Get a master mix you can trust from a leader in qPCR

Optimized real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis enables sensitive and specific quantification of nucleic acids. Reagent selection plays a critical role in any qPCR or RT-qPCR protocol to help ensure optimal performance and reliable results. Set your analysis up for success by choosing an Applied Biosystems real-time PCR master mix or reagent.


Real-time PCR master mixes, sometimes referred to as "mastermixes", "super mixes", or "ready mixes", are concentrated, pre-mixed solutions that contain many components required for a qPCR reaction, including buffer, enzymes, and dNTPs. With over 25 years of experience innovating real-time PCR reagents, Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed optimized master mixes for almost any qPCR workflow. Our reagent product families (TaqMan, TaqPath, and SYBR) offer master mix formulations tailored to meet the unique requirements of different applications, such as gene expression,  genotyping, and pathogen detection.

選購Real-Time PCR 試劑和預混液


要準確偵測及定量目標基因的基因表現,請瀏覽我們推薦、適合基因表現分析的 TaqMan 和 SYBR Green 預混液。


準確高效地分析單核苷酸多態性 (SNPs)、拷貝數變異 (CNV) 和其他基因變異。




查找與 qPCR 預混液相關的產品文獻、常見問答集以及教育材料。


探索更多產品,包括 HRM 預混液、外源對照組、樣品到結果 (sample-to-results) 試劑組、儀器校正和驗證試劑組,以及適合專門開發冷凍乾燥試劑人員的 Lyo-Ready 預混液。

TaqPath 預混液


TaqMan 和 SYBR Green 預混液僅供研究用途。不得用於診斷程序。TaqPath 預混液為一般目的之反應試劑 (general purpose reagents),標記為「僅供實驗室使用 (For Laboratory Use)」。