The discovery of cancer stem cells (CSC) in certain tumor types launched a new discipline within cancer research. Many scientists are now looking to identify and characterize populations of tumor cells which have acquired stem cell–like properties as potential sources of metastasis and therapeutic resistance.

Life Technologies provides optimized solutions for cancer stem cell research—from identification and culturing to genomic and functional analysis.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cancer Stem Cells Research Products


Isolate cancer stem cells with high yield and purity using Dynabeads® purification systems

Recommended Products & Resources


Benefit from experience with the most trusted and widely referenced brand of cell culture media, reagents, cells, and sera. For your cancer stem cell needs, use the most trusted and widely referenced brand of cell culture media, reagents, cells, and sera: Gibco® cell culture products.

Recommended Products & Resources


Characterize the genomic events of cancer stem cells driving regenerative properties with highly sensitive sequencing and qPCR technologies. Life Technologies portfolio supports a wide range of throughput and application needs for Genomic Analysis.

  • Applied Biosystems® Genetic Analyzers—for the gold standard in sequencing and fragment analysis.
  • Applied Biosystems® and Invitrogen™ products—for the most complete PCR systems portfolios

Detect rare cancer stem cells events faster, without loss of sensitivity with the Attune™ Acoustic Focusing Cytometer . Uncover diverse cell processes in live cells with Molecular Probes® reagents and assays.


Benefit from experience with the most trusted and widely referenced brand of cell culture media, reagents, cells, and sera. For your cancer stem cell needs, use the most trusted and widely referenced brand of cell culture media, reagents, cells, and sera: Gibco® cell culture products.

Recommended Products & Resources


Characterize the genomic events of cancer stem cells driving regenerative properties with highly sensitive sequencing and qPCR technologies. Life Technologies portfolio supports a wide range of throughput and application needs for Genomic Analysis.

  • Applied Biosystems® Genetic Analyzers—for the gold standard in sequencing and fragment analysis.
  • Applied Biosystems® and Invitrogen™ products—for the most complete PCR systems portfolios

Detect rare cancer stem cells events faster, without loss of sensitivity with the Attune™ Acoustic Focusing Cytometer . Uncover diverse cell processes in live cells with Molecular Probes® reagents and assays.
