DNase I Demystified
Description: Answers to some of the questions surrounding this commonly used enzyme
Does Fractionation of Blood Samples Affect mRNA Expression Levels?
Description: An experiment is described that addresses whether blood cell fractionation affects the levels of several key mRNAs expressed in leukocytes.

Getting Intact RNA From LCM Samples
Description: Ambion has optimized the processing and staining of tissues for LCM and offers these suggestions for avoiding pitfalls and obtaining high quality RNA from LCM samples.

High Throughput miRNA Isolation
Description: The MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit combines TRI Reagent Solution and the Ambion MagMAX bead-based technology to recover high-quality RNA ideal for use on microarrays. Now, with a minor protocol modification, miRNAs can be isolated using this kit as well.

Organisms Compatible with the MICROBExpress™ Bacterial mRNA Isolation Kit
Description: A continually updated list of bacteria that can be used with the MICROBExpress™ Kit.

Practical Tips for Handling RNA
Description: Useful tips on phenol extraction, ethanol precipitation, and resolubilization of RNA.

Ribosomal RNA Sizes
Description: A chart of rRNA sizes for human, mouse, xenopus, drosophila, yeast, and tobacco leaf.

RNA Isolation: The Basics
Description: Learn about the many different approaches to RNA isolation in "RNA Isolation: The Basics." This article discusses isolation procedures for both total and poly(A) RNA. It also covers the treatment and handling of tissues or cells prior to RNA isolation and storage of purified RNA, which are also critical for obtaining high-quality RNA.

RNA Yields from Tissues and Cells
Description: RNA content can vary widely between tissues, cell-types, physiological state, etc. This webpage provides general guidelines for estimating RNA yields from a variety of cells and tissues.

The Do's and Don'ts of Total RNA Isolation

Description: Tips from the Bench

The Optimal Thickness of FFPE Sections for miRNA Isolation

Description: Our scientists examine the effect of section thickness (5–40 µm) on miRNA isolation from FFPE tissues.

Tips from the Bench
Does Fractionation of Blood Samples Affect mRNA Expression Levels?
Description: An experiment is described that addresses whether blood cell fractionation affects the levels of several key mRNAs expressed in leukocytes
Tips for Optimizing Bacterial Array Analysis
Description: Advice on the isolation of RNA from bacteria for array analysis, including the use of Ambion's RNAlater™ storage solution, RiboPure™ Bacteria RNA Isolation Kit, MicrobEnrich™ and MicrobExpress™ Kits.

The Use of LiCl Precipitation for RNA Purification - Technical Bulletin #160

Tips from the Bench 7(4)
Description: Is Your DNase RNase-Free?

Top Ten Ways to Improve Your RNA Isolation

Working with RNA - Technical Bulletin #159

Tips & Tricks for Workign with Blood Samples

Nucleic Acid Extraction from FFPE Samples