Gloved hand holding glassware with water

The TECTA™ system is an automated microbiological platform that uses patented polymer partition technology to rapidly and reliably detect E. coli, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and Enterococci contamination.

Available for testing 4 or 16 samples, this platform is simple, sensitive, and flexible, allowing for testing of samples at any time of the day. The TECTA system will automatically transmit data, allowing for immediate notification on electronic devices such as mobile phones or laptops, as soon as a contamination event is detected.

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The TECTA system is a self-contained “lab in a box” for microbial testing that can be used with just 3 simple steps: add sample, load the cartridge, and press start. Two instrument configurations are available: the TECTA model B4 houses four incubation chambers whilst the TECTA model B16 houses sixteen. Each chamber is equipped with a built-in spectrometer that is able to actively read and interpret test results.

Depending on the level of contamination, positive results can be obtained in as little as two hours and confirmed negative within 18–24 hours. Both models are network enabled to facilitate notification of results directly to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

 TECTA™ B16 V2 Automated microbiology detectorTECTA™ B4 Automated microbiology detector
DescriptionTECTA™ B16 V2
Automated microbiology detector
Automated microbiology detector
Samples per run164
Independent heat pads41
Temperature combinations35.0°C
Pathogen detection kits available44
Number of different detection kits that can be run simultaneouslyUp to 3Up to 2
Standalone readerYesYes

Both the TECTA B4 and TECTA B16 systems are also able to function as an end point “present/absent” readers, facilitating high-throughput processing of samples that are incubated in an independent incubator.

TECTA technology is based on a semi-automated culture method which employs enzyme-mediated florescence combined with a patented polymer partition technology that extracts hydrophobic fluorescent product from water. The culture conditions and detection enzyme selection are based on reference methods ensuring compliance with industry standards including AOAC.

The combination of these technologies enables sensitive, species-specific bacterial detection and quantitative enumeration with real-time sample analysis read by the built-in spectrometer and analysis software. The polymer partitions facilitate detection independent of turbidity whilst offering a large dynamic range of <1 to >108 CFU in 100 mL, without requirement for sample dilution.

The system is designed for ease of use with minimal sample preparation. Performing the incubation on the TECTA system allows for presence/absence interpretation and quantitative analysis of samples.

The TECTA system has been optimised to test environmental water, waste water, wash water, potable water, and food samples for E. coli, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and Enterococci contamination. The TECTAlert cartridge is a direct-to-test cartridge, pre-filled with media and reagents (48 tests/box), ready for 100 mL of sample.

Cartridges for TECTA Rapid Automated Microbial Detection System
  • No media preparation
  • No filtration
  • Single-use cartridge (no clean up)
  • Shelf life of 15 months from date of manufacture
  • Additional tests under development

Specifications for TECTA cartridges

Bacterial species detectedE. coliFecal coliformTotal coliform &E. coliEnterococcus
Incubation temperature41.5 +/- 0.5°C44.5+/- 0.5°C35.0 +/- 0.5°C41.5 +/- 0.5°C
< 1 CFU/100 mLWithin 16 hrsWithin 18 hrsWithin 18 hrsWithin 24 hrs
100 CFU/100 mLWithin 9 hrsWithin 10 hrsWithin 12 hrsWithin 12 hrs
1,000 CFU/100 mLWithin 8 hrsWithin 9 hrsWithin 11 hrsWithin 10 hrs
10⁶ CFU/100 mLWithin 4 hrsWithin 5 hrsWithin 7 hrsWithin 4 hrs
Detection enzymeβ-glucuronidaseβ-galactosidaseβ-glucuronidase

On-instrument semi-quantitative procedure (2–24 hours):

  • Pour 100 mL of sample into TECTAlert cartridge (up to 100 mL fill line).
  • Swirl cartridge for up to 2 minutes to dissolve reagents in cartridge. Optionally, use Thermo Scientific Compact Digital Mini Rotator with universal platform and attachment to swirl up to 12 cartridges, simultaneously.
  • Select correct TECTAlert test on the menu of the TECTA system, to set the correct incubation temperature and analysis parameters.
  • Load cartridge into TECTA instrument and close the instrument lid to commence the test.

In high-throughput laboratories, the technology can be employed for presence/absence testing, with off-instrument incubation, with detection and interpretation on the TECTA system. High-throughput procedure (18–24 hours):

  • Pour 100 mL of sample into TECTAlert cartridge (up to 100 mL fill line) for your pathogen of choice.
  • Swirl cartridge for up to 2 minutes to dissolve reagents in cartridge. It is recommended for high-throughput to use Thermo Scientific Compact Digital Mini Rotator with the universal platform and attachment to swirl the cartridges.
  • Place cartridge in an incubator at appropriate temperature and incubate for 18–24 hours as per incubation instructions for each cartridge.
  • Load cartridge into the TECTA instrument and close the lid to read.

The TECTA B16 system was the first automated microbiological testing system to have been approved by U.S. EPA for microbiological regulatory compliance testing required under the national primary drinking water regulations that are part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, including the Total Coliform Rule, the Revised Total Coliform Rule, and the Groundwater Rule. The TECTA technology has been demonstrated to be equivalent to U.S. EPA and the U.S. FDA-BAM standard methods and is an AOAC-approved method for selected food and beverage applications.

Tanker truck being filled with water from pipe

Source water

The TECTA system provides valuable early raw water intelligence, enabling more efficient management decisions for treatment from a range of water sources including tap water, well water, lake water, and bottled water (high and low mineral content). Due to its tolerance to turbidity, it can be performed at early stages of the water treatment process to accelerate the processing and release of potable water. 24/7 online reporting allows for real-time management.

Waste water flowing from sewer pipes

Waste water management

Processing of waste water requires effective management of microbial load before efflux. The TECTA system can provide rapid 24/7 online reporting to maximise management in waste water treatment with applications including disinfection cost control, assessment of bacteria load of sludge/bio-solids, prior to disposal and minimising of delays in waste water release. This testing can be initiated with minimal staff training and performed onsite to provide rapid insight into the efficacy of treatment process and reduce the chance of a costly early release event.

View of water storage reservoir in a highly populated area

Water network management

For municipal water and waste water networks, a rapid response to events such as sewage overflows, sewer line breaks, and potable water contamination is critical. The TECTA system provides rapid determination of water contamination, whether lab based or within a mobile lab, with real-time reporting of and recording of results, in order to protect the health and well-being of the public.

Water being poured into a drinking glass

Finished water

Avoid the wait for costly lab results and get alerts 24/7. The TECTA system has been AOAC accredited and NATA certified for use in testing potable water. With results in 18–24 hours, it can save you time and money whilst increasing your production.

Crops being watered


Water is a vital element in farming. It is essential for livestock and crops alike—irrigation and watering are a vital part of their farming practices. Monitoring irrigation and stock water can reduce the biological risk to the environment, employees, stock, produce, and consumers.

View of flooded town

Disaster relief

The impact of natural disasters such as floods and cyclones can have immediate and long-term effects on water reservoirs. The TECTA system provides rapid assessment of water contamination and real-time feedback as it is returned to affected communities. It is also ideal for management of broken pipes and associated sewage seepage, to allow repair work to commence with accelerated approvals for the maintenance crews.


Food and beverage

Even with advances in farming, distribution, processing and storage practices, E. coli outbreaks continue to occur throughout the food chain. TECTA technology is AOAC accredited for tap water, well water, lake water, vegetable wash water, bottled water (high and low mineral content), and diet iced tea.

View of a small town with empty space in the distance

Remote communities

The ease of use and small footprint allows the TECTA system to be deployed in remote communities, allowing for fast, reliable, and cost-efficient data for remote networks. TECTA technology was employed for water management at the Tamworth Music Festival in NSW, Australia to ensure that water quality was maintained throughout the event.

Offshore oil well with ocean in background

Remote industries

It is vital for all remote industries to ensure their water supply is flowing clean, safe, and pure. When the health and safety of employees, visitors, or residents is at risk, every second counts. An E. coli infection at an offshore facility, mining camp, or other remote zone where tens, hundreds, or even thousands rely on limited resources can be devastating. However, regular proactive testing with the TECTA technology could prevent an outbreak before it starts.

Swimmers in water

Recreational waters

Regular water quality testing of recreational waters reduces the potential of people contracting E. coli from recreational bathing water. The TECTA technology was employed during the 2018 Commonwealth games on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia to monitor venue suitability and protect the health of athletes participating in a range of outdoor water events. TECTA technology can help you to provide assurance for bathers in pools, beaches, and reservoirs by providing rapid, accurate, reliable results.

The TECTA system is a self-contained “lab in a box” for microbial testing that can be used with just 3 simple steps: add sample, load the cartridge, and press start. Two instrument configurations are available: the TECTA model B4 houses four incubation chambers whilst the TECTA model B16 houses sixteen. Each chamber is equipped with a built-in spectrometer that is able to actively read and interpret test results.

Depending on the level of contamination, positive results can be obtained in as little as two hours and confirmed negative within 18–24 hours. Both models are network enabled to facilitate notification of results directly to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

 TECTA™ B16 V2 Automated microbiology detectorTECTA™ B4 Automated microbiology detector
DescriptionTECTA™ B16 V2
Automated microbiology detector
Automated microbiology detector
Samples per run164
Independent heat pads41
Temperature combinations35.0°C
Pathogen detection kits available44
Number of different detection kits that can be run simultaneouslyUp to 3Up to 2
Standalone readerYesYes

Both the TECTA B4 and TECTA B16 systems are also able to function as an end point “present/absent” readers, facilitating high-throughput processing of samples that are incubated in an independent incubator.

TECTA technology is based on a semi-automated culture method which employs enzyme-mediated florescence combined with a patented polymer partition technology that extracts hydrophobic fluorescent product from water. The culture conditions and detection enzyme selection are based on reference methods ensuring compliance with industry standards including AOAC.

The combination of these technologies enables sensitive, species-specific bacterial detection and quantitative enumeration with real-time sample analysis read by the built-in spectrometer and analysis software. The polymer partitions facilitate detection independent of turbidity whilst offering a large dynamic range of <1 to >108 CFU in 100 mL, without requirement for sample dilution.

The system is designed for ease of use with minimal sample preparation. Performing the incubation on the TECTA system allows for presence/absence interpretation and quantitative analysis of samples.

The TECTA system has been optimised to test environmental water, waste water, wash water, potable water, and food samples for E. coli, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and Enterococci contamination. The TECTAlert cartridge is a direct-to-test cartridge, pre-filled with media and reagents (48 tests/box), ready for 100 mL of sample.

Cartridges for TECTA Rapid Automated Microbial Detection System
  • No media preparation
  • No filtration
  • Single-use cartridge (no clean up)
  • Shelf life of 15 months from date of manufacture
  • Additional tests under development

Specifications for TECTA cartridges

Bacterial species detectedE. coliFecal coliformTotal coliform &E. coliEnterococcus
Incubation temperature41.5 +/- 0.5°C44.5+/- 0.5°C35.0 +/- 0.5°C41.5 +/- 0.5°C
< 1 CFU/100 mLWithin 16 hrsWithin 18 hrsWithin 18 hrsWithin 24 hrs
100 CFU/100 mLWithin 9 hrsWithin 10 hrsWithin 12 hrsWithin 12 hrs
1,000 CFU/100 mLWithin 8 hrsWithin 9 hrsWithin 11 hrsWithin 10 hrs
10⁶ CFU/100 mLWithin 4 hrsWithin 5 hrsWithin 7 hrsWithin 4 hrs
Detection enzymeβ-glucuronidaseβ-galactosidaseβ-glucuronidase

On-instrument semi-quantitative procedure (2–24 hours):

  • Pour 100 mL of sample into TECTAlert cartridge (up to 100 mL fill line).
  • Swirl cartridge for up to 2 minutes to dissolve reagents in cartridge. Optionally, use Thermo Scientific Compact Digital Mini Rotator with universal platform and attachment to swirl up to 12 cartridges, simultaneously.
  • Select correct TECTAlert test on the menu of the TECTA system, to set the correct incubation temperature and analysis parameters.
  • Load cartridge into TECTA instrument and close the instrument lid to commence the test.

In high-throughput laboratories, the technology can be employed for presence/absence testing, with off-instrument incubation, with detection and interpretation on the TECTA system. High-throughput procedure (18–24 hours):

  • Pour 100 mL of sample into TECTAlert cartridge (up to 100 mL fill line) for your pathogen of choice.
  • Swirl cartridge for up to 2 minutes to dissolve reagents in cartridge. It is recommended for high-throughput to use Thermo Scientific Compact Digital Mini Rotator with the universal platform and attachment to swirl the cartridges.
  • Place cartridge in an incubator at appropriate temperature and incubate for 18–24 hours as per incubation instructions for each cartridge.
  • Load cartridge into the TECTA instrument and close the lid to read.

The TECTA B16 system was the first automated microbiological testing system to have been approved by U.S. EPA for microbiological regulatory compliance testing required under the national primary drinking water regulations that are part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, including the Total Coliform Rule, the Revised Total Coliform Rule, and the Groundwater Rule. The TECTA technology has been demonstrated to be equivalent to U.S. EPA and the U.S. FDA-BAM standard methods and is an AOAC-approved method for selected food and beverage applications.

Tanker truck being filled with water from pipe

Source water

The TECTA system provides valuable early raw water intelligence, enabling more efficient management decisions for treatment from a range of water sources including tap water, well water, lake water, and bottled water (high and low mineral content). Due to its tolerance to turbidity, it can be performed at early stages of the water treatment process to accelerate the processing and release of potable water. 24/7 online reporting allows for real-time management.

Waste water flowing from sewer pipes

Waste water management

Processing of waste water requires effective management of microbial load before efflux. The TECTA system can provide rapid 24/7 online reporting to maximise management in waste water treatment with applications including disinfection cost control, assessment of bacteria load of sludge/bio-solids, prior to disposal and minimising of delays in waste water release. This testing can be initiated with minimal staff training and performed onsite to provide rapid insight into the efficacy of treatment process and reduce the chance of a costly early release event.

View of water storage reservoir in a highly populated area

Water network management

For municipal water and waste water networks, a rapid response to events such as sewage overflows, sewer line breaks, and potable water contamination is critical. The TECTA system provides rapid determination of water contamination, whether lab based or within a mobile lab, with real-time reporting of and recording of results, in order to protect the health and well-being of the public.

Water being poured into a drinking glass

Finished water

Avoid the wait for costly lab results and get alerts 24/7. The TECTA system has been AOAC accredited and NATA certified for use in testing potable water. With results in 18–24 hours, it can save you time and money whilst increasing your production.

Crops being watered


Water is a vital element in farming. It is essential for livestock and crops alike—irrigation and watering are a vital part of their farming practices. Monitoring irrigation and stock water can reduce the biological risk to the environment, employees, stock, produce, and consumers.

View of flooded town

Disaster relief

The impact of natural disasters such as floods and cyclones can have immediate and long-term effects on water reservoirs. The TECTA system provides rapid assessment of water contamination and real-time feedback as it is returned to affected communities. It is also ideal for management of broken pipes and associated sewage seepage, to allow repair work to commence with accelerated approvals for the maintenance crews.


Food and beverage

Even with advances in farming, distribution, processing and storage practices, E. coli outbreaks continue to occur throughout the food chain. TECTA technology is AOAC accredited for tap water, well water, lake water, vegetable wash water, bottled water (high and low mineral content), and diet iced tea.

View of a small town with empty space in the distance

Remote communities

The ease of use and small footprint allows the TECTA system to be deployed in remote communities, allowing for fast, reliable, and cost-efficient data for remote networks. TECTA technology was employed for water management at the Tamworth Music Festival in NSW, Australia to ensure that water quality was maintained throughout the event.

Offshore oil well with ocean in background

Remote industries

It is vital for all remote industries to ensure their water supply is flowing clean, safe, and pure. When the health and safety of employees, visitors, or residents is at risk, every second counts. An E. coli infection at an offshore facility, mining camp, or other remote zone where tens, hundreds, or even thousands rely on limited resources can be devastating. However, regular proactive testing with the TECTA technology could prevent an outbreak before it starts.

Swimmers in water

Recreational waters

Regular water quality testing of recreational waters reduces the potential of people contracting E. coli from recreational bathing water. The TECTA technology was employed during the 2018 Commonwealth games on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia to monitor venue suitability and protect the health of athletes participating in a range of outdoor water events. TECTA technology can help you to provide assurance for bathers in pools, beaches, and reservoirs by providing rapid, accurate, reliable results.