At the 2017 Precision Medicine Leaders Summit in San Diego, five innovators in the field of precision medicine convened onstage to discuss what it will take to capitalize on this historic convergence of need, knowledge and technology.

The panel agreed that widespread adoption of precision medicine will require well-timed and strategic collaborations between the clinical community, academia, biopharma, industry and patients. But how close are we? Do we really understand enough about a patient’s unique and highly complex molecular profile? Are we prepared to manage and analyze the zettabytes of data that are required to make precision medicine insights actionable and scalable?

The answer, many believe, will depend on the rapid and rational integration of multi-omic data. This is what the distinguished panelists representing Inova Schar Cancer InstituteNantOmics, the National Institutes of Health, Liquid Biosciences and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre discussed during the panel. To see highlights from the panel, view the video on the right. To watch the entire panel, please use the player below.

Precision Medicine Leaders Summit Panel: Highlights

Experts discuss the main challenges and opportunities driven by the integration of multi-omic information, including what's needed to build an efficient infrastructure to better converge the efforts and information generated across the precision medicine community.

Precision Medicine Leaders Summit Panel: Full, Unedited Version