
The Applied Biosystems AutoMate Express Forensic DNA Extraction System is an easy-to-use, robust benchtop instrument that offers maximum flexibility and utilizes the PrepFiler Express and PrepFiler Express BTA (bone, tooth and adhesive) chemistries packaged in prefilled, foil-sealed cartridges. The PrepFiler kits are specifically designed to improve the quantity and quality of DNA isolated from forensic samples, increasing the ability to obtain maximum information from downstream STR analysis. 

Key features

  • Designed to maximize results in a variety of samples—from high-quantity reference samples to compromised crime scene samples
  • Offers easy set up and reduced hands-on time for faster time-to-result while minimizing the risk of contamination
  • Optimized for the latest generation Applied Biosystems quantification and STR kits to downstream results

The Applied Biosystems AutoMate Express Forensic DNA Extraction System is an easy-to-use, robust benchtop instrument that offers maximum flexibility and utilizes the PrepFiler Express and PrepFiler Express BTA (bone, tooth and adhesive) chemistries packaged in prefilled, foil-sealed cartridges. The ease of instrument setup, minimal handling of sample tubes, and short run time make the AutoMate Express system an ideal instrument to quickly perform unscheduled extractions for expedited cases.

Key features

  • Provides the greatest range of elution volumes on the market, with 7 elution volumes ranging from 20 to 250 μL
  • Designed to achieve maximum yield and overall purity of genomic DNA isolated from both routine and challenging forensic samples
  • Provides high quality DNA, free of PCR inhibitors and suitable for improved downstream genotyping (STR) success rate and profile quality
  • Yields simple and fast separation of substrate from lysate with the unique PrepFiler LySep Column
  • Offers quick and easy run setup with ready-to-use prefilled cartridges
  • Minimizes the risk of contamination with a closed, robust benchtop system
  • Processes 1 to 13 samples in a single run
  • Provides an integrated sample extraction solution that helps save time and increases cost effectiveness, including novel reagents, consumables and automation capabilities validated on Applied Biosystems quantification kits and STR kits

New IC card with variable elution options

  • Unmatched range of elution volumesto help maximize the ability to obtain interpretable STR results
  • Higher elutionvolume for high DNA quantities, such as found in reference samples
  • Lower elutionvolume for lower DNA quantity, such as that found in touch samples
New IC card

Designed for use with a streamlined, easy-to-automate workflow, the Applied Biosystems PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction Kit uses uniquely structured magnetic particles with novel surface chemistry to help enable inhibitor removal, improving the overall yield, concentration and purity of DNA isolated from both routine and challenging forensic samples. This means greater quantities of highly purified DNA for improved downstream success. The kit is available in different kit configurations to meet all your sample throughput needs.

As shown in the figure, the PrepFiler kit components and protocols have been optimized to help maximize performance at each step in the extraction workflow. The PrepFiler Express kits include the innovative Applied Biosystems PrepFiler LySep Column, which helps to streamline substrate separation during the extraction process. PrepFiler Express lysis buffer or PrepFiler Express BTA lysis buffer is added directly into the PrepFiler LySep Column along with the sample for incubation. Next, the PrepFiler LySep Column is centrifuged at a high speed, which permits lysate to flow through the proprietary burstable membrane while the substrate remains behind in the column. The sample tube is then loaded directly into the Applied Biosystems AutoMate Express Forensic DNA Extraction instrument, helping to eliminate the manual lysis and substrate transfer steps, which in turn helps to save time and minimize cross-contamination and sample transposition events.

Highspeed configuration
PrepFiler kits help to optimize the DNA extraction workflow. High-speed centrifugation helps to enable simple and efficient separation of lysate from substrate.

PrepFiler Express kits

The AutoMate Express system utilizes two different configurations of PrepFiler chemistry, which has been specifically designed to improve the quantity and quality of DNA isolated from forensic samples.

The PrepFiler Express Forensic DNA Extraction Kit is suitable for the majority of standard sample types encountered in forensic laboratories such as bodily fluids, on different substrates, including FTA paper, cotton swabs, cotton cloth, denim and many others.

The PrepFiler Express BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit is designed specifically for challenging samples such as bones, teeth and adhesive-based samples, including cigarette butts and tape lifts.

Both formats come with all reagents and plastic components, including the PrepFiler LySep Columns needed to perform 52 DNA extractions on the AutoMate Express instrument. Plastics-only kits are also available in both formats, each including 52 sets of all the plastic components.

PrepFiler manual kits

The PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction Kit is designed for manually extracting and purifying DNA from common forensic sample types, including bodily fluid stains and swabs of body fluids. The PrepFiler BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit has been developed for the extraction of DNA from calcified tissues such as bone and teeth, as well as certain adhesive-containing samples such as cigarette butts, tapelifts and envelope flaps. The kit helps to enable DNA yields and purity comparable to or better than conventional phenol-chloroform–based methods with an approximate processing time of only 2 to 3 hours.

PrepFiler Automated kits

The easy-to-use, magnetic particle technology of the PrepFiler Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit easily adapts to automation on various liquid handling platforms. This kit is intended for automated workflows. 

For Research, Forensic, or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.