Go directly from gDNA extraction to PCR with ChargeSwitch Direct

ChargeSwitch® Direct 96 gDNA Kits

No beads, no membranes, no centrifugation, no vacuum manifold—not even a transfer between tubes or plates. Get your results faster than ever. With the ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kit you’ll save time by going directly from genomic DNA (gDNA) isolation to PCR in one well, in less than 45 minutes.

  • Save time—eliminate elution steps and extract and amplify in the same well
  • Pure DNA you can count on—extraction of genomic DNA without reagents that can inhibit PCR
  • Ideal for small-scale quantity isolations—save precious samples for other applications

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ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA to PCR workflow

High-performance gDNA without elution, contamination, and false positives
ChargeSwitch kits come with aqueous buffers that do not contain guanidine or ethanol, which can inhibit downstream applications. Genomic DNA can be isolated from as little as 10 µL of whole blood or 1–2 x 104 cells per well. Purified gDNA is amplified directly from microplate wells, without elution, and is suitable for downstream procedures (such as multiplex PCR, qPCR, STR analysis, WGA (whole genome amplification), and sequencing). In addition, ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kits are compatible with most automated robotic platforms, and contain semi-skirted microplates that fit into most thermal- and real-time- cyclers for high-throughput procedures. With the ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kit, you get successful, high-purity gDNA results with less sample, contamination, sample error, and false positives (Figure 1).

Sample lysis genomic DNA (gDNA) isolation to PCR
Figure 1. From sample lysis to PCR in just one well.

ChargeSwitch Direct 96 competitive analysis

Using the ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kit, you can lyse and purify gDNA from up to 96 samples in <45 minutes. Add PCR components directly to the wells of the same plate. The elimination of transfer steps means a reduced risk of contamination and sample mix-ups. (Figure 2).

gDNA purification of ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kit versus four other commercially available products
Figure 2. The ChargeSwitch Direct 96 Kit outperforms the competition. The ChargeSwitch Direct 96 gDNA Kit (CS Direct 96) and four other commercially available products (P, X, D, and S) were used to purify gDNA from 10µL of human blood. Although no other product employs a mode of action similar to that of the ChargeSwitch Direct 96 Kit, the protocols for products P, X, and S are similar in processing speed, and are considered “direct” (direct from DNA purification to PCR) methods. The protocol for product D uses a silica-based column and is not a direct method. All protocols were carried out according to the manufacturers’ recommended instructions for blood. As a result, the total proportion of extracted nucleic acid in the analytical PCR reactions differed between methods. In product D, 2% of the total volume extracted was used for PCR. In the ChargeSwitch Direct 96 Kit, PCR was carried out directly in the DNA-bound plates containing 100% of the purified gDNA product. As a control, the ß-actin gene was amplified with 30 cycles of PCR using the purified gDNA from each kit/product. Note that only the ChargeSwitch® Direct 96 Kit provides robust and reproducible PCR results using a direct method. The amplified products along with a DNA marker (M), positive PCR control (+), and negative PCR control (–) were analyzed on a 1% agarose gel.
