Microscopic views of fluorescence fade in cultured cells after 24 and 36 s exposure

Prevent fluorescence photobleaching

Loss of fluorescence through irreversible photobleaching processes can lead to a significant reduction in sensitivity, particularly when target molecules are of low abundance or when excitation light is of high intensity or long duration. The mechanisms associated with photobleaching are also implicated in phototoxicity, which may adversely impact cell viability and data quality.

To minimize photobleaching of experimental samples, we have developed a series of antifade reagents that increase fluorophore photostability in both live-cell and fixed-cell samples. We offer choices for immediate imaging and for long-term storage, plus formulations that include a nuclear stain to combine mounting and counterstaining in a single step. Reduced photobleaching means longer tracking for time-course experiments, higher sensitivity, and better quantitation from fluorescent signals.

On this page:

How to select the antifade for your imaging experiment

 ProLong GlassProLong DiamondProLong Gold
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General specifications
FormReady-to-use hard-setting mountant
Refractive index1.52 (after curing)1.47 (after curing)1.47 (after curing)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging   
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging   
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness)
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 150 µm sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective
Glycerol-corrected objective 
Water- or air-corrected objective   
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 SlowFade GlassSlowFade DiamondSlowFade Gold
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General specifications
FormReady-to-use soft-setting mountant
Refractive index1.521.421.42
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging   
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness)   
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 500 µm sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective   
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective   
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 ProLong Live
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General specifications
Form100x concentrated liquid
Refractive index1.3
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (live)
Live-cell imaging
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness) 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 150 µm sample thickness) 
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective 
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red 
No counterstain
 ProLong Glass
SlowFade Glass
CytoVista Reagents
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General Specifications
FormReady-to-use, curing (hard-setting) mountant

For immediate imaging of samples up to 150 μm thick
Ready-to-use non-curing (soft-set) mountant

For immediate imaging of samples up to 500 μm thick
Ready-to-use, non-curing (soft-setting) family of reagents

3D Cell Culture clearing and staining kit for immediate imaging of 3D cell culture (organoids and spheroids up to 1 mm thick)

Tissue clearing and staining kit for immediate imaging of thick tissue (up to 10 mm)
Refractive index1.52 (after curing)1.521.48 (organoids/spheroids up to 1 mm thick)

1.53 (tissue samples up to 10 mm thick)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)Animal cells/tissue (fixed)Animal cells/tissue (fixed)
Fixed-cell imaging, immediate imaging 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging
What is the thickness of my sample?
Up to 10 μm
Up to 150 μm
Up to 500 μm 
Up to 1 mm  
Up to 10 mm  
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective
Glycerol-corrected objective  
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 Image-iT Plant Clearing and Mounting Reagents for Imaging
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General Specifications
FormReady-to-use reagents for clearing and mounting plant tissue for imaging
Refractive index1.45 (clearing and soft-set mounting option)

1.415 (hard-set mounting option)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typePlant cells/tissue section/whole tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging 
Fixed-cell imaging
Fixed-cell imaging, long-term imaging (up to 10 μM sample thickness)
Fixed-cell imaging, long-term imaging (up to 150 μM sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective 
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective 
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Most common histological stains
Fluorescent proteins 
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI 
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red 
No counterstain
 ProLong GlassProLong DiamondProLong Gold
 Learn more
General specifications
FormReady-to-use hard-setting mountant
Refractive index1.52 (after curing)1.47 (after curing)1.47 (after curing)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging   
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging   
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness)
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 150 µm sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective
Glycerol-corrected objective 
Water- or air-corrected objective   
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 SlowFade GlassSlowFade DiamondSlowFade Gold
 Learn more
General specifications
FormReady-to-use soft-setting mountant
Refractive index1.521.421.42
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging   
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness)   
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 500 µm sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective   
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective   
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 ProLong Live
 Learn more
General specifications
Form100x concentrated liquid
Refractive index1.3
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (live)
Live-cell imaging
Fixed-cell, immediate imaging 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 10 µm sample thickness) 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging (up to 150 µm sample thickness) 
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective 
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red 
No counterstain
 ProLong Glass
SlowFade Glass
CytoVista Reagents
 Learn moreLearn moreLearn more
General Specifications
FormReady-to-use, curing (hard-setting) mountant

For immediate imaging of samples up to 150 μm thick
Ready-to-use non-curing (soft-set) mountant

For immediate imaging of samples up to 500 μm thick
Ready-to-use, non-curing (soft-setting) family of reagents

3D Cell Culture clearing and staining kit for immediate imaging of 3D cell culture (organoids and spheroids up to 1 mm thick)

Tissue clearing and staining kit for immediate imaging of thick tissue (up to 10 mm)
Refractive index1.52 (after curing)1.521.48 (organoids/spheroids up to 1 mm thick)

1.53 (tissue samples up to 10 mm thick)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typeAnimal cells/tissue (fixed)Animal cells/tissue (fixed)Animal cells/tissue (fixed)
Fixed-cell imaging, immediate imaging 
Fixed-cell, long-term imaging
What is the thickness of my sample?
Up to 10 μm
Up to 150 μm
Up to 500 μm 
Up to 1 mm  
Up to 10 mm  
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective
Glycerol-corrected objective  
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Alexa Fluor dyes
Traditional dyes
Fluorescent proteins
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red
No counterstain
 Image-iT Plant Clearing and Mounting Reagents for Imaging
 Learn more
General Specifications
FormReady-to-use reagents for clearing and mounting plant tissue for imaging
Refractive index1.45 (clearing and soft-set mounting option)

1.415 (hard-set mounting option)
What type of imaging am I planning?
Specimen typePlant cells/tissue section/whole tissue (fixed)
Live-cell imaging 
Fixed-cell imaging
Fixed-cell imaging, long-term imaging (up to 10 μM sample thickness)
Fixed-cell imaging, long-term imaging (up to 150 μM sample thickness)
What type of microscope objective can produce best results? (All objective types are compatible with these reagents)
Oil immersion objective 
Glycerol-corrected objective
Water- or air-corrected objective 
What fluorophores does my sample include?
Most common histological stains
Fluorescent proteins 
Do I want to add counterstain in the mountant?
Counterstain with DAPI 
Counterstain with SYTOX Deep Red 
No counterstain

What is photobleaching?

Photobleaching is the degradation of fluorescent signal. Free radicals are generated when photoexcited fluorophores are exposed to oxygen, leading to the loss of signal intensity. Photobleaching can be slowed by reducing the intensity and time of exposure of the fluorophore to light. Antifade reagents were introduced to allow for greater and longer signal by lessening the photobleaching effect.

How to use an antifade to prevent photobleaching

Illustration of microscope slide with sample

Step 1. Place sample on slide or coverslip. Complete all staining prior or after this step.



Illustration of microscope slide with antifade applied

Step 2. Apply antifade mountant over sample. For a hard-setting mount, allow to cure overnight open to air.



Illustration of microscope slide with glycerol applied (hard-setting mountants only)

Step 3. Only with a hard-setting mountant: add a drop of 100% glycerol to the mounted sample and apply a coverslip. Glycerol aids in coverslip adhesion. ProLong Glass antifade mountant fully cures to a final RI of ~1.52 after 24 hours.

What is the difference between a soft- and hard-setting mountant?

Mounting media can be soft- or hard-setting, depending on whether the mountant contains a gelling agent. Soft-setting mountants contain a buffered glycerol solution and should be used when slides need to be imaged immediately. Soft-setting mountants can be washed away and the sample can either be restained or used for downstream purposes like single-cell RNA-sequencing or PCR. Hard-setting mountants contain a polymer that permanently affixes the coverslip to the slide. This is used for extended storage of a sample.

Antifades and mounts ordering information

Examples of samples mounted with ProLong Antifade Mountants and Slowfade Antifade Mountants

Slowfade Antifade Mountant Example

Slowfade Antifade Mountant Example
Figure 1. 100 micron thick-tissue samples were stained and mounted with SlowFade Glass and Images were acquired a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope. Left) Cryo preserved rat brain tissue section immunostained for GFAP with rabbit anti-GFAP and detected using Alexa Fluor 594 Plus goat anti-rabbit. Nuclei were counter-stained with DAPI. A 63X oil immersion objective was used and the resulting image represented as a maximum intensity projection. Right) Mouse mammary tissue section probed with mouse anti-histone H3 and rabbit anti-pan actin. Targets were detected with Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti-Mouse (Cat. No. A11029) and Alexa Fluor 594 Goat Anti-Rabbit (Cat. No. A11012) secondary antibody conjugates. The tissue was counter-stained with SYTOX DR (Cat. No. S11381). A 40X oil immersion objective was used and the resulting image represented as a maximum intensity projection.

ProLong Antifade Mountant Example

ProLong Antifade Mountant Example
Figure 2. Cryo-preserved rat brain sections (100-µm thick) were stained for tubulin (red) with Mouse Anti-Beta3-Tubulin (Cat. No. MA1-118) and GFAP (yellow) Rabbit Anti-GFAP (Cat. No. OPA1-06100). Targets were detected with Alexa Fluor Plus 594 Goat Anti-Mouse (Cat. No. A-11032) and Alexa Fluor Plus 647 Goat Anti-Rabbit (Cat. No. A-32733). Nuclei (cyan) were stained with DAPI (Left, Cat. No. D1306). Slides were mounted with ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant and imaged with a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope using 63×oil Immersion.

Publication showing stripping and FISH reprobing after imaging  with SlowFade Gold Antifade Mountant (Cat. No. S36936)

  •  Sountoulidis A, Liontos A, Nguyen HP, Firsova AB, Fysikopoulos A, Qian X, Seeger W, Sundström E, Nilsson M, Samakovlis C. SCRINSHOT enables spatial mapping of cell states in tissue sections with single-cell resolution. PLoS Biol. 2020 Nov 20;18(11):e3000675. PMID: 33216742.

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