GelRed: a safe and sensitive intercalating dye

DNA band visualization of Thermo Scientific DNA Ladders with GelRed
GelRed™ (a trademark of Biotium), closely related to EtBr, is also a safer alternative. It works the same way (higher fluorescence upon binding to DNA), but without the high toxicity. GelRed is increasingly being used by researchers performing agarose gel electrophoresis. It even works for band visualization with our Thermo Scientific DNA ladders and markers.

Get GelRed for your electrophoresis needs


About GelRed

In electrophoresis applications, intercalating dyes are used to visualize DNA bands in agarose gels. These have a very low level of fluorescence when free in solution, but will fluoresce intensely after binding to DNA (i.e. intercalating between the bases of the DNA helix). Originally, ethidium bromide (EtBr) was the first intercalating dye to be used in electrophoresis. Though EtBr conitunes to be used, its mutagenic and carcinogenic properties have resulted in the development of safer dyes. Other EtBr alternatives are variants of SYBR Green (e.g. SYBR Safe or SYBR Gold). SYBR Green is more known for its use in qPCR, but it's also used for staining DNA fragments in agarose gels.

Below we provide some recommendations on how to use GelRed for optimal results:

  1. Do not add GelRed (or other intercalating dyes) directly to the sample because it can inhibit mobility of nucleic acids in the gel.
  2. Instead, to avoid aberrant DNA migration, gel staining should be performed after electrophoresis.