The multi-attribute method, known as MAM, employs a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) technique. It serves as a peptide mapping application, enabling the direct analysis and monitoring of a wide array of product quality attributes (PQAs) at the amino acid level in biopharmaceutical products. This method is applicable throughout the product's journey from process development to quality control release.

Even minor alterations in the protein sequence can significantly impact the safety and biological effectiveness of biotherapeutics. Through direct measurement of potential PQAs, valuable insights are gained to refine production processes, ultimately enhancing the overall product quality.

The meticulous evaluation and continuous tracking of potential PQAs play a pivotal role in ensuring the product's quality, safety, and efficacy. Traditional methods for assessing potential PQAs involve resource-intensive approaches like multiple chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques. However, these methods are profile-based and often fall short in identifying and quantifying potential PQAs linked to specific residues. Incorporating the MAM approach can revolutionize the understanding and optimization of biopharmaceutical production, offering a comprehensive and efficient means to maintain product excellence.

The streamlined workflow to bring safe, high-quality medicines to market faster.

Historically, the implementation of MAM has not been easy or fast due to the absence of a complete commercial MAM solution. Scientists have had to piece together multiple hardware and software components originally designed for different purposes. Such MAM solutions often require expert MS users and are not without challenges when deployed in process development and QC environments.

Being the leading biotherapeutic solution provider and a trusted partner, Thermo Fisher Scientific has been working closely with industry leaders to develop a seamless, fit-for-purpose MAM solution.

Thermo Scientific MAM 2.0 enables:

  • Fast decision making based on high confidence information of multiple product quality attributes (PQAs) from development through QC, ensured by industry proven Orbitrap technology and Thermo Scientific ChromeleonChromatography Data System (CDS) as GMP supporting data acquisition and processing software.
  • Seamless knowledge sharing and method transfer across instruments, functions, departments, and sites throughout the whole organization to accelerate development, enabled by a compliance-ready enterprise data system.
  • Maximum productivity through a dedicated global support team of Thermo Fisher MAM experts, providing application specific training and service.​
Thermo Scientific MAM 2.0

A scalable MAM platform built for global connectivity: Enterprise connectivity for enhanced knowledge sharing

Build your process knowledge within a compliance-ready, enterprise MAM data system that connects instruments, functions, departments and sites throughout development and manufacturing, enabling seamless data and knowledge sharing.

Seamless transition from research and development to quality control

Simplify your routine operations without compromising data quality on Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris MX mass detector, built on the same platform as Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer. Eliminate lengthy method development in QC with direct method transfer within compliance-ready Chromeleon CDS software.

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Thermo Scientific end-to-end MAM solution designed for development through QC

Recommended configuration – Attribute Characterization

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Hypersil Gold Vanquish Columns   Arrow   UPLCS Instrument    Arrow   CM    Arrow       Arrow      Biopharma Software    Arrow      Ardia Platform


Recommended configuration – Routine Monitoring

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Hypersil Gold Vanquish Columns  Arrow  Arrow OE MX Arrow    CM   

Thermo Scientific MAM 2.0 solutions in depth

Future proof your biotherapeutic development and QC with industry proven Orbitrap technology, now purposely designed for MAM.

Build your process knowledge within a compliance-ready enterprise data system that connects instruments, functions, departments, and sites throughout development and manufacturing, enabling seamless data and knowledge sharing at global scale.

Ardia platform

Ardia platform

The Thermo Scientific Ardia platform is designed for scientists running chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses and enables them to combine, aggregate, compare, interrogate and share information via a common digital language. It allows for the highest uptime, security, and global compliance standards in the sharing of previously siloed data.

Maximize productivity and confidence with dedicated MAM Support Team

Standardized System Performance Evaluation Test (SET) Checklist

Standardized System Performance Evaluation Test (SET)

Designed for each system configuration. Supports thorough assessment of the performance of the entire system, based on an SOP containing a defined list of acceptance criteria, at installation and subsequent maintenance appointments, ensuring consistent high-quality results, utilizing Pierce BSA Protein Digest Standard and Fisher Scientific LC-MS grade solvents are used for SETs.

Standardized System Performance Evaluation Test (SET) Cogs

Combination of on-site and remote trainings are conducted by MAM application experts, customizable to meet your needs.

Installation, training, service, and support are managed by a dedicated global support team of Thermo Scientific MAM experts, providing fast response to maximize system uptime and your productivity.

MAM 2.0 references


Style Sheet for Komodo Tabs
Style Sheet for Global Design System
CMD SchemaApp code