Deliver reliable test results with greater confidence and ease

Our portfolio of software applications aid in the analysis and evaluation of data generated with our MICA, KIR, HLA typing, and antibody detection tests. Assisting with the assignment of typing and antibody detection results, our software further increases testing efficiency.

Software that increases testing efficiency

HistoTrac software

HLA analysis software

HistoTrac services

Streamline data access with our software

HistoTrac software

The HistoTrac software is a widely used tool in transplant laboratories, organ procurement organizations and blood centers for donor and patient management.

HLA analysis software

Our portfolio of software applications aid in the analysis and evaluation of data generated with our MICA, KIR, HLA typing, and Antibody detection tests. Assisting with the assignment of typing and antibody detection results, our software further increases testing efficiency.

HLA Fusion software

Powerful analysis modules are specifically designed to work with One Lambda molecular typing and antibody screening products.

HLA Fusion research software

Used for easy analysis of molecular typing and antibody screening results. Designed to support One Lambda research products.

SureTyper™ (for HLA)

Assess LinkSēq HLA products with this software that is simple, fast, automated, and requires minimal training.

SureTyper™ Blood

Assess LinkSēq blood products with this software that is simple, fast, automated, and requires minimal training.

TypeStream Visual NGS Analysis

Provides automated and streamlined analysis of One Lambda NGS products with a wide range of analytical tools, run statistics and quality metrics to facilitate examination and reinforce decision making.

uTYPE Dx/HLA Sequence Analysis

Used for easy analysis of SeCore HLA sequence-based typing (SBT) products.

Not all products are CE marked or have 510(k) clearance for sale in the U.S. Availability of products in each country depends on local regulatory marketing authorization status.