Pesticide Residues Testing Information

Pesticide residue analysis

Pesticide residues testing has to ensure compliance, with regard to maximum residues levels (MRLs) or tolerance levels of pesticides in foods. Analytical laboratories are expected to detect, quantitate and identify hundreds of different pesticides with diverse physicochemical properties in hundreds of different sample types, and this can be challenging.

Global pesticide regulations are constantly being updated. The most widely recognized legislation comes from the United States, Europe, Japan and China, though there are also policies set by other individual countries.

Start-to-finish workflow solutions—from the initial sample preparation techniques of QuEChERS and solid phase extraction methods, through to the analysis of hundreds of pesticides and their metabolites, targeted and non-targeted by GC-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS—demonstrate how Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions ensure reliable and efficient pesticide residue testing results while still complying with the regulatory requirements.

NEW! Anionic Pesticides Explorer Workflow

Pesticide Explorer Workflow

Pesticide residue workflows with LIMS

LIMS provides full traceability of sample data for auditing compliance in a regulated environment helping food producers rapidly identify and withdraw any potentially contaminated foods. LIMS is used to improve efficiencies, productivity and sample integrity. Click the link below to read the poster on how LIMS can be used in the food safety environment.

 Read the Use of LIMS in Food Safety Testing poster

Pesticides sample preparation techniques

Sample preparation, is a generally used term that is used to transform an original sample into an analytical sample in order for it to be tested. There are several stages involved in order to get from the original sample to the analytical sample. This is especially significant when analysing analysing small quantities of samples in small-scale extraction methods.

Initial sample collection, transportation and storage to avoid cross contamination and potential degradation of residues must be considered. Sample preparation itself is the removal of the parts that should not be included in the analysis, such as soil, stones and bone fragments from the original sample of interest.

Next is a procedure known as sample processing or comminution. This can involve a number of procedures such as cutting, grinding, milling, macerating or mixing, to ensure that the analytical sample is acceptably homogeneous prior to removal of the analytical portion. Once the sample has been prepared the analytes then have to be extracted.

Extraction is the removal of analytes from the sample into the extracting phase, which is usually a solvent. In the case of pesticides residue analysis the most common extraction techniques are QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) and Automated Solvent Extraction (ASE).

Finally, clean-up, which is also incorporated into the QuEChERS technique, is used to remove non-specific matrix co-extractives from the sample.

QuEChERS methods for pesticide analysis

QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) dispersive solid phase extraction (SPE) methods is one of the most common techniques used in modern laboratories offering a convenient and effective approach for extraction and clean-up for multi residue analysis of pesticides and herbicides in food samples such as fruit and vegetables, and other complex matrices such as meat and fish.

The QuEChERS method is a two-step process: extraction followed by clean-up.

There are four variations of the QuEChERS method currently in use:

  1. The original QuEChERS method for non-base sensitive compounds, uses sodium chloride to enhance extraction.
  2. Dispersive techniques, such as the AOAC 2007.01 method, Pesticide Residues in Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate, uses sodium acetate as a buffer, replacing sodium chloride. This method is used for base sensitive compounds.
  3. The European Method, EN15662, is similar to the AOAC method, except the extraction uses sodium chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate and disodium citrate sesquihydrate instead of sodium acetate, as demonstrated in the Pesticide Explorer Collection.

Extraction uses salts and organic solvents to separate the analytes of interest from the food matrix. The Thermo Scientific HyperSep Dispersive SPE extraction products use magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), to aid extraction, along with either sodium chloride, sodium citrate, or anhydrous sodium acetate for base-sensitive compounds, such as folpet or captan. Available in a range of pre-prepared sorbent combinations, each kit contains the required sorbents for optimum extraction of analytes using QuEChERS methods. The organic layer is then subject to clean-up to remove any other interferences such as lipids and organic acids.

HyperSep Dispersive SPE Clean-Up products contain PSA (primary and secondary amine) for the removal of organic acids and polar pigments among other compounds. Some products couple the PSA with endcapped C18 for the removal of most lipids and sterols, or GCB (graphitized carbon black) for the removal of sterols and pigments such as chlorophyll. These are available in a range of pre-prepared sorbent combinations, each containing the necessary sorbents for optimum clean-up of analytes extracted using QuEChERS methods. Once the extracted sample is ‘clean’ it is analysed by gas or liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry.

The Table below demonstrates clean-up sorbent selection depending on matrix type:

Matrix TypeExamplesSorbent Requirements for Clean-Up
General Matrices
  • Apples
  • Cucumbers
  • Melon
Removal of excess water
organic acids, fatty acids, sugar
Fatty Matrices
  • Milk
  • Cereals
  • Fish
MgSO4, PSA, C18
Additional removal of lipids and sterols
Pigmented Matrices
  • Lettuce
  • Carrot
  • Wine
MgSO4, PSA, C18, GCB
Additional removal of pigments and sterols
High Pigmented Matrices
  • Spinach
  • Red Peppers
MgSO4, PSA, C18, GCB, Chlorofiltr™
Additional removal of chlorophyll

For troubleshooting QuEChERS methods:

ProblemCausesRecommended Solutions
Loss of planar pesticidesPresence of GCB may result in a loss of planar compounds
  • Use a product with less GCB
  • Use the Dual Phase QuEChERS product
Loss of acidic compounds e.g. 2,4-D from starting matrixPresense of PSA will extract acidic compounds from matrix
  • Use a product containing magnesium sulfate and C18
Loss of compounds during subsequent analysisSome compounds are unstable and can break down during analysis
  • Use an analyte protectant e.g. toluene or sorbitol
Addition of sample to QuEChERS extraction tube containing sorbet causes an exothermic reactionExothermic reaction between water in sample and magnesium sulfate
  • Add the sample to the tube, then the solvents, then the sorbent materials
Poor recovery of pesticide compoundsSample not in appropriate homogenization state
  • Wrong products used in method
  • Ensure sample is hydrated to 80% or higher
  • Verify nature of pesticides e.g. are base sensitive compounds present

Automated sample extraction for pesticide testing

Automated sample extraction techniques include accelerated solvent extraction, automated solid phase extraction and  automated evaporation.

Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) technique

Accelerated solvent extraction is often used when handling samples with a low water content, such as tea leaves and cereals, and high fat content, such as  oyster tissue. It can also be applied to the analysis of fruit and vegetables, by using a polymer, such as the Dionex™ ASE™ Prep MAP that allows quick and effective water removal.

The technique, ideal for high through-put labs, uses organic acids and aqueous solvents or acids and bases at high temperatures to increase the extraction efficiency of analytes, and high pressures to keep the solvents in a liquid state to extract compounds from solid and semi-solid samples quickly,  using small solvent volume ultimately saving time, solvent, and money, and generating results in a fraction of the time compared to traditional techniques such as  Soxhlet or sonication.

The ASE technique, as described in the US EPA Method 3545a, takes 15–30 minutes and on average uses only 10-30ml of solvent, infiltrating the matrix more effectively so that certain types of incurred residues are extracted more effectively and thus more accurate results may be obtained.

In pesticide residues analysis, the recovery is typically checked by spiking pesticides onto the surface of the sample or even into the extract, as highlighted in the application note,  Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Pesticide Residues in Food Products.

Next, click on step 2, 3 and/or step 4 depending on your preferred analytical instrumentation solution for your pesticide residues application.

For further information on chromatography sample preparation click here.

Featured white paper

Pesticides LC and LC-MS analysis

Food safety is an increasing concern that has resulted in stringent pesticide regulation globally. Food safety regulations require the screening and the quantitation of a large number of pesticides in food at maximum residue levels (MRL’s) generally set in the ppb-ppm range to minimize their possible negative effects on human health.

This has prompted the development of generic and reliable analytical multi-residue methods for the analysis of hundreds of pesticides by chromatography and mass spectrometry, as described in the EU guideline

LC-MS/MS enables highly selective and sensitive quantification and confirmation of hundreds of target pesticides in a single run. This method requires extensive compound-dependent parameter optimization and as such cannot be used to screen for untargeted pesticides.

Using high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) technology, in full scan, MS/MS  or both, it is possible to address these and other challenges faced by pesticides residue testing laboratories. A full scan approach, using HRAM, coupled to ultra-high pressure LC (UHPLC) is ideal for rapid and sensitive screening and detection of targeted and non-targeted LC amenable pesticide residues.

HPLC and UHPLC analytical columns provide solutions for challenging multi residue pesticides analysis, standard C18 reversed phase columns are the column of choice. However, when analysing for polar analytes, as is the case with LC-MS for pesticide residues, an aqueous C18 column is usually used—for example the Accucore aQ.

 Read   The determination of pesticides residues using LC-MS/MS (application note).

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources


The Pesticide Explorer Collection provides start-to-finish LC-MS/MS workflows for pesticide analysis, from sample prep to data analysis, tailored to help food laboratories reduce startup time and cost.

On-demand webinar

Pesticides IC and IC-MS analysis

Ion chromatography (IC) offers targeted analysis and excels in analyzing ionic and polar pesticides, such as glyphosate, glufosinate and chlorate, which are not amenable to common multi-residue gas and liquid chromatography methods.

Developments in technology have enabled the use of IC-MS/MS for pesticide analysis, specifically highly polar pesticides, thermally unstable compounds and low volatility compounds, that are unable to be resolved by GC-MS techniques.

Analytes of interest are typically extracted using the   QuPPe (Quick Polar Pesticides) method. One of the main advantages with IC-MS/MS is that derivatization and multiple extraction steps before analysis are not required.

Find out more in the blog about analyzing polar pesticides including glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide.

In order to obtain sufficient chromatographic retention and acceptable peak shapes, individual extracts are analyzed multiple times using different chromatographic conditions, this however does add to the overall cost of sample analysis. Overall, the use of suppressed ion chromatography coupled to an MS/MS can help to provide a more effective solution to polar pesticide residue analysis.

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources

On demand webinar

Listen to Fera Science Ltd experience, challenges and successes in the development, validation, and implementation of this approach. Learn about the critical aspects for optimization of IC-MS/MS methods for pesticides analysis.

Pesticides GC and GC-MS analysis

GC-MS/MS is by far the most common approach to pesticide residue analysis. One of the main challenges with pesticide residue analysis is the ability to analyze a vast and diverse group of pesticides in a number of matrices, from simple fruits to complex matrices such as herbs, spices and tea, while at the same time having have high throughput, fast turn around and a low cost of analysis .

The benefit of using GC-MS/MS is its ability to evaluate a wide scope of multi analyte residues for pesticides offering good separations for targeted quantitative analysis.

Currently, more than 300 regulated pesticides can be analyzed by this technique. International regulations on the maximum residue levels of pesticides in food (MRLs) cover hundreds of individual  target components at very low maximum residue limits—in the range of 10 ppb or lower, achieved by GC-MS/MS. Baby food, for example is of particular importance because babies are more vulnerable to adverse health effects from these chemicals. Read the application note.

GC-MS/MS HRAM offers full scan targeted and non-targeted acquisition and provides the required sensitivity and selectivity in complex matrices for routine pesticides screening and quantification. It enables the detection and identification of unknown compounds. The use of GC coupled with HRAM offers fast, high-throughput   pesticide residues analysis in baby food samples for example, with an almost unlimited scope in the analysis through full scan acquisition. Quantitative performance is comparable to GC-MS/MS and in compliance with   SANTE/11945/2015 guidelines.

GC columns specifically designed for pesticides analysis allow the separation of compounds of interest, with high performance, sensitivity, and reproducibility.

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources

On-demand webinar

Learn the capabilities and potential application of GC-HRAM technology for the analysis of pesticide residues in QuEChERS extracts of food and validation of the methods in compliance with international criteria.

Data processing

Fully automated chromatography data system (CDS) software is now common place in routine pesticide analysis laboratories. This software allows instrument control, automation, data processing, and more.

CDS unifies the workflows for chromatography and routine quantitative MS analysis. It provides full integration of GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, and IC-MS/MS instruments and analyses can be run from method creation to final reporting.

Read the blog: How to Find the Most Suitable Method for the Analysis of Pesticides.

Data processing for pesticide residue analysis allows for streamlined targeted screening and quantitation for all compound types. An example of data processing software for quantitative and qualitative purposes in pesticide residues testing is shown in   the application note.

Easy access to all necessary information for hundreds of compounds in seconds and allows the transformation of any data from anywhere into a method. It also can be tailored for food safety applications and provides the ability to meet worldwide regulations.

Compound Discoverer Software allows for data analysis for small molecule identification. Researchers are able to strategically collect, organize, store and report data for both targeted and untargeted high resolution analyses.

Featured resources


Run instruments using the same intuitive user interface, with the same methods, and provide results in the same format. Operate any instrument, any time.


Compound databases for SRM and HRAM workflows and the software’s Method Forge™ ensures easy access to hundreds of molecules in seconds. Learn more about TraceFinder software.

Pesticides sample preparation techniques

Sample preparation, is a generally used term that is used to transform an original sample into an analytical sample in order for it to be tested. There are several stages involved in order to get from the original sample to the analytical sample. This is especially significant when analysing analysing small quantities of samples in small-scale extraction methods.

Initial sample collection, transportation and storage to avoid cross contamination and potential degradation of residues must be considered. Sample preparation itself is the removal of the parts that should not be included in the analysis, such as soil, stones and bone fragments from the original sample of interest.

Next is a procedure known as sample processing or comminution. This can involve a number of procedures such as cutting, grinding, milling, macerating or mixing, to ensure that the analytical sample is acceptably homogeneous prior to removal of the analytical portion. Once the sample has been prepared the analytes then have to be extracted.

Extraction is the removal of analytes from the sample into the extracting phase, which is usually a solvent. In the case of pesticides residue analysis the most common extraction techniques are QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) and Automated Solvent Extraction (ASE).

Finally, clean-up, which is also incorporated into the QuEChERS technique, is used to remove non-specific matrix co-extractives from the sample.

QuEChERS methods for pesticide analysis

QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) dispersive solid phase extraction (SPE) methods is one of the most common techniques used in modern laboratories offering a convenient and effective approach for extraction and clean-up for multi residue analysis of pesticides and herbicides in food samples such as fruit and vegetables, and other complex matrices such as meat and fish.

The QuEChERS method is a two-step process: extraction followed by clean-up.

There are four variations of the QuEChERS method currently in use:

  1. The original QuEChERS method for non-base sensitive compounds, uses sodium chloride to enhance extraction.
  2. Dispersive techniques, such as the AOAC 2007.01 method, Pesticide Residues in Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate, uses sodium acetate as a buffer, replacing sodium chloride. This method is used for base sensitive compounds.
  3. The European Method, EN15662, is similar to the AOAC method, except the extraction uses sodium chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate and disodium citrate sesquihydrate instead of sodium acetate, as demonstrated in the Pesticide Explorer Collection.

Extraction uses salts and organic solvents to separate the analytes of interest from the food matrix. The Thermo Scientific HyperSep Dispersive SPE extraction products use magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), to aid extraction, along with either sodium chloride, sodium citrate, or anhydrous sodium acetate for base-sensitive compounds, such as folpet or captan. Available in a range of pre-prepared sorbent combinations, each kit contains the required sorbents for optimum extraction of analytes using QuEChERS methods. The organic layer is then subject to clean-up to remove any other interferences such as lipids and organic acids.

HyperSep Dispersive SPE Clean-Up products contain PSA (primary and secondary amine) for the removal of organic acids and polar pigments among other compounds. Some products couple the PSA with endcapped C18 for the removal of most lipids and sterols, or GCB (graphitized carbon black) for the removal of sterols and pigments such as chlorophyll. These are available in a range of pre-prepared sorbent combinations, each containing the necessary sorbents for optimum clean-up of analytes extracted using QuEChERS methods. Once the extracted sample is ‘clean’ it is analysed by gas or liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry.

The Table below demonstrates clean-up sorbent selection depending on matrix type:

Matrix TypeExamplesSorbent Requirements for Clean-Up
General Matrices
  • Apples
  • Cucumbers
  • Melon
Removal of excess water
organic acids, fatty acids, sugar
Fatty Matrices
  • Milk
  • Cereals
  • Fish
MgSO4, PSA, C18
Additional removal of lipids and sterols
Pigmented Matrices
  • Lettuce
  • Carrot
  • Wine
MgSO4, PSA, C18, GCB
Additional removal of pigments and sterols
High Pigmented Matrices
  • Spinach
  • Red Peppers
MgSO4, PSA, C18, GCB, Chlorofiltr™
Additional removal of chlorophyll

For troubleshooting QuEChERS methods:

ProblemCausesRecommended Solutions
Loss of planar pesticidesPresence of GCB may result in a loss of planar compounds
  • Use a product with less GCB
  • Use the Dual Phase QuEChERS product
Loss of acidic compounds e.g. 2,4-D from starting matrixPresense of PSA will extract acidic compounds from matrix
  • Use a product containing magnesium sulfate and C18
Loss of compounds during subsequent analysisSome compounds are unstable and can break down during analysis
  • Use an analyte protectant e.g. toluene or sorbitol
Addition of sample to QuEChERS extraction tube containing sorbet causes an exothermic reactionExothermic reaction between water in sample and magnesium sulfate
  • Add the sample to the tube, then the solvents, then the sorbent materials
Poor recovery of pesticide compoundsSample not in appropriate homogenization state
  • Wrong products used in method
  • Ensure sample is hydrated to 80% or higher
  • Verify nature of pesticides e.g. are base sensitive compounds present

Automated sample extraction for pesticide testing

Automated sample extraction techniques include accelerated solvent extraction, automated solid phase extraction and  automated evaporation.

Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) technique

Accelerated solvent extraction is often used when handling samples with a low water content, such as tea leaves and cereals, and high fat content, such as  oyster tissue. It can also be applied to the analysis of fruit and vegetables, by using a polymer, such as the Dionex™ ASE™ Prep MAP that allows quick and effective water removal.

The technique, ideal for high through-put labs, uses organic acids and aqueous solvents or acids and bases at high temperatures to increase the extraction efficiency of analytes, and high pressures to keep the solvents in a liquid state to extract compounds from solid and semi-solid samples quickly,  using small solvent volume ultimately saving time, solvent, and money, and generating results in a fraction of the time compared to traditional techniques such as  Soxhlet or sonication.

The ASE technique, as described in the US EPA Method 3545a, takes 15–30 minutes and on average uses only 10-30ml of solvent, infiltrating the matrix more effectively so that certain types of incurred residues are extracted more effectively and thus more accurate results may be obtained.

In pesticide residues analysis, the recovery is typically checked by spiking pesticides onto the surface of the sample or even into the extract, as highlighted in the application note,  Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Pesticide Residues in Food Products.

Next, click on step 2, 3 and/or step 4 depending on your preferred analytical instrumentation solution for your pesticide residues application.

For further information on chromatography sample preparation click here.

Featured white paper

Pesticides LC and LC-MS analysis

Food safety is an increasing concern that has resulted in stringent pesticide regulation globally. Food safety regulations require the screening and the quantitation of a large number of pesticides in food at maximum residue levels (MRL’s) generally set in the ppb-ppm range to minimize their possible negative effects on human health.

This has prompted the development of generic and reliable analytical multi-residue methods for the analysis of hundreds of pesticides by chromatography and mass spectrometry, as described in the EU guideline

LC-MS/MS enables highly selective and sensitive quantification and confirmation of hundreds of target pesticides in a single run. This method requires extensive compound-dependent parameter optimization and as such cannot be used to screen for untargeted pesticides.

Using high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) technology, in full scan, MS/MS  or both, it is possible to address these and other challenges faced by pesticides residue testing laboratories. A full scan approach, using HRAM, coupled to ultra-high pressure LC (UHPLC) is ideal for rapid and sensitive screening and detection of targeted and non-targeted LC amenable pesticide residues.

HPLC and UHPLC analytical columns provide solutions for challenging multi residue pesticides analysis, standard C18 reversed phase columns are the column of choice. However, when analysing for polar analytes, as is the case with LC-MS for pesticide residues, an aqueous C18 column is usually used—for example the Accucore aQ.

 Read   The determination of pesticides residues using LC-MS/MS (application note).

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources


The Pesticide Explorer Collection provides start-to-finish LC-MS/MS workflows for pesticide analysis, from sample prep to data analysis, tailored to help food laboratories reduce startup time and cost.

On-demand webinar

Pesticides IC and IC-MS analysis

Ion chromatography (IC) offers targeted analysis and excels in analyzing ionic and polar pesticides, such as glyphosate, glufosinate and chlorate, which are not amenable to common multi-residue gas and liquid chromatography methods.

Developments in technology have enabled the use of IC-MS/MS for pesticide analysis, specifically highly polar pesticides, thermally unstable compounds and low volatility compounds, that are unable to be resolved by GC-MS techniques.

Analytes of interest are typically extracted using the   QuPPe (Quick Polar Pesticides) method. One of the main advantages with IC-MS/MS is that derivatization and multiple extraction steps before analysis are not required.

Find out more in the blog about analyzing polar pesticides including glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide.

In order to obtain sufficient chromatographic retention and acceptable peak shapes, individual extracts are analyzed multiple times using different chromatographic conditions, this however does add to the overall cost of sample analysis. Overall, the use of suppressed ion chromatography coupled to an MS/MS can help to provide a more effective solution to polar pesticide residue analysis.

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources

On demand webinar

Listen to Fera Science Ltd experience, challenges and successes in the development, validation, and implementation of this approach. Learn about the critical aspects for optimization of IC-MS/MS methods for pesticides analysis.

Pesticides GC and GC-MS analysis

GC-MS/MS is by far the most common approach to pesticide residue analysis. One of the main challenges with pesticide residue analysis is the ability to analyze a vast and diverse group of pesticides in a number of matrices, from simple fruits to complex matrices such as herbs, spices and tea, while at the same time having have high throughput, fast turn around and a low cost of analysis .

The benefit of using GC-MS/MS is its ability to evaluate a wide scope of multi analyte residues for pesticides offering good separations for targeted quantitative analysis.

Currently, more than 300 regulated pesticides can be analyzed by this technique. International regulations on the maximum residue levels of pesticides in food (MRLs) cover hundreds of individual  target components at very low maximum residue limits—in the range of 10 ppb or lower, achieved by GC-MS/MS. Baby food, for example is of particular importance because babies are more vulnerable to adverse health effects from these chemicals. Read the application note.

GC-MS/MS HRAM offers full scan targeted and non-targeted acquisition and provides the required sensitivity and selectivity in complex matrices for routine pesticides screening and quantification. It enables the detection and identification of unknown compounds. The use of GC coupled with HRAM offers fast, high-throughput   pesticide residues analysis in baby food samples for example, with an almost unlimited scope in the analysis through full scan acquisition. Quantitative performance is comparable to GC-MS/MS and in compliance with   SANTE/11945/2015 guidelines.

GC columns specifically designed for pesticides analysis allow the separation of compounds of interest, with high performance, sensitivity, and reproducibility.

Click on Step 5, Data processing, to discover how to analyze your data.

Featured resources

On-demand webinar

Learn the capabilities and potential application of GC-HRAM technology for the analysis of pesticide residues in QuEChERS extracts of food and validation of the methods in compliance with international criteria.

Data processing

Fully automated chromatography data system (CDS) software is now common place in routine pesticide analysis laboratories. This software allows instrument control, automation, data processing, and more.

CDS unifies the workflows for chromatography and routine quantitative MS analysis. It provides full integration of GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, and IC-MS/MS instruments and analyses can be run from method creation to final reporting.

Read the blog: How to Find the Most Suitable Method for the Analysis of Pesticides.

Data processing for pesticide residue analysis allows for streamlined targeted screening and quantitation for all compound types. An example of data processing software for quantitative and qualitative purposes in pesticide residues testing is shown in   the application note.

Easy access to all necessary information for hundreds of compounds in seconds and allows the transformation of any data from anywhere into a method. It also can be tailored for food safety applications and provides the ability to meet worldwide regulations.

Compound Discoverer Software allows for data analysis for small molecule identification. Researchers are able to strategically collect, organize, store and report data for both targeted and untargeted high resolution analyses.

Featured resources


Run instruments using the same intuitive user interface, with the same methods, and provide results in the same format. Operate any instrument, any time.


Compound databases for SRM and HRAM workflows and the software’s Method Forge™ ensures easy access to hundreds of molecules in seconds. Learn more about TraceFinder software.

Search all pesticide residues testing resources

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Resource Number
eBookFood Safety Residue Testing using Mass SpectrometryVariousEB72890
Application NoteUse of Dual Channel Chromatography to Increase the Productivity of the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in FoodLC MSAN73959
Application BriefExtraction of Organochlorine Pesticides from Oyster Tissue Using Accelerated Solvent ExtractionSample PreparationAB152
Application NotePesticide Residues Screening and Quantitation Analysis in Olive Oil using an Orbitrap Exploris 240 HRMSSample PreparationAN65901
Application NoteA Sensitive and Robust Analytical Solution for Pesticide Residues Analysis in Apple using GC-(AEI)-MS/MSGC-MSAN65609
Application NoteAutomated Micro-SPE Clean-up for GC-MS/MS Analysis of Pesticide Residues in CerealsGC-MSAN65906
Application NoteScreening and Quantification of Pesticide Residues in Potato using GC-Orbitrap MSGC-MSAN10726
Application NoteLarge Scale Screening and Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in Rice Using GC-(EI)-MS/MSGC-MSAN72952
Application NoteTrace Level Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in High Water Content Vegetable using LC-(H-ESI)-MS/MGC-MSAN65606
Application NoteTA Multiresidue Method for Pesticide Profiling using an Orbitrap Tribrid Mass SpectrometerGC-MSAN65722
Application NoteDevelopment and Validation of Single Residue Method for Dithianon in Apple and Apple Joice Using LC-MS/MSLC-MSAN72953
Application NoteFast Analysis of Multi-class Pesticides Panel in Wine using Single Run LC-triple Quadrupole Mass SpectrometryLC-MSAN-73245
Application NoteDetermination of Anionic Polar Pesticides and Oxyhalides In Beer and Strawberry Samples Using IC-HRAM-MSIC-MSAN72765
Application NoteDetermination of Cationic Polar Pesticides in Homogenized Fruit and Vegetable Samples Using IC-HRAM MSIC-MSAN72908
Application NoteDetermination of Polar Pesticides in Grapes using a Compact Ion Chromatography System Coupled with Tandem Mass SpectrometryIC-MSAN72915
Application NoteFast Screening, Identification, and Quantification of Pesticide Residues in Baby Food Using GC Orbitrap MS Technology GC and GC-MSAN10449
Application NoteThree-fold Increase in Productivity for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Baby Food Using Fast Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MSGC and GC-MSAN10432
Application NoteTrace Determination of Organo-Phosphorous Pesticides in Olive Oil by GC AnalysisGC and GC-MSAN10049
Application NoteAnalysis of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides by GC-MSGC and GC-MSAN10333
Application NoteRapid Analysis of Pesticides in Difficult Matrices Using GC/MS/MSGC and GC-MSAN51880
Application NoteRapid analysis of 303 Pesticide Residues in Green Bean Using Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MSGC and GC-MSAN52022
Application NoteHigh Sensitive MID Detection Method for Toxaphenes by High Resolution GC/MSGC and GC-MSAN30128
Application NoteFast Multi-residue Pesticide Analysis using Triple Quad GC-MS/MSGC and GC-MSAN10263
Application NoteFast GC-MS/MS for High Throughput Pesticides AnalysisGC and GC-MSAN52027
Application NoteMulti-residue Pesticide Screening in Cereals using GC-Orbitrap Mass SpectrometryGC and GC-MSAN10541
Application NotePesticide residues screening analysis in tea and honey using a Q Exactive Focus High Resolution Mass SpectrometerGC and GC-MSAN64938
Application NoteRoutine analysis of polar pesticides in water at low ng/L levels by ion chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometerIC and IC-MSAN64945
Application NoteAnalysis of Triazines Using a Accucore XL C8 4 µm HPLC ColumnLC and LC-MSAN20541
Application NoteUHPLC Separation of Triazine Herbicides at Elevated TemperatureLC and LC-MSAN453
Application NoteSeparation of Eighteen Pesticides using Accucore RP-MS HPLC ColumnLC and LC-MSANCCSCETHERBS
Application NoteSeparation of Urea Herbicides using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC ColumnLC and LC-MSANCCSCETHERB
Application NoteAnalysis of Triazine Pesticides using a Core Enhanced Technology Accucore HPLC ColumnLC and LC-MSANCCSCETPEST
Application NoteQuantitative and Qualitative Confirmation of Pesticides in Beet Extract Using a Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass SpectrometerLC and LC-MSAN617
Application NoteFast and Ultrafast LC-MS/MS Methods for Robust and Reliable Analysis of Pesticides in Food Using the Vanquish UHPLC SystemLC and LC-MSAN1138
Application NoteFast Routine Analysis of Polar Pesticides in Foods by Suppressed Ion Chromatography and Mass SpectrometryIC and IC-MSAN64868
Application NoteRobust LC-MS Analysis of Pesticides with 1.0mm i.d. Column Using the Vanquish Horizon UHPLC SystemLC and LC-MSAN72162
Application NoteIncreasing Translational Proteomics Workflow Efficiency: Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography with pSMART Data Acquisition and ProcessingLC and LC-MSAN64581
Application NoteSensitive and selective analysis of fipronil residues in eggs using GC-MS/MS triple quadrupoleGC-MSAN10575
Application NoteLarge-Scale Screening and Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in Milk using GC-(EI)-MS/MSGC and GC-MSAN73039
Application NoteTrace-Level Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in Red Chili Powder using LC-(HESI)-MS/MSLC-MSAN73016
Application NoteTrace Level Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in Fresh Fruits using LC-MS/MSLC-MSAN73021
Application NoteIncreasing Throughput of the LC-MS Analysis of Pesticide Residues in FoodLC-MSAN73959
Application NotebookFood Safety Applications Notebook: Agricultural Chemical ContaminantsSample PreparationAN-LPN3036
Application NotebookAccelerated Solvent Extraction Environmental Applications Summary Notebook: Pesticides, Chlorinated Compounds, POPsSample PreparationAI70318
Application NotebookFood Safety Applications Notebook: Agricultural Chemical ContaminantsLC and LC-MSANLPN3036
ArticleExtraction and Measurement of GC-Amenable Pesticides in Difficult MatricesGC-MS-
ArticleOrbitrap GC-MS for Quantitative and Qualitative Multi-residue Analysis of PesticidesGC-MS-
ArticlePesticide Residues in Fruits and VegetablesLC-MS-
ArticleMulti-residue analysis of pesticides by GC-HRMSGC-MS-
ArticleThe Role of Ion Chromatography in Food Safety LaboratoriesIC-MS-
ArticleScreening and Targeted Routine Quantitation of Pesticide Residues in Food ProductsLC-MS-
ArticleGC-Orbitrap MS Technology for Pesticides AnalysisGC-MS-
BrochureFinding ANSWERS before you even know the questions.GC and GC-MSBR90159
BrochureScoprire LE RISPOSTE ancor prima di conoscere le domandeGC and GC-MSBR90159
BrochureEncontrar RESPUESTAS antes de incluso saber las preguntasGC and GC-MSBR90159
BrochureTrouver LES RÉPONSES avant même que vous ne vous posiez les questionsGC and GC-MSBR90159
BrochureWir beantworten FRAGEN, die Sie noch gar nicht kennenGC and GC-MSBR90159
eBookAdvancing the Analysis of Pesticides and Other Chemical ResiduesWorkflow 
InfographicPesticide Residue Testing Infographic – The Future Starts HereGC and GC-MSXX72032
PosterMulti-Residue Pesticides Analysis in Herbal Tea Products by GC-MS/MSGC and GC-MS 
Poster NoteBroad Scope Pesticide Screening in Food Using Triple Quadrupole GC-MSGC and GC-MSASMS13
Poster NoteAnalysis of Pesticide Residue in Green Tea Extracted by QuEChERS with Acetonitrile as Final SolventGC and GC-MSPN10391
Technical GuideValidation of the Method for Determination of Pesticide Residues by Gas Chromatography – Triple-Stage Quadrupole Mass SpectrometryGC and GC-MSTG63899
Technical GuideDetermination of Carbendazim and Benomyl Residues in Oranges and Orange Juice by Automated Online Sample Preparation Using TLX-LC-MS/MSLC and LC-MSTG52292
Technical NoteAnalysis of Pesticide Residues in Lettuce Using a Modified QuEChERS Extraction Technique and Single Quadrupole GC/MSSample PreparationTN10222
Technical NoteMulti-residue Pesticide Analysis in Onion by a Modified QuEChERS Extraction and Ion Trap GC/MSn AnalysisSample PreparationTN10238
Technical NoteMulti-residue Pesticide Analysis in Rice by a Modified QuEChERS Extraction and Ion Trap GC/MSn AnalysisSample PreparationTN10239
Technical NoteSimplifying Complex Multi-Residue Pesticide Methodology in GC-MS/MSGC-MSTN10319
Technical NoteMulti-residue Pesticide Analysis in Green Tea by a Modified QuEChERS Extraction and Ion Trap GC/MSn AnalysisGC and GC-MSTN10295
PosterAn Assessment of GC Orbitrap MS An Assessment of GC Orbitrap MS Technology for the Screening and Quantification of Pesticide Residues in FoodGC and GC-MSPO10512
CompendiumApplication Note Summaries for Pesticide AnalysisGC-MS and LC-MS-
ArticlePerspectives on Liquid Chromatography-High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Pesticide Screening in Foods.LC and LC-MS-
ArticleA strategy for untargeted screening of macrolides and metabolites in bass by liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole orbitrap mass spectrometry.LC and LC-MS-
ArticleDevelopment and Validation of a Qualitative Method for Target Screening of 448 Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables Using UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap Based on Data-Independent Acquisition and Compound Database.LC and LC-MS-
ArticleUltra-Low Level Pesticide Residues Analysis Using a New State-of-the-Art Enhanced Sensitivity GC-MS/MS System.GC-MS-
Technical NoteEvaluation of cationic quaternary amines by ion chromatography and mass spectroscopy (IC-MS)GC-MStn-001900

Listen to Ann-Kathrin Wachtler of CVUA Stuttgart, discuss her EU reference laboratory's approach to polar pesticide analysis and why they made the switch from HPLC to IC-MS.



