
In about 75 minutes or less, obtain high quality miRNA for sensitive and specific miRNA expression analysis from difficult sample types. Two kit configurations are available, Human Panel A and Human Panel B, which use superparamagnetic Dynabeads® covalently bound to 377 anti-miRNA oligonucleotides for each panel (total 754).

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  • Simple and fast workflow: five simple steps: hybridization of miRNA to beads, three wash steps, and miRNA elution allows miRNA purification in about 75 minutes
  • Range of sample types: purify miRNA from challenging samples, including blood, serum, plasma, FFPE, solid tissues, cultured cells, saliva, or urine
  • Small sample volume required: sample volumes range from 10 µL for blood to 50 µL for serum and plasma
  • Easy removal of inhibitors: easily wash away RT-qPCR inhibitors, commonly found in blood
  • Non-hazardous: no need for hazardous chemicals, such as phenol, chloroform, or guanidine isothiocyanate

Dr. Looijenga discusses microRNA targets and use of TaqMan miRNA ABC Purification kit in his cancer research

Dr. Leendert H.J. Looijenga, of the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, discusses his research focused on DNA, mRNA, miRNA and protein levels to identify the earliest changes in the development of cancer. Learn how Dr. Looijenga uses the TaqMan™ miRNA ABC Purification kit for detection of target miRNA in body fluids.