Begin your cloning with only the PCR products you want:

  • High recovery
  • Clean products

Some cloning methods, such as TOPO Cloning, allow you to go directly from PCR to clone without any additional purification steps. For those applications that require PCR clean-up or validation of PCR results, there are two methods generally followed: PCR product isolation using a column, and gel purification from an agarose gel.

For Quick & Easy Gel Extraction or PCR Purification of DNA Samples

PureLink Quick Gel Extraction Kit and PCR Purification Combo Kit

  • Purify DNA fragments from 40 bp to 10 kb in <30 min
  • High recovery due to high binding column capacity of up to 15 μg of DNA
  • Works well with both vacuum and centrifugation protocols

PureLink Quick Gel Extraction and PCR Purification Combo Kits offer the ability to perform both a gel extraction or a PCR purification a single kit. The PureLink Quick Gel Extraction and PCR Purification Combo Kit is designed to purify DNA fragments from agarose gels. The simple procedure uses a silica-based spin cartridge to purify DNA fragments from 40 bp to 10kb in <30 minutes from TAE or TBE agarose of various percentages and melting points. 

The PCR purification protocol achieves rapid and efficient removal of short primers, dNTPs, enzymes, short-failed PCR products, and salts from PCR fragments >100 bp, typically in less than 10 minutes. DNA isolated using the PureLink™ kit is free of proteins, dye, and agarose, and is ready to use for a variety of applications, including automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, manual DNA sequencing, PCR, in vitro transcription, restriction mapping, cloning, and labeling. If you simply require a kit for gel extraction, the PureLink Gel Extraction Kit (Figure 1) is designed for fast purification of DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels of various percentages without the use of organic solvents.

PureLink Gel Extraction Kit

Figure 1: The PureLink Gel Extraction Kit procedure is quick and easy. Gel fragments are first solubilized to release the DNA. The sample is then loaded on a PureLink spin column and isolated using a simple bind/wash/elute procedure. DNA fragments are recovered in TE buffer or water, ready to use in downstream applications.

Purify PCR Products from a Complex Mixture of DNA Using Silica-based Membrane Technology

PureLink PCR Purification Kits

  • Purify fragments between 100 bp and 15 kb or remove byproducts <300 bp
  • Simple bind/wash/elute procedure
  • Elute ready-to-use, pure PCR product in typically <10 min

PureLink PCR Purification Kits are designed to provide rapid and efficient removal of short primers, dNTPs, enzymes, short-failed PCR products, and salts from PCR reactions. Specialized binding buffers allow for purification of PCR products between 100 bp and 15 kb or removal of by-products <300 bp. PCR products purified using the PureLink PCR Purification Kits demonstrate outstanding performance in downstream applications such as automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, PCR, restriction mapping, and labeling.

Making your own agarose gels?

  • For high-quality agarose gels that resolve DNA and RNA fragments from 100 bp to >30 kb, try our UltraPure Agarose

Looking for a Fast, Sensitive Alternative?
