
Biospecimens transform life science research

Hospitals, biopharmaceutical companies and academia researchers rely on biobanks and biorepositories for the most critical piece of the puzzle—biological samples and their associated data.

Biobanking features

Whether you’re managing the inventory of a freezer or an entire biorepository, Thermo Fisher Scientific has a solution to your biobank needs. Discover our virtual biobank, and see how we can help you with sample collection, preparation, storage, analysis and transport.

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Exosomes, microvesicles, retrovirus-like particles and apoptotic bodies are extracellular vesicles that all cells secrete into extracellular space—and they could be a valuable fraction to biobank.

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Biobanking resources


Sample Inventory Training Modules

It is important to know what to expect when preparing for a sample inventory event. There are many factors to consider when going through the inventory process, from pre-inventory prep work to sample transfer to managing sample integrity.

We have prepared three eModules designed to assist in managing the inventory process—these modules include helpful information on the “why” of the inventory process as well as tips and recommendations for each stage.

On-demand webinar

The seven keys to safeguarding your cryopreserved cells

Safeguarding your samples throughout the entire cryopreservation process can be tricky. Understanding the seven keys can equip any lab with the knowledge necessary to ensure safety and optimal cryopreservation results. Topics include:

  • The big picture: The cryopreservation process
  • What you need to know about cryopreservation temperatures and cooling rates
  • Demystifying the tube selection process and knowing the vital features for sample safety
  • Avoiding critical risks when using liquid nitrogen

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Biobanking Analysis

The real value of biospecimens is the data they generate through techniques like genomic and proteomic analysis. The extensive amounts of data, results and reports need to be collated from a variety of these collaborating partners. Adding to the complexity, the timely and accurate flow of information is essential.

Biobanking Collection

The success of a biobank project starts at the point of collection to ensure the quality of samples and establishing a robust sample information foundation. Our pledge is to simplify and improve the quality of the critical stages in the biobanking process to ensure successful downstream research of biological specimens.

Biobanking Preparation

A critical biobanking stage, preparation ensures that target sample components are ready for storage in an optimal format for downstream use. The preparation of biological samples lays the groundwork for a range of critical research objectives such as drug discovery, cancer and disease research, cell therapy, and beyond. Our solutions support sample preparation ranging from extraction, fractionation, and aliquoting, while maintaining traceability from the point of collection at a range of throughput levels for biobanks at any scale.

Biobanking Storage

Safe and secure storage is a non-negotiable part of the biobank workflow. We understand the dual importance of sample integrity and inventory management and offer a comprehensive, sample storage solution designed to protect your samples, track your inventory and provide peace of mind.

Biobanking Transport

Maintaining integrity of your biospecimens at every point of transfer from collection to shipping/distribution is imperative to obtaining quality sample and associated data. The right logistics plan, climate, transport containers, and chain-of-custody as well as the type of samples and their intended use are vital to regulating sample temperature during transportation.

Collaborating partners—including biobanks and biorepositories, pharma and biotech companies, and contract research organizations—have the challenge of working together to ensure the timely and accurate flow of extensive amounts of data, results, and reports. The comprehensive turnkey biobanking portfolio from Thermo Fisher Scientific fosters the collaboration and sharing that are essential to support critical discoveries and advancements.

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Videos—Automated solutions for sample storage

Thermo Scientific SampleSeal

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