Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs)

Simplify antibody drug conjugate analysis characterization and drug-antibody ratio calculations

An antibody drug conjugate (ADC) is a protein — typically a monoclonal antibody (mAb) — covalently bound (conjugated) to a small-molecule drug using an ADC linker. Combining the targeting capabilities of a mAb with a potent cancer-killing drug allows sensitive discrimination between healthy and diseased cells. Development of these biotherapeutics is more difficult than development of mAbs alone due to the potency of the conjugated drug.

Our powerful technologies, including specific UHPLC systems, mass spectrometry, and LC columns designed for detailed ADC characterization, make separation and characterization of these novel molecules easier.

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Drug-antibody ratio (DAR) workflow

Drug antibody ratio workflow

Antibody drug conjugates categories

Hydrophobic interaction chromatography for determining drug load distribution

Separate mAbs and ADCs using Thermo Scientific MAbPac HIC-Butyl HPLC columns. Based on hydrophilic, nonporous, 5μm polymer particles. The latter functionalized with butyl groups. Hydrophilic resin provides excellent biocompatibility and low carryover, while the optimal density of the butyl groups provides high-resolution separation. The MAbPac HIC-Butyl column is one of our first HPLC columns designed and engineered specifically with antibody drug conjugates in mind.

Alternatively, use Thermo Scientific MAbPac SEC-1 Size Exclusion Columns for high-resolution separation of mAb monomers, aggregates and Fab and Fc fragments resulting from proteolysis. These size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) columns provide superior performance, even under non-denaturing conditions, and in high- and low-salt mobile phases and volatile eluents. Perfect for ADCs.

Bio-inert chromatography system - built for biopharma

New Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC System delivers confidence, with a fully bio-compatible flow path and proven compliance. Achieve unprecedented performance in retention time stability, sensitivity and separation efficiency with the widest range of column chemistries for biotherapeutic protein characterization. Gain operational simplicity with easy, freely available, one-click workflows via AppsLab and tool-free Thermo Scientific Viper fittings.

Say goodbye to your QTOF for native ADC mass spectrometry

The new Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer now adds superior denatured and native MS intact analysis and subunit top/middle-down analysis capabilities to the most powerful compact peptide mapping instruments available. High Mass Range (HMR) mode enables increased scanning range up to 8,000 m/z, providing the flexibility to analyze your intact proteins in either denaturing or native MS conditions. Now the gold standard in peptide mapping excels in intact mass analysis too.

Integrated bottom-up analysis and intact mass characterization

Save time and identify more with Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder integrated software. Simple software workflows guide you along the biotherapeutic characterization pathway, providing full coverage including peptide sequence verification and identification of all variants and modifications.

Compliant LC & LC-MS software

Streamline your laboratory workflow using Thermo Scientific Chromeleon 7.3 Chromatography Data System (CDS) software. This software delivers superior instrument control, automated DAR calculation, and data processing for compliant GxP biopharmaceutical ADC manufacturing and QA/QC environments.

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