Explore our “Getting Started” and “Troubleshooting” sections for solutions to top inquiries and common problems related to drug metabolizing enzyme (DME) genotyping. Browse through our "Guides and Tools" section to access a comprehensive portfolio of product-related support resources.

Guides and Tools

  • Real-Time PCR: an app for real-time PCR resources, including videos, an interactive troubleshooting tool, and a reaction calculator
  • Reagent Rewards: An app to turn reagent purchases into rewards
Custom Services

Instrument Management

One central location to handle all your Instrument and Services requests.

Contract Laboratory Services for Real-Time PCR and other Genetic Analysis

Our Custom Products and Services team can handle large projects when you do not have access to the right equipment or reagents. Our contract research work includes designing and performing experiments including sample preparation, data analysis, and reporting for many different applications.