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Table 12.3 Summary of our LysoTracker and LysoSensor probes.

Cat #ProbeAbs* (nm)Em* (nm)pKa
LysoTracker Probes
L7525LysoTracker Blue DND-22373422ND
L12491LysoTracker Yellow HCK-123465535ND
L7526LysoTracker Green DND-26504511ND
L7528LysoTracker Red DND-99577590ND
L12492LysoTracker Deep Red647688ND
LysoSensor Probes
L7533LysoSensor Blue DND-1673734255.1
L7535LysoSensor Green DND-1894435055.2
L7545LysoSensor Yellow/Blue DND-160384
540 †
440 ‡
L22460LysoSensor Yellow/Blue 10,000 MW dextran381
521 †
452 ‡
* Absorption (Abs) and fluorescence emission (Em) maxima, determined in aqueous buffer or methanol; values may vary somewhat in cellular environments. † At pH 3. ‡ At pH 7; this dye has pH-dependent dual-excitation and dual-emission peaks. ND = Not determined.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.