Fluorescent dyes and non-fluorescent ligands are excellent affinity tags that can be recognized by labeled primary antibodies, providing an alternative to the traditional signal amplification as well as expanding the number of targets detected in multiplex experiments. Applications where anti-dye antibodies have been successfully used include DNA hybridization, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, ELISA, and western blotting. Their high specificity also makes them ideal reagents in applications where the signal detection is more difficult due to increased background (for example, non-specific detection of endogenous biotin in cells and tissue).
Anti-dye and anti-hapten antibodies
Catalog #Anti-fluorophoreHostLabel
Anti-fluorophore antibodies and their conjugates
A5760Alexa Fluor® 405/Cascade Blue® dyeRabbitNone
A11094Alexa Fluor® 488 dyeRabbitNone
A5770BODIPY® FL dyeRabbitNone
MA514696Fluorescein (FITC)Mouse (clone #9)None
A6421Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeMouse (clone 4-4-20)None
A889Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitNone
A6413Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbit, Fab fragmentNone
A11095Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeGoatNone
A11090Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitAlexa Fluor® 488 dye
A11096Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeGoatAlexa Fluor® 488 dye
A11091Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitAlexa Fluor® 594 dye
A21250Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitR-phycoerythrin
A982Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitBiotin-XX
A21253Fluorescein/Oregon Green® dyeRabbitHorseradish peroxidase
A5750Lucifer yellow dyeRabbitNone
A5751Lucifer yellow dyeRabbitBiotin-XX
MA1041Tetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA)Mouse (clone 5G5)None
A6397Tetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA)
and Rhodamine Red™ dye
A6399Texas Red® and Texas Red®-X dyeRabbitNone
Anti-hapten antibodies and their conjugates
MA511251BiotinMouse (clone BTN.4)None
033700BiotinMouse (clone Z021)None
A11097DinitrophenylRabbitAlexa Fluor® 488
MA135779DinitrophenylRat (clone LO-DNP-2)None
MA1127703-NitrotyrosineMouse (clone 2A12)None

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.