Applied Biosystems TaqMan MicroRNA Assays—Unrivaled sensitivity, specificity, and dynamic range
Our MicroRNA solutions feature TaqMan MicroRNA Assay sensitivity, specificity, and dynamic range for unsurpassed miRNA quantitation. Our comprehensive Applied Biosystems solution provides the flexibility to meet different experimental needs and is supported by a complete range of reagents, assays, and real-time PCR instruments.

MicroRNA Assay & Array Workflows: Find the Products You Need for Every Step

Get Same-Day Results with Megaplex Primer Pools and TaqMan MicroRNA Arrays

  • Applied Biosystems Megaplex Primer Pools simplify and accelerate miRNA profiling by reducing hands-on time and the amount of sample you need to as little as 1ng of total human, mouse or rat RNA—up to 100 times less material than existing analysis tools.
  • Matched with the streamlined workflow enabled by TaqMan MicroRNA Arrays, you can achieve reproducible RT-PCR data that delivers unrivaled sensitivity and specificity across a comprehensive set of miRNA targets derived from the Sanger database.

Also Available in 384-well Arrays

TaqMan MicroRNA Arrays provide all the advantages of TaqMan MicroRNA Assays in a convenient, pre-configured 384-well micro fluidic card, reducing experimental variability and the effort required to run 384 assays in parallel.

Assay Workflow

Step 1:
Extract Total RNA
Step 2:
Reverse Transcribe RNA
Step 3:
Set Up Singleplex TaqMan MicroRNA Assay Reactions
Step 4:
Perform Real-Time PCR Amplification
Step 5:
Analyze Data
  • RT-PCR Software
30 min65 min25 min90 min 

Array Workflow

Step 1:
Prepare Sample
Step 2:
Reverse Transcribe
Step 3:
Amplify cDNA (optional)
Step 4:
Dilute cDNA & Load TaqMan Array
Step 5:
Run TaqMan Array
Step 6:
Analyze Data
  • Diluted RT product
  • Fast Real-Time PCR System
  • RT-PCR Software
30 min150 min90 min10 min120 min