Cancer Research Webinars & Resources

Stay up to date with new advances in cancer research applications with access to recent webinars, posters, and literature covering cancer genomics, cancer RNA expression, cancer epigenetics, circulating biomarkers, and cancer cell analysis.

Featured on-demand videos

The cancer research webinars and other on-demand videos below cover a diverse collection of cancer genomic research topics to help educate you in RNA expression, cell analysis, targeted sequencing, and more.

Select from the list below and register for a live webinar or view one of our previously recorded videos at your leisure. These videos are designed for a wide-range of scientists and oncology-focused professionals, from novice to expert.

Marcel Nelen, PhD
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 20.16

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D. Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Cancer Genomics

Dr. Joe Boland
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research SAIC-Frederick
Duration: 28.11

Dr. Stephen Yip
Vancouver General Hospital
Duration: 15.03

Cancer RNA Expression

Dr. Tim Triche
Children's Hospital L.A.
Duration: 28.57

Cancer Cell Analysis

Dr. Nick Dolman
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 34.35

Marcel Nelen, PhD
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 20.16

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Prof. Aldo Scarpa
ARC-NET, Verona
Duration: 4.12


M. Seibold, Ph.D., J.C. Machado, Ph.D., Dr. A. Scarpa, M.D., Dr. N. Normanno, Dr. I. Cree, Dr. M. Ligtenberg, M. Nelen, Ph.D., A. Papp, Dr. P. Laurent-Puig, M.D., Ph.D.
Duration: 3.17

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Marcel Nelen, Ph.D. and Jose Carlos Machado, Ph.D.
Radboud University and University of Porto
Duration: 4.22

Dr. P. Laurent-Puig, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. N. Normanno, Dr. A. Scarpa, M.D., Dr. I. Cree, Dr. L. Lacroix, PharmD., Ph.D., Dr. M. Ligtenberg, Dr. H. Kurth, Dr. O. Sheils
Duration: 5.37

No records were found matching your criteria

TitlesCancer focusSource
Cell-based analysis of oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and lipid peroxidation-derived protein modifications using fluorescence microscopyCancer cell analysis AACR 2014
GFP compatibility with EdU cell proliferation assayCancer cell analysisAACR 2014
No-Lyse No-Wash Immunophenotyping Using Acoustic CytometryCancer cell analysisAACR 2013
Q-PCR and sequence analysis of DNA template from a microfluidic CTC isolation platform.Cancer cell analysisAACR 2012
KRAS mutation analysis by PCR: a comparison of two methods.Cancer cell analysisEACR 2012
K-RAS mutation detection in colorectal cancer- A combined approach using TaqMan Mutation Detection assays (TMDA) and digital PCR.Cancer cell analysisEACR 2012
Cancer biomarker research using castPCR technologyCancer cell analysisEACR 2012
Simultaneous Analysis of Cell Death Mechanisms and Oxidative Stress Using Live Cell Fluorescence MicroscopyCancer cell analysisAACR 2011
Accurate quantitation of micro RNA by chip-based digital PCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Whole transcriptome analysis of testicular germ cell tumorsCancer genomicsAACR 2014
In-depth gene expression profiling of seminomatous testicular germ cell tumorsCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Detection of SMAD4, MAP2K4, RB1, and CDKN2A gene deletions in human tumor cells by multiplex qPCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Hotspot mutation and fusion transcript detection from the same non-small lung adenocarcinoma sampleCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Simultaneous detection of KRAS and TP53 mutations in human cancer cell lines using multiplex qPCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Rapid drug target ranking system developed from a systematic analysis of cancer genomic data from the Oncomine Knowledgebase identifies an oncogenic role for the NFE2L2 pathway in multiple cancer typesCancer genomicsAACR 2014
The OncoNetwork Consortium: a global collaborative research study on the development and verification of an Ion AmpliSeq RNA gene lung fusion panelCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Development of a standard operating procedure for exosome isolation and analysis using clinical samples: Application to cancer biomarker discoveryCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Rapid assessment of AM: genes for mutation detection and copy number variationCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Gene expression profiling of a single laser capture microdissected (LCM) cellCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Quantitation of HER2 gene amplification using digital PCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
High-throughput, systematic analysis of paired-end next generation sequencing data to characterize the gene fusion landscape in cancer Cancer genomicsAACR 2013
Discovery and characterization of driver MAPK and PI3K pathway mutations in tumors and association with drug response in cell lines Cancer genomicsAACR 2013
Development of a standard operating procedure for exosome isolation and analysis using clinical samples: Application to cancer biomarker discoveryCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
MicroRNA profiling in serum samples from donors with germ cell cancerCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
In-depth gene expression profiling of seminomatous testicular germ cell tumorsCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
Gene expression profiling of a single laser capture microdissected (LCM) cellCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
Gene expression of EdU proliferating cells using Ion Torrent sequencing made possible with improved click chemistryCancer RNA expressionAACR 2013
Digital Sample Enrichment and RT–castPCR Detection for Direct Molecular Characterization and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC)Circulating biomarkersAACR 2011

Featured on-demand videos

The cancer research webinars and other on-demand videos below cover a diverse collection of cancer genomic research topics to help educate you in RNA expression, cell analysis, targeted sequencing, and more.

Select from the list below and register for a live webinar or view one of our previously recorded videos at your leisure. These videos are designed for a wide-range of scientists and oncology-focused professionals, from novice to expert.

Marcel Nelen, PhD
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 20.16

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D. Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Cancer Genomics

Dr. Joe Boland
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research SAIC-Frederick
Duration: 28.11

Dr. Stephen Yip
Vancouver General Hospital
Duration: 15.03

Cancer RNA Expression

Dr. Tim Triche
Children's Hospital L.A.
Duration: 28.57

Cancer Cell Analysis

Dr. Nick Dolman
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 34.35

Marcel Nelen, PhD
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duration: 20.16

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Prof. Aldo Scarpa
ARC-NET, Verona
Duration: 4.12


M. Seibold, Ph.D., J.C. Machado, Ph.D., Dr. A. Scarpa, M.D., Dr. N. Normanno, Dr. I. Cree, Dr. M. Ligtenberg, M. Nelen, Ph.D., A. Papp, Dr. P. Laurent-Puig, M.D., Ph.D.
Duration: 3.17

Kenneth Scott, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine
Duration: 7 minutes

Marcel Nelen, Ph.D. and Jose Carlos Machado, Ph.D.
Radboud University and University of Porto
Duration: 4.22

Dr. P. Laurent-Puig, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. N. Normanno, Dr. A. Scarpa, M.D., Dr. I. Cree, Dr. L. Lacroix, PharmD., Ph.D., Dr. M. Ligtenberg, Dr. H. Kurth, Dr. O. Sheils
Duration: 5.37

No records were found matching your criteria

TitlesCancer focusSource
Cell-based analysis of oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and lipid peroxidation-derived protein modifications using fluorescence microscopyCancer cell analysis AACR 2014
GFP compatibility with EdU cell proliferation assayCancer cell analysisAACR 2014
No-Lyse No-Wash Immunophenotyping Using Acoustic CytometryCancer cell analysisAACR 2013
Q-PCR and sequence analysis of DNA template from a microfluidic CTC isolation platform.Cancer cell analysisAACR 2012
KRAS mutation analysis by PCR: a comparison of two methods.Cancer cell analysisEACR 2012
K-RAS mutation detection in colorectal cancer- A combined approach using TaqMan Mutation Detection assays (TMDA) and digital PCR.Cancer cell analysisEACR 2012
Cancer biomarker research using castPCR technologyCancer cell analysisEACR 2012
Simultaneous Analysis of Cell Death Mechanisms and Oxidative Stress Using Live Cell Fluorescence MicroscopyCancer cell analysisAACR 2011
Accurate quantitation of micro RNA by chip-based digital PCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Whole transcriptome analysis of testicular germ cell tumorsCancer genomicsAACR 2014
In-depth gene expression profiling of seminomatous testicular germ cell tumorsCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Detection of SMAD4, MAP2K4, RB1, and CDKN2A gene deletions in human tumor cells by multiplex qPCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Hotspot mutation and fusion transcript detection from the same non-small lung adenocarcinoma sampleCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Simultaneous detection of KRAS and TP53 mutations in human cancer cell lines using multiplex qPCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Rapid drug target ranking system developed from a systematic analysis of cancer genomic data from the Oncomine Knowledgebase identifies an oncogenic role for the NFE2L2 pathway in multiple cancer typesCancer genomicsAACR 2014
The OncoNetwork Consortium: a global collaborative research study on the development and verification of an Ion AmpliSeq RNA gene lung fusion panelCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Development of a standard operating procedure for exosome isolation and analysis using clinical samples: Application to cancer biomarker discoveryCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Rapid assessment of AM: genes for mutation detection and copy number variationCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Gene expression profiling of a single laser capture microdissected (LCM) cellCancer genomicsAACR 2014
Quantitation of HER2 gene amplification using digital PCRCancer genomicsAACR 2014
High-throughput, systematic analysis of paired-end next generation sequencing data to characterize the gene fusion landscape in cancer Cancer genomicsAACR 2013
Discovery and characterization of driver MAPK and PI3K pathway mutations in tumors and association with drug response in cell lines Cancer genomicsAACR 2013
Development of a standard operating procedure for exosome isolation and analysis using clinical samples: Application to cancer biomarker discoveryCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
MicroRNA profiling in serum samples from donors with germ cell cancerCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
In-depth gene expression profiling of seminomatous testicular germ cell tumorsCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
Gene expression profiling of a single laser capture microdissected (LCM) cellCancer RNA expressionAACR 2014
Gene expression of EdU proliferating cells using Ion Torrent sequencing made possible with improved click chemistryCancer RNA expressionAACR 2013
Digital Sample Enrichment and RT–castPCR Detection for Direct Molecular Characterization and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC)Circulating biomarkersAACR 2011
