Find the neural cell culture tools that are right for you

Having the right components for your complete neural cell culture medium is essential to achieving the best cell culture results. To order the optimal media system for your cell type, choose the appropriate tab below.

Neural stem cells and progenitor cells


ApplicationSupplementCat. No.
Proliferation of stem cellsB-27 Supplement, minus Vitamin A12587-010
Differentiation of neural stem cellsB-27 Plus Supplement
CultureOne Supplement
Xeno-free differentiation of stem cellsCTS B-27 Plus Supplement, XenoFreeA1486701
Serum substitute for embryonic neural cellsN-2 Supplement17502-048
Growth and expansion of human and rat NSCsStemPro Neural SupplementA10508-01

Basal media

Optimized cell typeBasal MediaCat. No.
Human neural stem cellsStemPro NSC SFMA1050901
Neural stem cellsKnockOut DMEM/F-12 Medium12660-012


Cell sourceCellsCat. No.
Isolated from the cortex of Sprague-Dawley E14 rats

Rat Fetal Neural Stem Cells

Rat Fetal Neural Stem Cells Kit (includes complete media system)N7744-200
Cryopreserved human neural stem cellsStemPro Neural Stem CellsA15655
Isolated from newborn Sprague-Dawley rat cortexRat Glial Precursor Cells (rGPCs)N7746-100
Derived from H9 human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)Human Dopaminergic Precursor CellsAvailable as custom
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Additional products to support your neural cell culture

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.