Connected solutions to manage, monitor and analyze laboratory equipment

Creating a smart lab of the future is easy. With Thermo Scientific Connected Solutions, you can now transform static lab equipment into smart technology capable of delivering actionable information to help enhance sustainability, increase productivity and efficiency and maintain the integrity of both equipment and samples.


Our growing portfolio helps provide an exceptional solution for monitoring your lab setting today, while enabling future-readiness and scalability for tomorrow.

Remote monitoring solutions for all of your needs

Remote monitoring

Explore connected solutions

Systems tailored to your needs

Take a side-by-side look at our laboratory remote monitoring solutions for sample protection, regulatory compliance, data logging and asset management. 

Improved sample security

Get peace of mind that your vital samples are continuously watched, viability is assured, and research continuity is preserved. 

The power of predictive analytics

Uncover problems before they occur and deliver a measurable increase in asset longevity while driving costs down.

Digital record keeping

Focus more time and resources on your important work with automated data logging and digital record keeping.

Affordable monitoring as a service

Deploy our dedicated service teams for installation, configuration calibration, qualification and training.

Global tracking and monitoring

Ensure sample integrity is maintained in the lab and while in transit.