Structural Analysis

Advanced polymers are in high demand today to address a growing need for stronger, lighter, and more flexible materials. To address that demand, scientists are working to improve the selectivity, activity and stability of catalyst particles, as well as engineering high quality polymer-based structures and organic or composite materials.

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a well-established technique for materials science research. With unique, dedicated environmental chambers, it can enable in situ dynamic experiments on materials in their natural states.

We’ve been developing global solutions in X-ray analysis for over 80 years across many industries. That expertise allows us to offer proven, cost-effective XRD solutions for high-quality powder diffraction analyses and complementary X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) technology for the elemental analysis of polymers. 

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Polymer Analysis with X-Rays
Understand the applications for XRF and XRD in polymer analysis.

Speaker: Dr. Simon Welzmiller, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 35 minutes

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ARL EQUINOX 100 X-ray Diffractometer

Determine the crystalline, microcrystalline or amorphous forms of your polymers. The ARL EQUINOX 100 X-ray Diffractometer will provide all needed structural information such as the polymorphism, the degree of crystallinity and the crystallite size of the polymers in order to ensure their structure-property relationship.

Analysis of Polymer Materials with Benchtop XRD

Analysis of Polymer Materials with Benchtop XRD

Download the poster to learn a convenient and fast way to screen polymer products for physical properties.

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Fast, Dynamic Analysis with Benchtop XRD

XRD overview video

Watch this video for a brief overview of X-ray diffraction technology as a non-destructive method to look at the crystalline structure of materials. See our technical expert, Chris Shaffer, conduct a fast, dynamic analysis of a sample powder with the ARL Equinox 100 X-Ray Diffractometer.

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End-to-end polymer formulation and analysis with XRD and extrusion techniques

In line with our mission to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer, Thermo Fisher Scientific offer solutions for polymer production and analysis in QC and research from consumers products to pharmaceutical applications.

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