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3D imaging techniques, such as X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provide insights into food structure and how it changes in various situations, including processing operations.
Thermo Scientific Avizo Software is an all-in-one image analysis platform that allows the visualization, processing, and quantification of food and seed structures acquired with a variety of imaging modalities. The microstructural characterization and the relation of microstructure to properties needed in food engineering, chemistry, microbiology, and safety are easily made possible by Avizo Software's comprehensive analysis toolset.
凭借功能 强大的 分割和 图像 处理能力与工作流程以及与科学界和数千名研究人员超过 20 年 的合作, 现已证明,我们基于数字成像的工作流程为 工业和科学 问题提供了 可靠解决方案。
感谢我们专业的支持团队,您可以与我们的顶尖专家取得联系,以确保所有问题得到解答。通过我们的培训、咨询选项 和不断扩充的教程集和操作方法,您可以缩短学习曲线,集中精力获得 所需的答案。
由于您的需求独一无二且不断变化,我们的软件解决方案非常灵活并且可以定制。借助我们的脚本编写界面(Python、TCL)、与 MATLAB 桥接以及编程 API,您可以扩展我们的软件解决方案并整合您自己的 IP(知识产权)。如果需要,我们的专业服务团队可以帮助设计符合您需求的独特解决方案。
Food engineering helps advance product quality, improving food properties for more cost-effective production and commercialization. Avizo Software helps food engineers understand the relation between microstructure and product properties with 3D visualization, processing, and analysis of MRI and microCT images of food. Time-series analysis of the evolution of food is also possible with Avizo Software, further contributing to improvements in the longevity and other aspects of food. Unilever uses Avizo Software to visualize and clarify food structures.
Providing safe, high-quality food is a mandatory requirement that protects consumers from illness and injury. The combination of microCT images and Avizo Software allows for analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical elements of the finished food product.
For example, during the analysis of a random chocolate candy, the end of the production chain is tasked with checking both the food quality (in terms of quantity of ingredients) and the food safety (presence of undesired materials). The composition of the candy (volume amount of each ingredient) is precisely measured, as well as the porosity.
Bubbles in food create an aerated structure that enhances the product appearance and its properties (smoothness, creaminess, crispness, etc.). Avizo Software provides efficient methods to segment the bubbles and quantify both their attributes and size distribution. Avizo Software's Pore Network Modeling allows the creation of an equivalent network model of the porous distribution for advanced analysis of the bubbles' interconnections and properties.
Physical properties, such as particle size and spatial distribution, shape factors, packing density, and surface area, play a key role in powder flow. Powder flowability can be fully characterized with Avizo Software's advanced and extensive quantification and analysis toolset.
For example, agglomerates in baby powder milk can be segmented and classified based on size and spatial distribution to quantify their effect on powder flowability.
3D structural analysis of seeds is critical in many aspects of seed technology. Avizo Software's advanced characterization toolset allows for quality control of coated seeds. Seed coat thickness, volume, sphericity, and roughness can be evaluated. Measurements of internal and external seed structures, including volume and surface areas, allow for the quantification of seed properties such as resistance and germination potential. Nondestructive testing visualization and analysis of seeds is also made possible based on Avizo Software's high-quality 3D volume rendering techniques. GEVES uses Avizo Software to study and control plant seeds.
Food engineering helps advance product quality, improving food properties for more cost-effective production and commercialization. Avizo Software helps food engineers understand the relation between microstructure and product properties with 3D visualization, processing, and analysis of MRI and microCT images of food. Time-series analysis of the evolution of food is also possible with Avizo Software, further contributing to improvements in the longevity and other aspects of food. Unilever uses Avizo Software to visualize and clarify food structures.
Providing safe, high-quality food is a mandatory requirement that protects consumers from illness and injury. The combination of microCT images and Avizo Software allows for analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical elements of the finished food product.
For example, during the analysis of a random chocolate candy, the end of the production chain is tasked with checking both the food quality (in terms of quantity of ingredients) and the food safety (presence of undesired materials). The composition of the candy (volume amount of each ingredient) is precisely measured, as well as the porosity.
Bubbles in food create an aerated structure that enhances the product appearance and its properties (smoothness, creaminess, crispness, etc.). Avizo Software provides efficient methods to segment the bubbles and quantify both their attributes and size distribution. Avizo Software's Pore Network Modeling allows the creation of an equivalent network model of the porous distribution for advanced analysis of the bubbles' interconnections and properties.
Physical properties, such as particle size and spatial distribution, shape factors, packing density, and surface area, play a key role in powder flow. Powder flowability can be fully characterized with Avizo Software's advanced and extensive quantification and analysis toolset.
For example, agglomerates in baby powder milk can be segmented and classified based on size and spatial distribution to quantify their effect on powder flowability.
3D structural analysis of seeds is critical in many aspects of seed technology. Avizo Software's advanced characterization toolset allows for quality control of coated seeds. Seed coat thickness, volume, sphericity, and roughness can be evaluated. Measurements of internal and external seed structures, including volume and surface areas, allow for the quantification of seed properties such as resistance and germination potential. Nondestructive testing visualization and analysis of seeds is also made possible based on Avizo Software's high-quality 3D volume rendering techniques. GEVES uses Avizo Software to study and control plant seeds.
通过专门为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件新用户设计的入门培训,缩短学习曲线,使投资收益最大化。
课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的基本特点和功能。
通过专为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的现有用户设计的高级培训使投资收益最大化并缩短取得成果的时间。
课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的高级特点和功能。
赛默飞世尔科技在 3D 和图像处理方面拥有超过 25 年的经验,向众多小型和大型机构交付了数百个定制项目,可根据您的特定需求为您提供量身定制的解决方案。
Porosity in hazelnut chocolate
Avizo fiber fertilizer influence on root growth
Quantification of insect damage in Faba bean seeds
Quality assessment of coated sugar beet seeds
Porosity in hazelnut chocolate
Avizo fiber fertilizer influence on root growth
Quantification of insect damage in Faba bean seeds
Quality assessment of coated sugar beet seeds
- X-ray tomography: CT, micro-/nanoCT
- Electron microscopy
- Synchrotron