GeneArt Plasmid Construction Service

The GeneArt Plasmid Construction Service generates application-specialized plasmids with distinct characteristics quickly and reliably. Using complex cloning strategies when needed, we can help you develop completely customized vectors, and you retain any intellectual property associated with the resulting expression plasmid.

Don’t Settle for Good Enough—Get Exactly What You Need

If the plasmid vector you need is not available, either commercially or through your research network, we can help. The GeneArt™ gene synthesis platform can design plasmid vectors from modular, easily exchangeable fragments encoding regulatory and functional elements or from custom-made elements. These individual “modules” can be obtained via PCR amplification in some cases, or they can be generated synthetically. Synthetic vector elements can be customized to include virtually any known regulatory or functional elements to fit your unique requirements.

vector construction



Plasmids are constructed using our GeneAssembler synthesis platform. This advanced assembly technology can build your vector quickly and reliably. In addition, GeneOptimizer sequence optimization further refines plasmid design, helping to accommodate your design features and achieve maximum expression in your host.

  • Maximum genetic stability in the host organism
  • Minimal vector size
  • Addition/deletion of immune-relevant sequence motifs
  • Optimized cell/tissue-specific promoters
  • Significantly reduced homology to wild type sequences, reducing the risk of homologous recombination events

Tell us about your project for more information and to receive information on pricing and production time.

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments
Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments