
More Correct Calls With Higher Signal-to-Noise Ratios

Life Technologies BioPrime® labeling systems enable reliable and consistent genomic DNA labeling and efficient removal of free dye and nucleotides. And because results obtained using these reagents exhibit improved signal-to-background and reduced channel bias, you can count on greater accuracy.

 Sample Type     
Input Amount
Non-Platform Specific 5 ng–3 μgDirectAlexaFluor® 3 AlexaFluor® 5 (included)BioPrime® Total Genomic Labeling System
18097011 -
(30 reactions, w/ purification)

18097012 -
(30 reactions, w/o purification)

18097010 -
(10 reactions, w/ purification)
 250 ng–1 μg (Bac arrays) 4 μg (cDNA arrays)DirectUser’s choice (not included) BioPrime® aCGH Genomic Labeling System
18095011 -
(30 reactions, w/ purification)

18095012 -
(30 reactions, w/o purification)
  Array-dependentDirectAlexaFluor® 3 AlexaFluor® 5 (included) BioPrime® Total FFPE Genomic Labeling System
A10965011 -
(30 reactions, w/ purification)
* ChIP must first be performed using a kit such as the MAGnify™ Chromatin Immunoprecipitation System, Cat. No. 492024

Repetitive Sequence Blocking Reagents

Product Size Cat. No.
Human Cot-1 DNA®-Fluorometric QC1 mg
Human Cot-1 DNA®-Fluorometric QC500 μg15279011
Mouse Cot-1 DNA500 μg18440016
Yeast tRNA25 mg15401011

Which BioPrime® system is right for me?

The BioPrime® Total aCGH reagents offer various configurations to allow for optimal performance on arrays based on premier enzymes, primers, dyes, and purification systems. For two-color array CGH and ChIP-on-chip experiments, we recommend the BioPrime® Total Genomic Labeling system. The BioPrime® Total Genomic Labeling system allows for the lowest starting input material, includes application-optimized dye-labeled nucleotides (with Alexa Fluor® 3 and Alexa Fluor® 5 dyes), and is the simplest, easiest-to-use kit in the product family. For researchers who wish to use other dyes, we offer BioPrime® aCGH Genomic Labeling systems without dyes—this allows you to take advantage of the higher-performance enzymes and reagents in our BioPrime® kits to deliver superior yield and better total dye incorporation.