artistic rendition of solid tumors

Solid tumor research often includes analysis of the tumor and the use of techniques such as immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA isolation, qRT-PCR, and next-generation sequencing and the application of these techniques to a variety of sample types.

Products for sample types

The most relevant sample types that can generate insights about solid tumor features are:

  • Fresh-frozen (FF) or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample tissues obtained through biopsy or excision of the malignant mass for staining or immunohistochemical analysis
  • FF or FFPE tissue specimens for profiling through molecular, biochemical, proteomic, and metabolic studies
  • Urine and whole blood (serum and plasma) for biomarker analysis

Profiling solid tumors' genetic profile

Worldwide, FFPE tissue samples tissue samples are commonly used for immuno-histological or molecular profiling for various types of cancer (e.g., prostate, breast, colon, brain). By using the FFPE method for tissue archiving, researchers are empowered to investigate and analyze the excised biopsies. To achieve a more in-depth view of the proteins or to study morphology from FFPE tissue samples, one can employ immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques (using antibodies or fluorescent-labeled antibodies) to visualize specific proteins present in individual cancerous cells within the excised tissue.

Proteomic studies of the native form of non-denatured proteins and the preservation of DNA and RNA information come with particular challenges due to formalin-induced cross-linking in FFPE samples. Frozen tissue can be suitable for keeping the genomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic features unaltered. Furthermore, scientists are paying closer attention to the uncovering of fundamental multi-omics approaches to understand the tumor's complexity and unique signature better.

Challenges to detecting mutational levels in solid tumors

Detecting the mutational levels in solid tumors can be challenging, especially in samples that have non-small malignancies of the lungs, colon and melanomas. For example, common characteristics that are studied include the histological form (adenocarcinoma vs. squamous cell carcinoma) and mutational state of the protein, C-K-RAS (KRAS) and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene. When considering the whole cancer genome, taking into consideration the preponderance of DNA alteration or specific mutations is the key to describing and quantifying the onco-genes and tumorigenic suppressor genes. When it comes to gene insertions or deletions of a single base pair, namely point mutations, the RAS gene family (HRAS, KRAS, NRAS) is associated with malignancies like colon, lung, or pancreatic cancer. These specific point mutations enable researchers to optimally study a multi-layered phenotype or a complex cancer type.

Cancer researchers explore new profiling methods

DNA sequencing or denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC), qRT-PCR, or SYBR Green PCR and melting temperature analysis are used for point mutation profiling and discovery. They provide accuracy, sensitivity, reproducibility, and high production capabilities.

Taken together, testing of a solid tumor's genetic profile and decoding the specific genes from formalin-fixed malignant samples still represent a challenge due to the limited tumor content and the quality of the histological samples. Besides the existing challenges of FFPE tissue samples, researchers are developing strategies and multi-omics approaches to make use of the entire DNA concentration from these sample types. Repeating some genomics experiments can increase the chances of achieving the most accurate cancer type.

Featured products for sample types

OncoScan CNV Plus Assay

Designed to cover the entire genome as well as known cancer drivers, this assay is part of a comprehensive workflow that enables the generation of in-depth copy number data from as little as 80 ng of DNA per sample.

OncoScan CNV Plus Assay

Designed to cover the entire genome as well as known cancer drivers, this assay is part of a comprehensive workflow that enables the generation of in-depth copy number and somatic mutation data from as little as 80 ng of DNA per sample.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

Skip the complex instrument setup and get results faster with a single-cartridge multi-application genetic analyzer.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

Designed for extraction of total nucleic acid from FFPE samples.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

Oncomine TCR-beta SR Assay

Robust, targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays designed to accurately identify and measure the clonal expansion of T lymphocytes in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples.

ProFlex PCR System

The Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System combines the reliability and performance you’ve come to expect from Applied Biosystems thermal cyclers with the flexible configuration and control features that fit how you work today.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

Oncomine TCR-beta LR Assay

Designed to measure T cell diversity and clonal expansion by sequencing T cell receptor beta chain rearrangements.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

MLPA assays on SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

The SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer provides fast and efficient results; each run cycle accommodates 4 MLPA reaction samples and can be completed within 45 min.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

RiboPure-Blood Kit

Isolation of high-quality RNA directly from whole blood samples.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

TRIzol Plus RNA Purification Kit

This kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of samples.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

OncoScan CNV Plus Assay

Designed to cover the entire genome as well as known cancer drivers, this assay is part of a comprehensive workflow that enables the generation of in-depth copy number data from as little as 80 ng of DNA per sample.

OncoScan CNV Plus Assay

Designed to cover the entire genome as well as known cancer drivers, this assay is part of a comprehensive workflow that enables the generation of in-depth copy number and somatic mutation data from as little as 80 ng of DNA per sample.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

Skip the complex instrument setup and get results faster with a single-cartridge multi-application genetic analyzer.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

Designed for extraction of total nucleic acid from FFPE samples.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

Oncomine TCR-beta SR Assay

Robust, targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays designed to accurately identify and measure the clonal expansion of T lymphocytes in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples.

ProFlex PCR System

The Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System combines the reliability and performance you’ve come to expect from Applied Biosystems thermal cyclers with the flexible configuration and control features that fit how you work today.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

Oncomine TCR-beta LR Assay

Designed to measure T cell diversity and clonal expansion by sequencing T cell receptor beta chain rearrangements.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

MLPA assays on SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

The SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer provides fast and efficient results; each run cycle accommodates 4 MLPA reaction samples and can be completed within 45 min.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.

RiboPure-Blood Kit

Isolation of high-quality RNA directly from whole blood samples.

Clariom D and S Pico assays

Clariom assays, built using the latest transcriptome knowledge from multiple databases, are simple and fast tools for finding high-fidelity expression biomarkers.

GeneChip miRNA 4.0 Assay (with FlashTag Biotin HSR kit)

GeneChip miRNA Arrays are powerful tools for studying the role of small non-coding RNA (miRNA, snoRNA, and scaRNA) in complex diseases, such as cancer.

TaqMan Gene Expression assays

Designed to detect virtually any gene transcript, with more than 2.8 million predesigned assays.

TaqMan Advanced miRNA assays

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR.

Real-time PCR reagents and kits

Find optimized real-time PCR master mixes, reagents, and kits to power your experiments here.

TRIzol Plus RNA Purification Kit

This kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of samples.

SNaPShot MultiPlex Kit

The SNaPshot Multiplex Kit is part of the SNaPshot Multiplex System. The SNaPshot Multiplex System primer extension-based method enables multiplexing up to 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Use this system to screen and confirm SNPs, detect minor sequence variations, assess DNA methylation, fingerprint bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) or general labeling of restriction fragments.
