Blog: What to look for when sourcing clinical personal protection equipment

March 2021

Clinical personal protective equipment (PPE) is the key to a safer, healthier working environment. But do they meet national health standards? Can your supplier cope with unexpected demand and timely supply?

In wake of COVID-19, the surging demand for PPE led many healthcare providers in Australia and New Zealand had to look beyond their existing suppliers for their sourcing needs. With local supply chains overwhelmed, many healthcare orgs turned to lesser-known suppliers, many of them located overseas. This approach brought with it a host of new risks. When dealing with an unknown supplier, especially if they are located overseas, it can be hard to distinguish legitimate organisations from unscrupulous actors and scammers.

But there are steps you can take to limit the risks. In this article, we look into specific actions hospitals, clinics and allied healthcare organisations can take to reliably source high-quality PPE.

1. Always benchmark the prices

PPE prices can vary significantly even week to week. That means you need to do your due diligence on the current prices of the PPE equipment you need on a regular basis. While benchmarking prices from different suppliers is good practice, keep in mind price is not the only consideration. Your supplier’s ability to meet demand and ensure consistency of supply is also important, even if that comes with a slightly higher price tag.

2. Check specs and quality certificates

Never take quality certificates for granted. Many suppliers have independent quality certifications for their PPE, but your needs may differ based on state regulations or your organisation's policies. Make sure to call your supplier and ask about the certifications and quality guarantees their products carry. If their product certifications aren’t readily available or their rep doesn’t seem to know much about them, that’s usually a red flag. A good supplier will take the time to thoroughly understand your needs and the environment the PPE will be used in before making any recommendations. Make sure your supplier understands your PPE specs and requirements. They might be able to make some great recommendations you had not previously considered.

3. Order test samples

Getting samples is important, not only to ensure the supplier has the products they claim, but also to ensure quality compliance. When trying out a new supplier, or even a new product from a trusted supplier, it’s wise to get a sample first to confirm any product claims. For things like masks or respirators, for example, you should have several colleagues try them on to ensure they provide a good seal. Also, watch out for the little details: many respirators from overseas suppliers come with ear loops instead of bands that wrap fully around the head, leading to a looser seal. Testing for build quality, materials, and usability are just as important as certifications and meeting compliance requirements.

4. Vett your supplier

Now that the COVID-19 situation has stabilised a bit, PPE supply and demand is also starting to normalise. That means that though a lot of bad actors and bad suppliers have been weeded out, there are still some out there that are still active. When considering overseas, new or relatively unknown suppliers, watch out for red flags like claims about quality, prices or availability that seems too good to be true. High upfront payments, lack of documentation, or unusual business practices (like asking for payment to be made to overseas intermediary parties) are usually the hallmarks of an unreliable supplier.

It’s also a good idea to check their fulfilment track record. Can they give references from other healthcare orgs that they have supplied? Get in touch with their other customers and get a candid opinion of their performance. Do they have a good success rate of delivering on time and in-budget? Are they responsive? Do they have good customer support?

5. Tap into your network

The medical community in Australia and New Zealand is small and closely connected. Chances are that someone in your network has worked or is currently working with them, and they should be able to give you a clearer picture of their pros and cons. Do take their input with a pinch of salt however: not everyone has the same experience with a given supplier, and this is especially true if there were different product categories involved.


Every healthcare organisation will have highly specific needs from their PPE supplier, so there is one-size-fits-all solution. But you can lower the risk by partnering with reputable PPE suppliers that have a history of serving the ANZ market. 

Get in touch with us today to enquire about our curated range of clinical PPE, critical care, consumables, accessories and devices for healthcare providers. Request a sample to discover how Thermo Fisher’s clinical products can help your staff provide the highest level of care to your patients.

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