Semiconductors are changing the world. From finance and medicine to transportation and education, semiconductors are at the heart of the transition from an analog to a digital world. For semiconductor designers and manufacturers, delivering the next generation of performance is not without new challenges.

For semiconductor professionals around the world, this learning center was created to provide the latest information for failure analysis, metrology and characterization of semiconductor devices. Our comprehensive learning center will help users answer questions about our comprehensive portfolio of localization, preparation and analysis solutions. The content you will find contains information on new techniques and workflows to provide you with accurate and reliable insights and capabilities to assist in accelerating semiconductor design, analysis and production. Via the learning center you will be able to access application notes, videos, webinars, white papers and blogs. 

Semiconductor Whitepapers and Application Notes

Visit our dedicated learning center applications page to learn all about Failure Analysis, Yield Ramp & Metrology and Packaging solutions.

Semiconductor SPARK Webinars

Access our library of free, on-demand webinars to learn more about our latest product releases and the applications of electron microscopy for  semiconductor research, failure analysis and yield learning.

Illuminating Semiconductors Blog

Learn about new solutions and trends impacting semiconductors

Semiconductor Research and Manufacturing Resources

Introducing Thermo Fisher Scientific Semiconductor 

The semiconductor sector is in a new era. Innovation drives incredible technologies, creating an unprecedented demand for higher performance devices. Thermo Fisher Scientific plays its part by supporting the semiconductor industry with an array of groundbreaking nanoscale analysis technologies. 

Introducing Thermo Fisher Scientific Semiconductor 

The semiconductor sector is in a new era. Innovation drives incredible technologies, creating an unprecedented demand for higher performance devices. Thermo Fisher Scientific plays its part by supporting the semiconductor industry with an array of groundbreaking nanoscale analysis technologies. 

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Serviços de microscopia eletrônica para

Para garantir o desempenho ideal do sistema, fornecemos acesso a uma rede de especialistas em serviços de campo, suporte técnico e peças de reposição certificadas.

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