GeneArt Plasmid DNA Purification Services

Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is a fundamental component of biological research and therapeutic development for the transfer or expression of genes. When used to directly express genes, it is necessary to scale up production of high-quality, transfection-ready pDNA. GeneArt Plasmid purification services produces pDNA at a range of scales including low-endotoxin preparations suitable for early development and pre-clinical research. All purified plasmids undergo rigorous quality control and include quality assurance documentation.

Why choose GeneArt plasmid DNA purification services

Artistic rendition of plasmid DNA representing GeneArt Plasmid Services where we prepare pDNA for research and pre-clinical applications.

Plasmid DNA purification

An excellent option for scale-up, Thermo Fisher scientists can prepare transfection-ready, research-grade plasmid DNA (pDNA) as well as pre-clinical grade pDNA.

GeneArt Plasmid Services use proven protocols, quality-controlled systems, and reagents and GeneArt facilities are ISO9001:2015 certified. Altogether, this service has demonstrated ability in consistently providing products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Get custom plasmid DNA that is transfection ready

The GeneArt Plasmid Purification process produces highly pure, homogenous pDNA ready for transfection and transformation. GeneArt Plasmid Services offers the following:

  • Extremely low levels of endotoxin: <0.1 EU/µg pDNA in selected scales (generally considered endotoxin-free)
  • Scaleup: microgram to milligram scale production
  • Production in shaker culture
  • Delivery options: liquid or frozen on dry ice
  • Custom aliquoting and tube labeling

Table 1. Options of plasmid DNA purification scales with yields.

Please note: Plasmid purification yields of greater than 1 mg have the option of endotoxin and Bioburden testing.

Plasmid purification scaleTypical yieldsConcentrationRestriction analysisEndotoxin testBioburden testing
Midiprep (50 mL)

~100 µg pDNA (high performing plasmids)

~10 µg pDNA (low performing plasmids)

1 mg/mL

On request:
0.1, 0.5, 2.0, 4.0 mg/mL
Maxiprep* (250 mL)

~500 µg pDNA (high performing plasmids)

~50 µg pDNA (low performing plasmids)

1 mg guaranteed

~1 mg pDNA (high performing plasmids)

~100 µg pDNA (low performing plasmids)

Gigaprep* (2.5 L)

~5mg pDNA (high performing plasmids)

~1 mg DNA (low performing plasmids)

2x Gigaprep* (5 L)

~10mg pDNA (high performing plasmids)

~2 mg DNA (low performing plasmids)


* Prepared with low endotoxin plasmid prep technology.

Documentation and quality control

Plasmid DNA purification specifications and quality control include:

  • Appearance by visual inspection
  • Purity via A260/A280
  • Closed circular construct >85% (visual inspection)
  • TSE-free option available (Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy)
  • Sequence verification of gene of interest
  • Restriction analysis available for larger scales
  • Low endotoxin (larger scales): <100 EU/mL
  • Buffer options: TE, H2O, PBS

Applicable quality control data, based on selected scale and options, provided on the standard Certificate of Analysis (CofA).

Further documentation available upon request:

  • Material documentation—Documentation of gene construction including gene design, cloning strategy, oligo design, chemical and enzymes (provider and Cat. No.), releasing scientist, shipping provider and tracking number. Additional documentation can include a working / SOP list and documentation of releasing scientist.
  • Data storage for material documentation—Storage of all relevant data for material documentation for 10 years. Material documentation report can be requested at any time during these 10 years.

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments