Antibodies for epitope tags, fusion proteins, dyes and haptens

Image of cell fluorescently labeled with primary and secondary antibodies

Epitope tag antibodies are highly specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that provide a method to localize gene products in a variety of cell types. They are used to study the topology of proteins and protein complexes, identify associated proteins, and characterize newly identified, low abundance proteins when specific antibodies are not available. Our epitope tag antibodies are conjugated with the most common dyes and enzymes used by researchers. For popular targets, conjugates to biotin, HRP, and Alexa Fluor dyes are available.

We also have a wide selection of antibodies against fluorescent dyes, haptens and fusion proteins.

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Quick links to antibodies for epitope tags, fusion proteins, dyes and haptens

What are epitope tags?

Epitope tags are often genetically engineered into recombinant proteins during cloning, providing a method for the detection and/or purification of the expressed protein (Figure 1). They can be used to study the topology of proteins and protein complexes, identify associated proteins, and characterize newly identified, low-abundance proteins when specific antibodies are not available. Epitope tag antibodies are commonly used in structure/function studies where modified constructs are compared against native proteins.

Schematic of tag incorporation into protein 3 step process

Figure 1. Basic method for incorporating epitope tags into recombinant proteins.

Different types of epitope tags

What are peptide tags?What are protein tags?What are fluorescent tags?

Short amino acid sequences.  Some epitope tags, such as myc, are often used in tandem to increase their specific detection, or in combination with another tag.

Large-sized proteins when tagged with a protein of interest result in fusion protein.Large-sized proteins when tagged with a protein of interest result in fusion protein and provide a fluorescent label to the protein of interest.
Examples: Hemagglutinin (HA), His, myc, V5, FLAG tag (DYKDDDDK)Examples: GSTExamples: GFP, RFP, mCherry
  • Enable easy affinity purification of expressed proteins
  • Enable localization and expression of proteins
  • Used in pull-down immunoprecipitation (IP) experiments
  • Can aid in protein expression— enhances the solubility of expressed proteins
  • GST can be easily purified using glutathione agarose

Monitor protein–protein interactions by

  • Can aid in protein expression— enhances the solubility of expressed proteins
  • GST can be easily purified using glutathione agarose
Applications:  Western blot, ELISA, chromatin IP (ChIP), immunocytochemistry (ICC), and immunohistochemistry (IHC)Applications:  IP, western blot, ELISA, ChIP, ICC, and IHCApplications: Western blot, ELISA, IHC, and fluorescence measurement
Detection:  By antibodies either directly conjugated to epitope tags or detected with secondary antibodiesDetection: By antibodies either directly conjugated to epitope tags or detected with secondary antibodiesDetection: By innate fluorescence of the epitope tags or by antibodies when other detection methods are needed
NameType of tagSequence/sizeDescription
HAPeptide tagYPYDVPDYAA highly immunoreactive epitope and can be used to purify tagged target proteins; can be used for co-IP studies and western blots.
HisPeptide tag6X-His
Widely used tag for purification of target proteins that can be used with almost all expression systems.
FLAGPeptide tagDYKDDDDKThe high hydrophilicity and small size of the FLAG tag tend to
interfere less with protein expression, proteolytic maturation,
antigenicity, and function.
MycPeptide tagEQKLISEEDLA reliable method for the detection and purification of tagged target proteins without a protein-specific antibody or probe.
V5Peptide tagGKPIPNPLLGLDSTWidely used in affinity purification in combination with His-tag.
GSTProtein tag27 kDaHighly soluble protein, resulting in greater expression and solubility of recombinant proteins with the GST tag, and can be especially helpful when expressing proteins in bacteria; the GST protein also has a strong affinity for its substrate, glutathione.
GFPFluorescent protein tag27 kDaA versatile marker for monitoring physiological processes, visualizing protein localization, and detecting transgenic expression. GFP is also a powerful research tool for assessing gene expression and subcellular protein distribution in fixed or living cells.
mCherryFluorescent protein tag28 kDa

Due to its improved brightness, superior photostability, and extremely rapid maturation rate, the mCherry monomeric red protein is one of the fluorescent proteins of choice for monitoring physiological processes and detecting transgenic expression.


Find articles, videos, and protocols about epitope tag antibodies and their use in research applications in our Epitope Tag Antibodies Education.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.