We offer a suite of colorimetric and fluorescent reagents to accomplish pre-column and post-column derivatization of peptides and amino acids for analysis by HPLC detectors; includes vacuum hydrolysis tubes and quantitation standards.

Amino Acid Standard H

Quantitative calibration standard for HPLC analysis of protein hydrolysates; a mixture of 18 amino acids, each at 2.5 micromoles/mL in 0.1 N HCl.

Bromophenacylate Reagent

A carboxylic acid-reactive compound (Amax 260 nm; UV) to label, detect and measure peptides and amino acids by HPLC; also called p-Bromophenacyl-8.

Ellman's Reagent (FDAA)

A thiol-reactive, colored compound (Amax 412 nm) to measure peptide cysteines or other free, reduced sulfhydryls (-SH groups) in solution.

Fluoraldehyde (OPA) Reagent Solution

Ready-to-use solution of o-phthaldialdehyde, a fluorescent, amine-reactive, HPLC pre- or post-column labeling reagent to measure peptides or amino acids (Ex/Em 340/455 nm).

Fluoraldehyde o-Phthaldialdehyde Crystals

Phthaldialdehyde, a fluorescent, amine-reactive, HPLC pre- or post-column labeling reagent to measure peptides or amino acids (Ex/Em 340/455 nm).

HPG (p-Hydroxyphenylglyoxal)

An arginine-reactive, colored reagent (Amax 340 nnm) to label and measure the arginine amino acids or arginine-containing peptides by HPLC.

Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Solution, sequencing grade

Constant-boiling 6 N HCl solution, supplied in 1 mL ampules, used to acid-hydrolyze proteins (protein hydrolysis) for HPLC amino acid composition analysis.

Marfey's Reagent (FDAA)

An amine-reactive, colored (Amax 340 nm) compound to label and measure optical isomers of amino acids by reverse-phase chromatography (HPLC).


An amine-reactive, colored reagent (Amax 440 nm) to label, detect and measure peptides, proteins and amino acids by HPLC (liquid chromatography). 

Peptide Retention Standard

A mixture of five specific deca-peptides (acetylated with c-terminal amides) to run reference elution profiles for reverse-phase HPLC chromatography.

PITC (Edman's Reagent)

Phenylisothiocyanate, an amine-reactive, colored compound (Amax 254 nm; UV) for pre-column derivatization of amino acids for reverse-phase HPLC.

TNBSA solution

5% solution of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid in methanol to label primary amines (peptides or amino acids) for colorimetric detection (Amax 335 nm).

Vacuum Hydrolysis Tubes

High-quality valved glass tubes designed for heated, vacuum, acid-hydrolysis of proteins and peptides for amino acid analysis by HPLC chromatography.

    Vacuum Hydrolysis Tube, 1 mL
    Vacuum Hydrolysis Tube, 6 mL
    Vacuum Hydrolysis Tube, 18 mL
