rebranded sho-qubit-assays

Regardless of throughput, we've got a fluorescence-based quantification kit for your DNA and RNA samples. Utilizing simple mix-and-read protocols and incorporating fluorescence-based detection reagents, these assays are designed for accuracy and convenience.

Understand your sample’s purity and concentration

Understand your sample’s purity and concentration

The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop One UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and the Invitrogen Qubit fluorometers, when used together, provide the ability to obtain the most complete information about the concentration and quality of your DNA, RNA, or protein sample. Knowing the precise concentration and purity of your sample early helps you prevent costly troubleshooting and rework downstream.

Choose the platform that is right for you

Qubit assay kits for 1–20 samples

The Qubit assay kits for use with the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer are designed for quantification of smaller numbers of samples (~1–20 samples, read in 0.2 mL tubes). Get rapid results with as little as 2 minutes' assay incubation and ~5 seconds' sample read time. Based on target-specific fluorescent dyes, Qubit assays offer accurate quantification data, even when samples contain common contaminants.


Figure 1. Performance of the Qubit dsDNA HS Assay. The Qubit dsDNA HS Assay has a linear detection range of 0.2–100 ng and is selective for dsDNA, even in the presence of an equal mass of RNA.

Quant-iT assay kits

Quant-iT assay kits utilize advanced fluorophores that become fluorescent upon binding to DNA, RNA, or proteins; the fluorescence intensity of the resulting complex depends directly on the amount of the target molecule in the sample.

Quant-iT assay kits for 20–2,000 samples

The Quant-iT Kits, 1,000 assay size, provide the ultimate in convenience for DNA, RNA, or protein quantitation in microplates. These are the best choice for quantitating 20–2,000 samples at a time.

Quantitation using Quant-iT Assay Kits

Figure 2. Quantitation using Quant-iT Assay Kits. (Left) The Quant-iT dsDNA Assay Kit, High Sensitivity has a linear detection range of 0.2–100 ng and is selective for dsDNA, even in the presence of an equal mass of RNA. The x-axis gives the mass of nucleic acid when DNA or RNA is assayed alone; in the 1:1 mixture, the total mass of nucleic acid is double the amount shown. The inset shows the sensitivity of the assay for DNA. (Center) The Quant-iT RNA Assay Kit has a linear detection range of 5–100 ng and is selective for RNA, even in the presence of an equal mass of DNA. The x-axis gives the mass of nucleic acid when DNA or RNA is assayed alone; in the 1:1 mixture, the total mass of nucleic acid is double what is stated. (Right) The Quant-iT Protein Assay Kit has a detection range of 0.25–5 μg. This graph shows the signal generated from nine different proteins over the stated detection range. The protein-to-protein variability at the 3 μg point for all nine proteins assayed is 12%.

Quant-iT bulk reagents and kits for >20,000 samples

These Quant-iT products provide the maximum amount of dye in packaging that is amenable to highly automated quantitation environments. These are the best choice for quantitating more than 2,000 samples at a time.

These products are available in either concentrated Quant-iT dyes or Quant-iT kits with buffer and a standard included.

Nucleic acid quantitation using Quant-iT Reagents

Figure 3. Nucleic acid quantitation using Quant-iT Reagents. (Left) The fluorescence signal from binding of the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Reagent to dsDNA is linear over at least four orders of magnitude; the inset shows the results obtained using 0–750 pg/mL calf thymus DNA. (Center) The Quant-iT RiboGreen RNA Assay provides linear quantitation from 20 ng/mL to 1 μg/mL RNA using a 400-fold dilution of the dye; the inset shows the results for 1.0 ng/mL to 50 ng/mL RNA obtained using a 4,000-fold dilution of the dye. (Right) Quantitation of a synthetic 24-mer using the Quant-iT OliGreen ssDNA Reagent is linear over at least four orders of magnitude; the inset shows the results obtained using 0–2.0 ng/mL of oligo.

* Invitrogen Quant-iT assays and reagents can also be used with the Invitrogen Qubit Fluorometer.

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