What are ELISA enzyme substrates?

Enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISAs) are used to quantitate specific proteins in solution. The detection enzyme can be introduced into the assay in a number of ways (Figure 1).

  1. It can be directly linked to the primary antibody.
  2. It can be introduced through attachment to a secondary detection antibody that recognizes the primary antibody.
  3. It can be linked to streptavidin if the primary antibody is labeled with biotin.

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) are the most commonly used enzyme labels, mainly due to the large selection of substrates available for ELISA. Another enzyme label that has been used is beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), but it has not gained widespread acceptance due to limited substrate options.

The choice of substrate detection platform depends upon the required assay sensitivity and the instrumentation available for signal detection (spectrophotometer, fluorometer, or luminometer). Though not as sensitive as fluorescent or chemiluminescent substrates, colorimetric substrates are used more often; they allow direct visualization and enable kinetic studies to be performed. Furthermore, colorimetric ELISA substrates are detected with standard absorbance plate readers common to many laboratories.

Learn more about advantages and disadvantages of all three detection strategies in Overview of ELISA.

See HRP enzyme substrate selection guide

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme substrate selection guide

Learn more about these products in the section below in Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Absorbance wavelength (nm)**Color**Detection limit²Recommended primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***
TMB (3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine)
1-Step Ultra TMB-ELISA Substrate SolutionMost sensitive of the chromogenic substrates, ready-to-use format2,500 wells450 (650)Yellow (Blue)20 pg/mL


2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000

1-Step Turbo TMB-ELISA Substrate SolutionRapidly detects HRP activity within 5–30 min, ready-to-use format
2,500 wells
70 pg/mL
1-Step Slow TMB-ELISA Substrate Solution
Ideal substrate for kinetic studies, ready-to-use format2,500 wells80 pg/mL
TMB Substrate Kit
Includes TMB solution and peroxide solution4,000 wells60 pg/mL
TMB Chromogen Solution
Ready-to-use format500 mL 
ABTS (2,2'-Azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]-diammonium salt
1-Step ABTS Substrate SolutionReady-to-use format2,000 wells410 (650)Green (nonvisible)2.5 ng/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000
OPD (o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride)
OPD SubstratePre-weighted tablets50 tablets490 (450)Green (Orange)70 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000
Powder 25 g
* See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.
**Absorbance wavelength/color format ex. 450 (650) and Yellow (Blue)-first number/color is for reactions that are stopped. Number and color in ( ) represent non-stopped reactions.
*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested.

Learn more about these products in the section below under Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Emission max (nm)**ColorDetection limit***Primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***Cat. No.
SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent SubstrateRapid signal generation with 5–30 minutes signal stability; kit contains peroxide and enhancer solutions1,000 wells425Blue5 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:10,000 to 1:50,000
2,500 wells37069
SuperSignal ELISA Femto SubstrateOne of the most sensitive substrates available for ELISA applications; kit contains peroxide and enhancer solutions1,000 wells425Blue1.7 pg/mL1° - 1:1,000
2°—1:50,000 to 1:100,000
2,500 wells37074

*Total number of assays based on 96-well microplate. See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.

** The peak emission wavelength is given for reference. However, for best sensitivity, measure total light output using a luminometer.

*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested here.

Learn more about these products in the section below under Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Ex/Em wavelength (nm)**Detection limit***Recommended primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***Cat. No.

QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Peroxidase Substrate Kit

Large dynamic range (4 log peroxidase concentration range); endpoint or kinetic assays; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers2,700 wells325/4205 pg/mL1°—1:500
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
QuantaBlu NS/K Fluorogenic Substrate Kit 
Optimized for kinetic assays; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers2,700 wells325/4205 pg/mL1°—1:500
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent Substrate Kit
Fluorescence or colorimetric read-out; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers960 wells570/5854 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
Amplex Red ReagentFluorescence or colorimetric read-out. Stand-alone reagent200 assays570/5853.4 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
Amplex UltraRed ReagentFluorescence or colorimetric read-out. Stand-alone reagent3,400 assays570/5853.4 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000

* See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.

**Ex=excitation max wavelength in nm; Em=emission max wavelength in nm.
*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/ml stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested here.
† The Amplex Red/UltraRed Stop Reagent (Cat. No. A33855) provides convenience and control by allowing the fluorescence signal-generating reaction to be terminated at a user-determined time point.

Learn more about these products in the section below in Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Absorbance wavelength (nm)**Color**Detection limit²Recommended primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***
TMB (3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine)
1-Step Ultra TMB-ELISA Substrate SolutionMost sensitive of the chromogenic substrates, ready-to-use format2,500 wells450 (650)Yellow (Blue)20 pg/mL


2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000

1-Step Turbo TMB-ELISA Substrate SolutionRapidly detects HRP activity within 5–30 min, ready-to-use format
2,500 wells
70 pg/mL
1-Step Slow TMB-ELISA Substrate Solution
Ideal substrate for kinetic studies, ready-to-use format2,500 wells80 pg/mL
TMB Substrate Kit
Includes TMB solution and peroxide solution4,000 wells60 pg/mL
TMB Chromogen Solution
Ready-to-use format500 mL 
ABTS (2,2'-Azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]-diammonium salt
1-Step ABTS Substrate SolutionReady-to-use format2,000 wells410 (650)Green (nonvisible)2.5 ng/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000
OPD (o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride)
OPD SubstratePre-weighted tablets50 tablets490 (450)Green (Orange)70 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:50,000
Powder 25 g
* See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.
**Absorbance wavelength/color format ex. 450 (650) and Yellow (Blue)-first number/color is for reactions that are stopped. Number and color in ( ) represent non-stopped reactions.
*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested.

Learn more about these products in the section below under Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Emission max (nm)**ColorDetection limit***Primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***Cat. No.
SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent SubstrateRapid signal generation with 5–30 minutes signal stability; kit contains peroxide and enhancer solutions1,000 wells425Blue5 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:10,000 to 1:50,000
2,500 wells37069
SuperSignal ELISA Femto SubstrateOne of the most sensitive substrates available for ELISA applications; kit contains peroxide and enhancer solutions1,000 wells425Blue1.7 pg/mL1° - 1:1,000
2°—1:50,000 to 1:100,000
2,500 wells37074

*Total number of assays based on 96-well microplate. See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.

** The peak emission wavelength is given for reference. However, for best sensitivity, measure total light output using a luminometer.

*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested here.

Learn more about these products in the section below under Overview of HRP enzyme substrates.

Product nameBenefits, format# of assays*Ex/Em wavelength (nm)**Detection limit***Recommended primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions***Cat. No.

QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Peroxidase Substrate Kit

Large dynamic range (4 log peroxidase concentration range); endpoint or kinetic assays; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers2,700 wells325/4205 pg/mL1°—1:500
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
QuantaBlu NS/K Fluorogenic Substrate Kit 
Optimized for kinetic assays; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers2,700 wells325/4205 pg/mL1°—1:500
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent Substrate Kit
Fluorescence or colorimetric read-out; kit contains all necessary reagents and buffers960 wells570/5854 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
Amplex Red ReagentFluorescence or colorimetric read-out. Stand-alone reagent200 assays570/5853.4 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
Amplex UltraRed ReagentFluorescence or colorimetric read-out. Stand-alone reagent3,400 assays570/5853.4 pg/mL1°—1:1,000
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000

* See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays.

**Ex=excitation max wavelength in nm; Em=emission max wavelength in nm.
*** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/ml stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested here.
† The Amplex Red/UltraRed Stop Reagent (Cat. No. A33855) provides convenience and control by allowing the fluorescence signal-generating reaction to be terminated at a user-determined time point.
scientists reviewing science notebook

ELISA substrates are also available as OEM or Commercial Supply versions. Inquire about reagents and consumables, instruments, and custom kitting package solutions.

photo of microplate with orange liquid being pipetted into wells

ELISA Builder can make it easy to find a great solution for developing your own ELISA assay. Based on a short list of questions about your experimental needs, the ELISA Builder tool recommends everything needed to perform an ELISA, from plates to stop solution.

Overview of HRP enzyme substrates

Colorimetric HRP enzyme substrates

TMB (3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine) is a soluble substrate that yields a blue color when detecting HRP. It is very sensitive and may produce significant background signal if too much protein or antibody is used. TMB is more quickly oxidized than other HRP enzyme substrates, resulting in faster color development.

We have different formulations to choose from, depending on your experimental design and sensitivity needs.

See Figure 2 for a comparison of the range of sensitivities for the different formulations and selection guide (Tab 1) for the optimal kit for your experiment.

ABTS (2,2'-Azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]-diammonium salt) is used to detect HRP and yields a water-soluble green end reaction product.

ABTS is less sensitive than the OPD and TMB substrates for HRP detection. Color development is slow (approximately 20 minutes) which may be advantageous if unacceptable background results from the use of the OPD or TMB substrates due to higher sensitivities.

ABTS is available in either tablet or a ready-to-use for formulation.

OPD (o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride) is used to detect HRP and yields a water soluble yellow-orange reaction product. The reaction product has an absorbance maximum of 492 nm.

OPD is available in either powder or tablet forms and easily prepared by dissolving in Stable Peroxide Substrate Buffer or buffered hydrogen peroxide solution.

Chemiluminescent HRP enzyme substrates

SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate provides excellent performance for a large range of target protein amounts and is easily optimized to detect with greater sensitivity than entry-level colorimetric substrates. Rapid signal generation with 5–30 minutes signal stability depending on HRP concentration (Figure 3).

SuperSignal ELISA Femto Maximum Sensitivity Substrate is one of the most sensitive substrates available for ELISA applications. When properly optimized, the lower detection limit is 1 to 10 orders of magnitude lower than commonly used colorimetric substrates. However, without proper optimization, it is easy to overwhelm the system with protein and enzyme, resulting in high background and possibly negative results.

Figure 3. Immediate light generation with SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate. Biotinylated HRP or biotinylated AP (200 pg) were added to separate wells of NeutrAvidin-coated white polystyrene plates. The plates were then incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature (RT) on a plate shaker and then each well was washed three times with BupH Tris-Buffered Saline (Cat. No. 28379). Working solutions of chemiluminescent substrates were prepared according to the manufacturers’ instructions. SuperSignal ELISA Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (Cat. No. 37070) and another luminol-based system (Brand A), 100 µL of each substrate working solution was added to the appropriate plate well. For the dioxetane-based system, wells were washed with 1X Assay Buffer. Next, 100 µL of the dioxetane working solution was added to the appropriate plate well. All plates were incubated on a plate shaker at RT for 1 minute. Plates were then read on a Dynex MLX Microtiter Plate Luminometer with a 0.2 second read time per well. Several readings were taken over a 30-minute period.

Fluorescent HRP enzyme substrates

QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Substrate has a large linear detection range with low-end linearity for detection of HRP. The stable fluorescent reaction product has an Ex/Em of 325 nm/420 nm allowing stopped, non-stopped, and kinetic assays to be performed; an advantage over the more sensitive chemiluminescent substrates.

QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent Substrate is the most sensitive fluorescent ELISA substrate available for HRP detection. The fluorescent reaction product (resorufin) is stable for 4 hours with an Ex/Em of 570 nm/585 nm when the reaction is stopped. The red-shifted resorufin reaction product permits detection at a wavelength with less interference from autofluorescence that can occur in biological samples.

Amplex Red Reagent (10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine) in the presence of horseradish peroxidase reacts with hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 stoichiometry to produce highly fluorescent resorufin. This HRP enzyme substrate has greater stability, yields less background and produces a red-fluorescent product (Ex/Em of 571/585 nm) that is detected via colorimetric absorbance or fluorescence emission.

Amplex UltraRed Reagent improves upon the performance of Amplex Red reagent, offering brighter fluorescence and enhanced sensitivity on a per-mole basis in horseradish peroxidase or horseradish peroxidase–coupled enzyme assays. Fluorescence of oxidized Amplex UltraRed reagent is also less sensitive to pH, and the substrate and its oxidation product exhibit greater stability than Amplex Red reagent in the presence of H2O2 or thiols such as dithiothreitol (DTT).

The Amplex Red/UltraRed Stop Reagent (Cat. No. A33855) provides convenience and control by allowing the fluorescence signal-generating reaction to be terminated at a user-determined time point.

Alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase substrates

Colorimetric substrates for AP and beta-galactosidase

PNPP (p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate, Disodium Salt) is a widely used substrate for detecting alkaline phosphatase in ELISA applications. PNPP produces a yellow water-soluble reaction product that absorbs light at 405 nm. PNPP is available either as a crystalline powder, 5 mg tablets, or as a ready-to-use formulation.

ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside) is used in ELISA applications involving beta-galactosidase (β-Gal). ONPG produces a completely soluble yellow product with a high extinction coefficient at 405 nm. While other β-Gal substrates exist, ONPG’s high solubility, ease of workflow, and significant signal-to-noise ratio make it the most ideal choice.

Table 1. Colorimetric substrates for alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase

EnzymeSubstrateProduct nameBenefits, format# of assays *Absorbance wavelength (nm)ColorDetection limit**Recommended primary (1°) and secondary (2°) antibody dilutions**Cat. No.
Alkaline phosphatase (AP)PNPP (p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate)1-Step PNPP Substrate SolutionReady-to-use format1,000 wells405Yellow100 ng/mL1°—1:500
2°—1:5,000 to 1:20,000
PNPP Substrate KitPre-weighed tablets and buffers~5,520 wells


PNPP TabletsPre-weighed tablets~5,520 wells


PNPP Powder25 g powder 


beta-galactosidase (beta-gal)ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside)ONPG Substrate5 g powder 410Yellow100 ng/mL1°—1:500


* See product instructions for additional information and assay considerations that determine the number of assays. 
** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested. 

Chemiluminescent alkaline phosphatase substrates

Alkaline phosphatase substrates utilizing dioxetane can be divided in 2 groups based on their signal kinetics—“Glow” substrates and “Flash and Glow” substrates. See Figure 4 for a comparison of the two types of substrates and their reactions.

  • Glow substrates provide a slower developing but sustained maximum signal over time only after 15–60 minutes depending on the temperature
  • Flash and Glow substrates provide a fast and sustained maximum signal as early as 2–10 minutes depending on the temperature

Enhancers can be added to the assays to improve sensitivity and/or increase the decomposition of the substrate resulting in a very fast response. In instruments that enable inject-and-read parameters, 1,2-dioxetanes can be injected as 1-reagent (substrate alone) or as 2-reagents (substrate reagent plus a triggering solution) to achieve readings as early as seconds to minutes after substrate injection.

CSPD and CDP-Star are chemiluminescent 1,2-dioxetane alkaline phosphatase substrates that emit light with a maximum light intensity at a wavelength of 475 nm. These substrates are “glow” substrates and provide a sustained maximum signal over time only after 15–60 minutes depending on temperature. They are supplied at 5 or 25 mM (respectively) in aqueous buffer. Sensitivity can be improved with addition of Sapphire-II or Emerald-II luminescence enhancers.

CDP-Star substrate produces a higher signal in solution assays. CDP-Star substrate with either Sapphire-II or Emerald-II enhancer produces a signal that is nearly five-fold higher than the signal produced by CSPD substrate with enhancer. For five-fold maximum sensitivity, CDP-Star Substrate solutions will provide the highest signal intensity and the greatest sensitivity.

DynaLight Substrate with RapidGlow Enhancer is a ready-to-use chemiluminescent substrate formulation that has been optimized to achieve faster results in solution-based assays. This substrate is classified as a flash and glow substrate that provides fast and sustained maximum signal as early as 2–10 minutes. The DynaLight Substrate with RapidGlow Enhancer formulation includes 1,2-dioxetane chemiluminescent substrate and a polymeric enhancer that enables ultra-sensitive immunoassay detection by alkaline phosphatase label.

Figure 4. Signal kinetics comparison of Glow and Flash and Glow substrates. Comparing signal intensity kinetics (panel A) and signal-to-noise ratios (panel B) of “Glow” and “Flash and Glow” substrate formulations. 0.04 ng of biotin-alkaline phosphatase was detected using 20 µg of M-280 SA Dynabeads magnetic beads in a white microplate. Signal kinetics at 25°C are shown for both “Glow” (i.e., CDP-Star Substrate with Emerald-II Enhancer) and “Flash and Glow” (i.e., DynaLight Substrate with RapidGlow Enhancer) substrates, respectively reaching maximum light emission at ~30 minutes and ~5–10 minutes.

Table 2. Chemiluminescent alkaline phosphatase substrates

EnzymeSubstrateKinetic signal typeProduct nameBenefits, formatQuantityEmission max (nm)*Detection limit**Cat. No.
Alkaline phosphatase (AP)1,2-dioxetaneGlowCDP-Star SubstrateSustained maximum signal over time only after 15–60 minutes depending on the temperature50 mL475pg-ng rangeT2145
250 mLT2147
CDP-Star Substrate with Sapphire-II EnhancerFor use with CSD-STAR substrates in solution-based assays (i.e. ELISA); ready-to-use format100 mL461pg-ng rangeT2214
CDP-Star Substrate with Emerald-II Enhancer542pg-ng rangeT2216
CSPD SubstrateProvides a sustained maximum signal over time only after 15–60 minutes depending on the temperature. Peak light emission is obtained in 10-20 min in solution assays50 mL475pg-ng rangeT2141
100 mLT2142
250 mLT2143
CSDP Substrate with Sapphire-II EnhancerFor use with CSDP substrates in solution-based assays (i.e. ELISA); ready-to-use format100 mL461pg-ng rangeT2210
CSDP Substrate with Emerald-II Enhancer542pg-ng rangeT2212
Flash and GlowDynaLight Substrate with RapidGlow EnhancerProvides a fast and sustained maximum signal as early as 2–10 minutes depending on the temperature provided as a ready-to-use solution100 mL ~1 pg/mL4475406
1 L4475410

* The peak emission wavelength is given for reference. However, for best sensitivity, measure total light output using a luminometer.

** Detection limits and recommended antibody dilutions (based on 1 mg/mL stock) have been generalized as a starting point for optimization. Individual assays may require conditions outside the ranges suggested here.

ELISA enzyme conjugates

If you are looking for enzyme conjugates for your ELISA experiments, Thermo Fisher Scientific has secondary antibody conjugates validated for ELISA available. See the selection of products linked below. We also have a selection of avidin and streptavidin enzyme conjugates.

Table 3. Secondary antibody enzyme conjugates for ELISA.

EnzymeAntibody enzyme conjugates
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugatesSelect ELISA HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies

Learn more about our HRP-Linked Secondary Antibodies
Alkaline phosphatase (AP) conjugatesSelect ELISA AP-conjugated secondary antibodies

Learn more about our Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated Secondary Antibodies
Beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) conjugatesSelect ELISA beta-Gal–conjugated secondary antibodies
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.