peace of mind, providing extra time in your day to do what you do best: answering the big scientific questions.

Learn more about SeqStudio Family enabled applications. Download the SeqStudio Family Application Guide ›

For a low-scale, cost-effective option: Discover SeqStudio ›
For a mid-scale, efficient and flexible option: Discover SeqStudio Flex ›

Two capillary electrophoresis instruments for genetic analysis

Get the most out of your genetic analyzer

Capillary Electrophoresis instruments

Get more out of your instrument—learn more CE applications

CE-enabled applications ›

Capillary Electrophoresis instruments

Software solutions for viewing and interpreting CE results

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Applied Biosystems Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) reagents and kits

Reagents & kits for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis

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