The hPSC Scorecard Analysis software is an easy-to-use data analysis application that utilizes a proprietary algorithm to rapidly and accurately predict trilineage differentiation potential based on a panel of 94 genes. The software is available at no additional charge to TaqMan hPSC Scorecard assay customers. Simply save your qPCR data from your instrument, sign in to the Life Technologies website, and upload your data into the analysis software.


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What does it do?

Access, report, and share data in minimal time

Because the software is web based, you can securely access and retrieve data anywhere internet access is available. Once logged in, you can build projects and reports from one or from many experiments to quickly share your results with others.

Features of the software include:



A simple-to-interpret summary of gene expression level data that confirms pluripotency or indicate germ layer bias of your sample


Scores Box & Whisker Plot
View samples scores (color) in relation to the range of scores for the undifferentiated reference set (gray).


Heat Map
Colors indicate the fold change in expression relative to the undifferentiated reference set for each gene.


Correlation Plot
See how gene expression levels correlate between samples
  Assay QC
Perform a quick quality control check to make sure your sample amplified as expected
Build customized reports to easily communicate your results with collaborators

Identify lines with trilineage differentiation potential

Include spontaneously, differentiated embryoid body (EB) samples, to quickly determine whether your cell line is biased towards one or more of the three germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm)

Confirm pluripotency with minimal effort

Curious about the quality of your undifferentiated cells? The hPSC Scorecard analysis software not only verifies the appropriate expression of the self-renewal factors, but also detects expression of germ layer-specific genes.

Compare results to a common reference set

The analysis algorithm is based on published work (Bock et al. Cell 144:439–452 (2011)) and was tested against multiple human ES and iPS lines. The cloud-based software allows researchers anywhere in the world to compare their results against the same reference data.

How do I use it?

How do I sign in?

Sign in using your current Life Technologies account information. New users to the site can quickly register by clicking the “Register Now” button on the lower half of the page. Following sign in, you will be instantly redirected to the hPSC Scorecard analysis software.

How do I upload data?

Once you have created your project, simply click “Upload Data” to start using the analysis software.

Will I need to update my software?

No software update is ever required. Since the hPSC Scorecard Analysis software is cloud based, you will have access to the most up-to-date version of the software every time you log-in.

Frequently asked questions

What web browsers are compatible with the analysis software?

The hPSC Scorecard™ analysis software is compatible with the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome™

*Please note the analysis software is not compatible with mobile devices at this time.

I can’t sign-in to my Life Technologies account, what should I do?

Retrieve your username or password using the appropriate links on the sign-in page.

I don’t see anything when I log-in to the analysis software (or pieces are missing), what should I do?

Confirm that you are using a web browser that is compatible with the hPSC Scorecard Analysis software.

My data isn’t being uploaded, what should I do?

The analysis software validates the data file upon import. If your file is not imported (or you receive an error) confirm that you have the correct Instrument and Block type designated in the project window (click the  button).If you are importing data from a 7900HT qRT-PCR system, verify that your .txt file has been exported properly using the step-by-step instructions here.

I would like someone to walk me through using the software

Please contact our specialized technical support team.  Email:

My results don’t look right, what should I do/who should I call?

Please contact our specialized technical support team.  Email: