Custom Formulation Services

Custom reagent formulations tailored to your project

Our Genetic Analysis Custom Products and Services Team can assist you by creating custom master mixes and individual custom reagents. Our extensive experience and broad knowledge creating high-quality molecular biology reagents enables our team to provide cost-effective and robust solutions for your specific projects.

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Optimization examples:

  • Optimizing reagent component concentrations
  • Example reagent and oligo formulation modifications:
    • Master mixes with or without passive reference dye
    • Addition of dUTP/UNG
    • Choice of enzymes
    • Concentration optimization
    • Glycerol-free, lyophilization-compatible qPCR master mix

We are committed to delivering high-quality products—and meeting the highest standards for quality. We offer a choice of manufacturing environments to meet your specific needs.

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 13485
  • CFR 21 Part 820 Compliant QMS (cGMP)

We also provide custom reagents under a choice of labels for several specific uses, including:

  • RUO (research use only)
  • ASR (analyte-specific reagents)
  • GPR (general purpose reagents)

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.