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The easy-to-use Precision ID workflow helps you deliver high-quality results from a diverse range of forensically relevant panels. Requiring minimal steps and hands-on time, our comprehensive offerings make human identification with next-generation sequencing (NGS) simple, reproducible, and easy to integrate into your forensic laboratory.

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Identify missing persons or analyze remains

In forensic casework, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is useful in the context of challenging samples that fail to produce an autosomal STR profile due to their high copy number per cell. When samples such as teeth, bones, and hairs without a follicle (root) are collected from crime scenes, missing-person remains, or disaster areas, even amplicon coverage and minimal strand bias are key factors that contribute to high-quality genetic results for successful identification of human remains. 

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The Applied Biosystems Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel is an innovative approach to mitochondrial DNA sequencing specifically developed for forensic applications. This mtDNA tiling approach, using amplicons that are only 163 bp average length, assists with obtaining optimal mitochondrial genome (mtGenome) coverage from highly compromised, degraded samples such as hair shafts, teeth, and bones. Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel, using the control region data for analysis, is approved for inclusion in the US National DNA Index System (NDIS) CODIS database.

The Applied Biosystems Precision ID mtDNA Control Region Panel is based on the same tiling approach used in the Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel. This targeted control region panel spans the entire 1.2-kb control region, which encompasses HV-I, HV-II, and HV-III, with the same optimal small amplicon design ideal for performance with degraded forensic samples. In addition, the panel design leverages primer degeneracy in known variable regions to help ensure robust performance across diverse population samples.

Analysis of the mtGenome can be challenging due to complex alignments, the presence mtDNA heteroplasmy, and insertions and deletions present throughout the genome that may impact the accuracy of variant calling. The Applied Biosystems Converge Software NGS Data Analysis module automates mitochondrial DNA analysis leveraging optimized base calling, alignment and quality filtering algorithms specific for the Precision ID mt DNA panels. These solutions gives forensic DNA laboratories the flexibility to detect variation within noncoding control region sequences or take full advantage of the genetic diversity with analysis of full mtGenome sequence data using either the Precision ID mtDNA Control Region Panel or Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel using as little as 2 pg of DNA.

Generate more investigative leads
Precision ID Ancestry Panel

Precision ID Ancestry Panel
The Applied Biosystems  Precision ID Ancestry Panel can provide you with biogeographic ancestry information and guide your investigation process. Utilizing Ion AmpliSeq technology, the Precision ID Ancestry Panel helps to enable simple and fast target selection of hundreds of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using multiplex PCR. This ready-to-use panel consists of 165 autosomal markers. A total of 55 of these markers were selected based on a poster presented by Dr. Kenneth Kidd, and 123 markers were selected based on a publication by Dr. Michael Seldin. This sensitive panel, with average amplicon sizes of <130 bases, is optimized for degraded DNA samples and uses as little as 125 pg of input DNA.

The Converge Software NGS Data Analysis module contains parameters for analyzing the Precision ID Ancestry Panel, generating admixture predictions as well as the population likelihood from 151 ancestry-informative markers that cover seven continental populations.

Analyze highly degraded or trace DNA

Precision ID Identity Panel

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide a variety of new, important information for human identification purposes, in addition to short tandem repeats (STRs). Due to the shorter amplicons required for sequencing, SNPs enable high recovery of information from degraded samples—such as from mass disaster victims.

The  Applied Biosystems Precision ID Identity Panel includes 124 autosomal markers, and provides discrimination of individuals similar to STR genotype match probabilities used by forensic analysts (between 1 x 10-31 and 6 x 10-35). The high discrimination power is achieved by using 34 upper Y-clade SNPs and 90 autosomal SNPs that have high heterozygosity and low Fixation Index (Fst), described in publications by Kenneth Kidd of Yale University and the SNP for ID Consortium.

The Converge Software NGS Data Analysis module contains parameters for analyzing the Precision ID Identity Panel, generating random match probabilities (RMPs) from either the 1000 Genomes Project dataset using 85 unlinked identity SNPs, as well as Y haplogroup determination from the 34 upper Y-clade SNPs or customer supplied population frequency data.

Analyze DNA mixtures more efficiently

The Applied Biosystems Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panel v2 includes 36 markers, including the same 21 autosomal STRs along with Y markers and amelogenin sex markers found in the GlobalFiler PCR Amplification Kit, as well as 14 additional informative markers for forensic analysis. When analyzed with NGS, these markers reveal more alleles (74%) than identified with traditional CE analysis due to sequence diversity within CE alleles of the same size. These isometric alleles can be used to help resolve complex profiles and mixtures.

With as little as 125 pg of DNA input, you can quickly and easily analyze these commonly used forensic markers in less than 2 days.

The Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panel provides both allele number and base sequence for each repeat structure, offering enhanced mixture resolution and increased Probability of Identity (PI) estimates.

Precision ID panels for human identification



Ion S5 chips

Number of samples per run

  Ion 510 Chip
Ion 520 Chip
Ion 530 Chip
Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel
Precision ID mtDNA Control Region Panel
Precision ID GlobalFiler NGS STR Panels
Precision ID Ancestry Panel
Precision ID Identity Panel

Note: Recommendations are based on in-house determination of the number of samples that can be multiplexed while still achieving a minimum coverage of 100x for 97% of SNP amplicons for SNP panels and all mtDNA amplicons.  Individual lab results may vary depending on workflow used and customer requirements.

Ordering information

For Research, Forensic, or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

For licensing and limited use restrictions visit HIDlicensing.