Top-down Sequencing

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Many bottom-up proteomics research endeavors also benefit from high-throughput top-down mass spectrometry analysis. The main advantages of the top-down approach include detection of degradation products and sequence variants, which helps to solve inference issues (e.g., isoforms, proteoforms), and determination of post-translational modifications (PTMs) for protein stoichiometry and dynamics analysis.

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Why HRAM mass spectrometry for top-down proteomics

High-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) MS is essential for top-down proteomics. HRAM MS resolves both co-eluting intact proteins as well as isotopic peaks of highly charged, large intact proteins, enabling both charge state and accurate mass determination. Additionally, due to the number of product ions generated during intact protein fragmentation, high-resolution mass analysis is required for accurate detection and assignment of product ion identities to the resulting, highly complex MS/MS spectra.

In addition to HRAM MS, novel high dynamic (HD) range electron transfer dissociation (ETD) allows fragmentation of a larger population of precursor ions, increasing detection limits and dynamic range. The higher efficiency of ETD HD experiments provides greater sequence coverage at faster acquisition rates, offering the possibility of new ETD experiments on a liquid chromatography (LC) time scale.

UVPD, a new fragmentation technique achieved with a 213 nm UV laser enables increased sequence coverage for top‑down analysis.

Top-down proteomics workflow

Reduce sample complexity

Successful top-down proteomics requires reduced sample complexity. Resolution of proteins from one another and from various proteoforms increases the probability of successful characterization by mass spectrometry. Thermo Scientific ProSwift RP-4H LC Columns are ideal for intact protein separation prior to MS analysis and are designed for microliter to nanoliter flow.

Achieve ultra high resolution of multiple proteins

Pursue the next scientific breakthrough with the best performance, productivity, and usability in a nano-, capillary-, and micro-flow UHPLC systems. The Vanquish Neo UHPLC system combines an unrivaled degree of innovation to deliver 24/7 reproducible separations of complex mixtures at maximum performance for a variety of high-sensitivity.

Go beyond today's discovery

Today’s cutting-edge research pushes LC-MS to its limits. Obtaining high confidence insights to enable accurate resolution of subtle differences and avoid costly dead-ends is needed faster than ever before. The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid mass spectrometer surpasses these limits with new innovations that deliver the ultimate flexibility to expand experimental scope, and with built-in intelligence to ensure the highest data quality and confidence. One system provides maximum insights, so you productively go beyond today’s discovery.

Analyze and characterize proteomics data

Analyze top- and middle-down proteomics data and characterize PTMs with Thermo Scientific ProSightPD Software. This software processes results from multiple fragmentation techniques (ETD, EThcD, HCD, and CID) and HRAM MS/MS of top- or middle-down experiments. It is the only proteomics software that enables comparison of MS/MS data against proteome warehouses such as UniProt. Five different search modes help determine exact protein sequence plus PTMs and splicing. ProSightPD is available as a node within Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer Software.

Featured video: Enhanced top down performance

Watch and listen as Neil Kelleher, Professor of Chemistry, Molecular Biosciences and Medicine at Northwestern University, discusses how he believes the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos MS might better characterize unexpected PTMs in top-down proteomics to decode cellular function.