Genomic testing in aquaculture helps to improve fish production, decrease loss from disease and pests, increase traceability, and optimize feed formula for healthy, profitable, and sustainable fish farms. For genomics to meet aquaculture breeding program needs, technology must deliver accurate data with fast turnaround and at low cost. Applied Biosystems Axiom expert aquaculture arrays will help you accelerate genomic discovery and improve your aquaculture breeding programs.

Customer testimonials

Improving Chilean Aquaculture with Axiom Arrays

Improving chilean aquaculture with Axiom arrays

The Axiom array has been instrumental in identifying ways to improve Chilean salmon stock and in looking for ways to breed salmon that resist Pisciricketsia salmonis, a deadly bacterial disease that affects salmon farms worldwide. Axiom genotyping arrays help to identify genotypes that can resist disease, and to track the parentage of individual fish so that the highest-quality individuals can be designated as brood stock for future generations, a standard farming practice that is a challenge to implement in aquaculture settings. Because of the limited genotype information available for fish diseases and, secondarily, for the fish themselves, efforts such as Dr. Martinez’s have proven exceedingly valuable for growing the knowledge base for future research, in addition to immediate practical applications.

Genomics and Increased Selection Accuracy in Aquaculture

Genomics and increased selection accuracy in aquaculture

Matt Baranski, General Manger, Mowi (formerly known as Marine Harvest), describes the company’s process for ensuring the best-quality product possible. The company rears eggs and produces feed in-house. They use the most advanced tools available to make fish selection as accurate and high quality as possible for their customers. As part of this approach, breeding plans focus on genomic selection for economically important traits


The Atlantic Salmon Genome
Salmon breeding transformed: Marine Harvest(now know as MOWI) enters the genomic era with Axiom genotyping technology

Marine Harvest’s(MOWI) selective breeding program transitioned to a full implementation Genomics using Axiom genotyping technology. Over 60, 000 samples were genotyped

Diversification of Marine Aquaculture through Genomics
Diversification of marine aquaculture through genomics: applications to breeding programs in novel species

Learn from Victor Martinez why:

  • Investment in genomic resources is needed to understand the biology of marine species
  • Sex determination in Seriola species is likely explained by a single gene, but further analysis is required to understand the causality of these findings
  • Development of sustainable aquaculture industries using wild species requires an in-depth knowledge of genomics to help bring about a sound breeding program
Genomic Research in Aquaculture
Fish and chips

Senior Product Manager Dr. Mohini Patil presents an overview of Applied Biosystems Axiom microarrays specifically applied to genomic research in aquaculture. Learn about the capabilities and advantages our Axiom platform has to offer.

A Major QTL for Flavobacterium psychrophilum resistance in Atlantic Salmon
A major QTL for Flavobacterium psychrophilum resistance in Atlantic salmon

Dr. Fabian Grammes from Aquagen talks about a major QTL for Flavobacterium psychrophilum resistance in Atlantic salmon.

Genomica para acelerar el mejoramiento genetico en acuicultura en Latinoamerica
Genomics to accelerate genetic improvement in aquaculture in Latin America

Dr. José Manuel Yáñez from the University of Chile talks about the use of genomics to accelerate genetic improvement in aquaculture in Latin America.

Melhorando a produtividade em aquicultura atraces da genomica
Improving aquaculture productivity through genomics: SNP chip tilapia and shrimp

Professor José Fernando García, from the Araçatuba School of Veterinary Medicine (UNESP, Brazil) talks about strategies to improve productivity in aquaculture through genomics using a tilapia and shrimp SNP-Chip.

Axiom Genotyping Solutions and Eureka GBS
Axiom genotyping solutions and Eureka GBS (in Spanish with English subtitles)

Product Specialist Carlos Mata introduces Axiom and Eureka genotyping solutions available from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Aquaculture Genomics of Neotropical Fish
Salmones camanchaca genetica e I+D para el desarrollo sostenible (in Spanish with English subtitles)

Dr. DiogoTeruoHashimoto from UNESP -Jaboticabal, Brazil, presents the results from his group in their genomic investigations in aquaculture with neotropicfish in their lab of aquiculture and conservation genetics.

Developing sustainable aquaculture using genomic resources: The Serioloa lalandi case in Chile

Professor José Gallardo talks about the advances in applied genetics and genomics and the transfer of this technology to the aquaculture industry through data produced in partnership between his group at the Pontificia Universidad Católicade Valparaíso, in Chile, with the company SalmonesCamanchaca SA

Developing sustainable aquaculture using genomic resources: The Serioloa lalandi case in Chile

Dr. Víctor Martínez, professor of Animal Genetics and Genomics at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of Chile, talks about the Seriola lalandi case in Chile and the development of sustainable aquaculture through genomics.

Blog posts

Genomics Matters in Aquaculture Research

Genomics matters in aquaculture research

Worldwide, consumer preference for and consumption of aquatic species is increasing. New guidelines from the American Heart Association cement the importance of eating fish to help protect heart health, and around 16% of animal protein eaten globally in 2009 came from fish and shellfish. This increase puts pressure on the aquaculture industry to meet the market’s demands. Application of genomics in this market helps drive growth in the field by helping to improve fish production, decrease loss from disease and pests, increase traceability, and optimize feed formula for healthy, profitable, and sustainable fish farms.

Genomics Matters in Aquaculture Research

Genomics improves disease resistance in a breeding program

According to Dr. Alastair Hamilton, a leading researcher in aquaculture genomics, breeding for disease resistance has been one of the tremendous successes in aquaculture made possible by genomic breeding programs.



Axiom expert catalog genotyping arrays

Our catalog array-based genotyping solutions are ideal for the identification, validation, and screening of complex genetic traits in plants and animals. Choose from our wide variety of predesigned arrays.

These low-, medium-, and high-density arrays offer the power and resolution for a wide range of applications in plant and animal breeding and genomics. These applications include studying marker-trait association, evaluating elite lines, and identifying multi-line reference populations, as well as research applications for genome wide analysis and selective sweep analysis studies.


Axiom myDesign custom genotyping arrays

Our catalog array-based genotyping solutions are ideal for the identification, validation, and screening of complex genetic traits in plants and animals. Choose from our wide variety of predesigned arrays.

Axiom myDesign custom Arrays give you the power to develop an effective array for genome-wide association, replication, fine mapping, and candidate gene studies in any species.

With Axiom myDesign custom genotyping arrays, fully- or semi-customized arrays containing 300 to 2.6 million markers can be designed. Use variants you provide, or choose SNPs from our Axiom Genomic Database, the world's largest resource of genotype-tested SNPs.

Multiple-species arrays are supported without any restriction on number of markers per species.


Tools for animal and aquaculture research flyer
Axiom Trout Genotyping Array
Improving competitiveness and sustainability customer
Style Sheet for Global Design System
