Your Account Dashboard consolidates order-related information, access to key documents, and personalized shopping tools to facilitate your buying experience.

Save time by making  your Account Dashboard your “go to” for information on orders and favorite shopping tools.

When science clicks

Account dashboard capabilities

Browse and search recent orders

Find a summary of your ten most recent orders sorted by order date or by most recently updated status, including a quick summary of the number of items that have shipped. You can also quickly locate specific items in your order history by using the search bar.

Track your shipments

Manage orders

Order History contains order information for transactions placed either online or through Customer Care. This is where you can retrieve both order documents (such as dispatch notes, proof of delivery and invoices) and product documents (Certificates, Data Sheets). In this area you can also reorder products from order history or a list, start a return or report an issue.

Access quotes

Access invoices

Access multiple Invoices on the Invoice tab located in Order History. Search  by product name, order number, catalog number, PO number or by the last 4 digits of your credit card. Download one or multiple invoices using the checkboxes.

Shared shopping lists

Profile updates and My Collaborators

This area displays your current profile and preferences allowing changes where possible to contact information, shipping/billing addresses and email preferences. Within the navigation, using the My Collaborators function you can identify colleagues who can receive order and tracking information.

Try now

Recurring orders

Researcher discusses online order management with her lab manager

Order lookup

Track shipment