


Thermo Fisher Scientific 為鋼鐵生產過程各環節提供先進的系統和設備,尤其是針對燒結製程測量和控制,協助改善混料不均勻和其他可能導致生產率下降、燒結礦物理和冶金品質下降以及原材料消耗量增加的因素。


Why sinter feed composition control matters

The production of high-quality sinter is crucial for assuring consistent, stable furnace productivity with a low consumption of reductants. Sinter quality begins with the proper selection and mixing of the raw materials. Inhomogeneous raw mix can affect permeability and cause an increase in fuel consumption.

Advanced technology to measure & control sintering process

Sinter feed composition control control is important because various sinter feed materials are not perfectly characterized and their chemical makeup varies within a batch and between batches. 

As the raw feed material chemistry changes, the additive feed rates should be adjusted to smooth out these variations in the sinter strand feed chemistry.

The basicity of sinter feed material is an important parameter in the efficient operation of the sintering and iron making process. Basicity is a calculated chemical parameter composed of the ratio of two or more elements that are known to affect the alkalinity of the material. Stabilization of the basicity of the sinter product delivers benefits not only to the sinter operations but to the downstream iron making process.

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s CB Omni Online Elemental Analyzer can help control the sinter feed basicity and provide a more consistent feed to the sinter strand. The benefits of real-time chemical analysis data provided by the CB Omni analyzer include:

  • More consistent sinter product—improves sinter quality and stabilizes feed to the blast furnace
  • Increased sinter strand and blast furnace throughput due to reduced sinter product variability
  • Decreased return fines lowers material handling costs
  • Reduced load on laboratory, allowing capacity to be used elsewhere without incurring additional costs
  • Net reduction in cost per ton of sinter production

To learn more, read the application note Application of On-line Elemental Analysis for Control of Sinter Feed Basicity



利用為燒結給料應用配置的 Thermo Scientific CB Omni Fusion 線上元素分析儀,獲得鐵礦燒結製程和鼓風爐方面的經濟優勢。化學成分是燒結製程效率最為重要的參數之一。CB Omni 分析儀可線上分析燒結礦原料的化學成分,提供逐分鐘的可靠化學成分資料,以進行鹼性的即時控制。

最佳化從高爐到鍍鋅生產線的各種熱金屬生產製程。Thermo Scientific Prima PRO 製程質譜儀可提供快速、精確而全面的氣體分析,為大型及小型鋼廠一級和二廢氣處理轉換提供依據。


Download steel, mining, and coal apps

This app illustrates the application of Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions across the Integrated Steel plant workflow, from raw material handling to coke plant, sinter plant, blast furnace, hot rolling, cold rolling, coil coating, and lab equipment. Find out how you can leverage these solutions to optimize your steel plant operations.

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This app illustrates the application of Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions across the Integrated Steel plant workflow, from raw material handling to coke plant, sinter plant, blast furnace, hot rolling, cold rolling, coil coating, and lab equipment. Find out how you can leverage these solutions to optimize your steel plant operations.

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CB Omni 分析儀採用瞬發伽瑪中子活化分析 (PGNAA) 或脈衝快熱中子活化 (PFTNA) 來測定散料的化學成分。該方法具有較強的穿透性並可以穿透數公釐的材料進行測量,成為在輸送機皮帶上進行散料即時分析的理想技術。

如要進一步瞭解瞬發伽瑪中子活化分析 (PGNAA) 和脈衝快熱中子活化 (PFTNA),請造訪 PGNAA 和 PFTNA 技術頁面。