GeneJET Spin Column-Based Nucleic Acid Purification

GeneJET DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒

GeneJET系列DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒为不同来源的DNA和RNA纯化 提供了最可靠、经济的工具。


  • 以方便的离心柱形式,提供值得信赖的硅胶膜 DNA 和 RNA 纯化技术
  • 分离核酸的纯度和产量均高于市场上的其他试剂盒
  • 纯化所得的核酸可以直接用于常见的下游应用
  • GeneJET 试剂盒已针对广泛的样本和内附专用实验方案进行过反复测试


Click on the applicable tab to see a list of appropriate kits

GeneJET Total RNA Isolation Reagents

GeneJET Total RNA Purification Kits

High purity total RNA isolation from different sources

  • Simple and efficient systems for purification of total RNA
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • Isolated RNA is essentially free of gDNA contamination, DNase treatment is not necessary
  • Purified RNA can be used in a wide range of downstream applications

GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kits

GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kits

Efficient genomic DNA purification from different sources

  • Rapid and efficient purification of high quality genomic DNA
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • Purified DNA is greater than 30 kb in size, including nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA
  • Isolated DNA can be used directly in PCR, qPCR, Southern blotting and enzymatic reactions

GeneJET Plasmid DNA Purification Kits

GeneJET Plasmid DNA Purification Kits

Rapid isolation of high quality plasmid DNA from microgram to milligram quantities

  • High quality plasmid DNA
  • High yields and concentration of purified DNA
  • For mini-, midi-, and maxi-scale preparations
  • Centrifuge and vacuum manifold protocols

GeneJET DNA Fragment Purification Kits

GeneJET DNA Fragment Purification Kits

Effective DNA fragment recovery from reaction mixtures or agarose gels

  • Effective removal of primers, dNTPs, unincorporated labeled nucleotides, enzymes and salts from PCR, and other reaction mixtures
  • Rapid purification of DNA fragments from standard or low-melting point agarose gels run in either TAE or TBE buffer
  • Fast and reliable cleanup and size selection from different reaction mixtures and buffers for NGS library preparation

GeneJET DNA & RNA Cleanup and Concentration Micro Kits

infographic about advanced column design

Efficient DNA or RNA concentration and cleanup from pre-purified samples and enzymatic reactions

  • Advanced column design – easy to open, load and handle
  • Elute in 6-10 µL volume
  • Exceptional purity – efficient removal of reaction contaminants including enzymes, proteins, primers, dimers, dNTPs, and salts
  • Fast – 4 minute reaction, mixture clean-up, and 15 minute agarose gel purification

Download the brochure

Viral DNA and RNA Purification Kits

Viral DNA and RNA Purification Kits

Fast and efficient viral nucleic acid purification

  • Linear yields from a wide range of viral titers
  • Suitable for serum, plasma and cell free-liquids
  • Tested with a variety of DNA and RNA viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, CMV, EBV)
  • Compatible with sensitive downstream assays such as (RT)-PCR, (RT)-qPCR

GeneJET Total RNA Isolation Reagents

GeneJET Total RNA Purification Kits

High purity total RNA isolation from different sources

  • Simple and efficient systems for purification of total RNA
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • Isolated RNA is essentially free of gDNA contamination, DNase treatment is not necessary
  • Purified RNA can be used in a wide range of downstream applications

GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kits

GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kits

Efficient genomic DNA purification from different sources

  • Rapid and efficient purification of high quality genomic DNA
  • Specialized and detailed protocols for different sample types
  • Purified DNA is greater than 30 kb in size, including nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA
  • Isolated DNA can be used directly in PCR, qPCR, Southern blotting and enzymatic reactions

GeneJET Plasmid DNA Purification Kits

GeneJET Plasmid DNA Purification Kits

Rapid isolation of high quality plasmid DNA from microgram to milligram quantities

  • High quality plasmid DNA
  • High yields and concentration of purified DNA
  • For mini-, midi-, and maxi-scale preparations
  • Centrifuge and vacuum manifold protocols

GeneJET DNA Fragment Purification Kits

GeneJET DNA Fragment Purification Kits

Effective DNA fragment recovery from reaction mixtures or agarose gels

  • Effective removal of primers, dNTPs, unincorporated labeled nucleotides, enzymes and salts from PCR, and other reaction mixtures
  • Rapid purification of DNA fragments from standard or low-melting point agarose gels run in either TAE or TBE buffer
  • Fast and reliable cleanup and size selection from different reaction mixtures and buffers for NGS library preparation

GeneJET DNA & RNA Cleanup and Concentration Micro Kits

infographic about advanced column design

Efficient DNA or RNA concentration and cleanup from pre-purified samples and enzymatic reactions

  • Advanced column design – easy to open, load and handle
  • Elute in 6-10 µL volume
  • Exceptional purity – efficient removal of reaction contaminants including enzymes, proteins, primers, dimers, dNTPs, and salts
  • Fast – 4 minute reaction, mixture clean-up, and 15 minute agarose gel purification

Download the brochure

Viral DNA and RNA Purification Kits

Viral DNA and RNA Purification Kits

Fast and efficient viral nucleic acid purification

  • Linear yields from a wide range of viral titers
  • Suitable for serum, plasma and cell free-liquids
  • Tested with a variety of DNA and RNA viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, CMV, EBV)
  • Compatible with sensitive downstream assays such as (RT)-PCR, (RT)-qPCR


GeneJET 质粒 DNA 纯化试剂盒

可快速分离出微克至毫克级的优质质粒 DNA。

  • 高质量的质粒 DNA
  • 纯化 DNA 产量和浓度高
  • 适用于小量、中量和大量制备
  • 提供离心和真空支架操作流程


GeneJET 基因组 DNA 纯化试剂盒

可从不同来源样本中高效纯化基因组 DNA。

  • 可快速、高效纯化出高质量的基因组 DNA
  • 适用于不同类型样本的专用细致实验方案
  • 纯化的DNA大小超过30 kb,包括细胞核、线粒体和线粒体 DNA
  • 分离的 DNA 可直接用于PCR、qPCR、Southern杂交和酶促反应


GeneJET 总 RNA 纯化试剂盒


  • 用于纯化总RNA的简单、高效系统
  • 适用于不同类型样本的专用、细致实验方案
  • 分离的RNA基本不含gDNA污染,无需DNA酶处理
  • 纯化所得的RNA可用于广泛的下游应用


病毒 DNA 和 RNA 纯化试剂盒


  • 可在广泛的病毒滴度下实现线性得率
  • 适于血清、血浆和游离细胞液体
  • 采用大量 DNA 和 RNA 病毒 (HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, CMV, EBV) 进行过测试
  • 兼容各种高灵敏的下游实验,如 (RT)-PCR, (RT)-qPCR

GeneJET DNA片段纯化试剂盒

GeneJET DNA 片段纯化试剂盒


  • 可从PCR及其他反应混合物中有效去除引物、dNTPs、未结合的标记核苷酸、酶和盐。
  • 可从TAE或TBE缓冲液中的标准或低熔点琼脂糖凝胶中快速醇化DNA片段
  • 可从不同的反应混合物中快速、可靠地纯化和大小筛选,完成NGS文库制备

GeneJET DNA & RNA纯化和微量浓缩试剂盒



  • 先进的离心柱设计——易于开启、上样和操作
  • 6-10 µL 体积洗脱
  • 出色的纯度——有效去除反应污染物,如酶、蛋白质、引物、引物二聚体、dNTPs 和盐
  • 快速——4 分钟反应,15 分钟琼脂糖凝胶纯化

