Carbohydrate Testing Information

Affecting taste and nutrition

The determination of the types and concentrations of carbohydrates in foods is integral for energy evaluation, nutritional labeling, quality control, and for identifying possible adulteration. We've consolidated the application notes you need on a range of topics, including corn syrup, dietary fiber, lactose and lactulose, maltodextrins, sialic acids and simple carbohydrates.

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Profiling Fructooligosaccharide Containing Samples by HPAE-PAD

Prebiotics are non-digestible ingredients that beneficially affect human health by selectively stimulating the growth of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon. Food ingredients that meet this definition are water-soluble carbohydrates such as fructooligosaccharides and insulin.

Quick and Easy Testing for a Finnish Confectionary

In 1993, Fazer acquired the Chymos factory in Lappeenranta which used to manufacture jam, liqueur, and baby food. With 12 production lines and about 300 people, they produce candies over three shifts. At busy times of the year they may run up to five production shifts.

Complete Solution for Testing Sugars in Wine and Juice

Grape juice is composed of 70-80% water, 20% carbohydrates, and 1% organic acids, phenolics, vitamins, minerals, and nitrogenous compounds. Finished wine has a similar composition, but contains much lower levels of sugar, 8-14% alcohol, and a range of minor components.

Chromatography for Foods and Beverages: Carbohydrates Analysis Applications Notebook

Carbohydrates are important food components affecting taste and nutrition. The determination of the types and concentrations of carbohydrates in foods is integral for energy evaluation, nutritional labeling, quality control, and for identifying possible adulteration. 

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Resource Number
Application NoteDetermination of Carbohydrates in Fruit Juice Using Capillary HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyAB127
Application NoteProfiling Galactosyloligosaccharide Containing Samples by High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD)Ion ChromatographyAN1151
Application NoteDetermination of Plant-Derived Natural Oligo- and PolysaccharidesIon ChromatographyAN67
Application NoteAnalysis of Fruit Juice Adulterated with Medium Invert SugarIon ChromatographyAN82
Application NoteDetermination of Trans-Galactooligosaccharides in Foods by AOAC Method 2001.02Ion ChromatographyAN155
Application NoteDetermination of Lactose in Lactose-Free Milk Products by HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyAN248
Application NoteHPAE-PAD Determination of Infant Formula Sialic AcidsIon ChromatographyAN253
Application NoteCarbohydrate in Coffee: AOAC Method 995.12 vs a New Fast Ion Chromatography MethodIon ChromatographyAN280
Application NoteDetermination of Sialic Acids Using UHPLC with Fluorescence DetectionLiquid ChromatographyAN266
Application NotebookCarbohydrate Analysis with High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric DetectionIon ChromatographyAI71132
Application NotebookCarbohydrates Analysis -Novel, Selective, Sensitive Analytical MethodsIon ChromatographyAI71469
Application UpdateMeasuring Lactose in Milk: A Validated MethodIon ChromatographyAU182
BrochureComplete Solution for Testing Sugars in Wine and Juice with Automated Discrete Analyzers, System Reagent Kits and Standard SolutionsDiscrete AnalysisBR71488
BrochureCarbohydrate Analysis with HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyBR52119
Case StudyQuick and Easy Testing for a Finnish ConfectionaryDiscrete AnalysisCS70816
Technical NoteDeterminations of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides in Beverages by Capillary HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyTN135
WebinarBiochemistry of Carbohydrates (Education Webinar)Additional Techniques 
Application UpdateDetermination of Plant-Derived Neutral Oligo- and PolysaccharidesIon ChromatographyAU150
Application NoteProfiling Fructooligosaccharide containing Samples by HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyAN1149
White PaperSimplifying Carbohydrate Testing to Meet Food Quality and Labeling Requirements Using Ion Chromatography and Pulsed Amperometric DetectionIon ChromatographyWB71806
ArticleSugar Analysis Document: Thermo Fisher Scientific on challenges in sugar analysesIon Chromatography 
White PaperInnovations in Carbohydrate AnalysisAdditional TechniquesWP72985
White PaperCarbohydrate Analysis of Agave Syrup using HPAE-PADAdditional TechniquesAN73132
Application NoteProfiling Galactosyloligosaccharide-Containing Samples by High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD)Ion ChromatographyAN71993
Application NoteRapid analysis of natural sweeteners found in food and beverages using an advanced UHPLC systemLiquid ChromatographyAN21674
FlyerThe Ideal Solution for Simple Sugar AnalysisIon ChromatographyST71896
Customer application noteSugars in Honey Using HPAE-PAD: What is the Best Column? CAN72039
Application NoteEasy and Sensitive Method for Sorbitol Determination in Food Products AN-73905
InfographicSugar Analysis  
Product SpotlightDual EGC – A Simple Solution for Complex Carbohydrate AnalysisDual EGCSP72566
Application BriefSimple Method for Determination of Food Additives E953 and E965ChromatographyAN000046
Application NoteDetermination of carbohydrates in peanuts by HPAE-PADIon ChromatographyAN002394

