Molecular biology tools

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of nucleic acid modifying enzymes and polymerases. We offer a combination of proprietary as well as generic off-the-shelf enzymes, and can also custom-manufacture on your behalf. We are willing to provide many of these products either in bulk or specially packaged in final form for inclusion in your kits or for use in your services, in a formulation of your choice. Trademark licenses are also available for some of our enzymes that are sold under industry-leading brands. 

Please contact us for more information and to initiate discussion of a license and/or supply agreement.

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For our OEM and commercial-use customers, Thermo Fisher is pleased to offer access to our unique portfolio of nucleic acid–modifying enzymes and polymerases. Enzymes available for inclusion in kits or resale, or for use in your commercial service, include:

Reverse transcriptases

Our reverse transcriptases include the generic M-MLV, MuLV, AMV, and HIV enzymes, as well as our proprietary ArrayScript™, MultiScribe™, ThermoScript™, and SuperScript® I, II, and III enzymes. For a complete list of these enzymes, please see reverse transcriptases and RNA amplification kits.

  • Learn More about reverse transcription and how to choose the optimal reverse transcriptase for your application.

DNA and RNA polymerases

Our portfolio of DNA polymerases includes DNA polymerase I, Klenow fragment, Exo– Klenow, T4 polymerase, and rTth DNA polymerase. Our RNA polymerases include SP6 RNA polymerase, poly(A) polymerase, T3 and T7 RNA polymerases, and RNA Polymerase-Plus™. For a detailed product list, please see DNA and RNA polymerases.

DNA and RNA ligases

We offer high-quality T4 RNA ligase as well as T4 DNA ligase and E. coli DNA ligase, for inclusion in your kits or use in your services. Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and T4 kinase are also available for cloning purposes.

RNase and DNase Inhibitors

We provide a wide range of nuclease inhibitors, each designed to provide value in a specific application. Included are ANTI-RNase and SUPERase.In, RNase Inhibitor, and RNaseOUT™ inhibitors.

RNases and DNases

We offer a complete portfolio of standard nucleases, including RNase A, RNase T1, RNase H, RNase V1, RNase I, RNase III, and cocktails of these enzymes. Our DNases include DNase I, λ Exonuclease, AmpErase® N-uracil deglycosylase (UNG), S1 nuclease, and TURBO™ DNase. Additionally, we would be glad to provide you with rights to our intellectual property related to using UNG in combination with PCR, under appropriate license terms.

PCR enzymes

We provide a broad portfolio of reagents and other tools for use in combination with PCR including amplification enzymes, reverse transcriptases (described above), and others. Please see Nucleic Acid Amplification (link to NA Amplification OEM page) for more information about our full reagent and instrument offering. Our amplification enzymes include several forms of AmpliTaq® and AmpliTaq Gold®  polymerase, SuperTaq™ polymerase, both native and recombinant forms of Taq polymerase, Pfx50™ DNA polymerase, Tfi polymerase, and various AccuPrime™ enzyme formulations, which provide high fidelity and are specialized for use in combination with GC-rich regions. These enzymes can be provided in purified form or in master mixes, for your convenience.

We additionally have certain enzymes that are only made available to our commercial-use customers, under license. Please contact us at if you would like more information about those polymerases.

Restriction enzymes

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of high-quality restriction enzymes for use in your kits or services.

See the complete list of restriction enzymes ›

Enzyme substrates and assays

We can also custom-develop enzyme-based assays for you, and offer a wide range of enzyme substrates plus detection reagents that can be designed to generate colorimetric, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent readouts, to match your desired instrumentation. We can also provide calibration reagents and standards for your assays, including viral and other RNAs and DNAs, prelabeled nucleic acid conjugates, and the like.


The use of animal-free reagents and enzymes minimizes the risk of transmitting viral and bacterial pathogens and prion-based disease. Many of our enzymes can be manufactured using animal-free reagents and methods. Also, by utilizing our cGMP and ISO13485 manufacturing facilities as appropriate, we are able to address the quality standards that are often required by molecular diagnostic kit manufacturers.

Please contact us at to discuss OEM supply and licensing opportunities.

AmpliTaq®, AmpliTaq Gold®, and AmpErase® are registered trademarks of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.