Organelle Marker Antibodies
Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles. Each organelle contains specific proteins that determine their function. Antibodies to detect those proteins are essential tools that help orient and outline each organelle. In addition, multiple antibodies can be used in combination to confirm the correct location and specificity of the proteins being studied. Knowledge of the subcellular location of a protein can help elucidate the role or roles it may play in any number of cellular processes.

Featured categories of organelle marker primary antibodies

Cytoplasm Marker Antibodies

Cytoplasm marker antibodies can aid in the study of the morphology and function of the cytoplasm.

Mitochondrial Marker Antibodies

Mitochondrial marker antibodies can aid in the study of the organelle.

Endoplasmic Reticulum Marker Antibodies

ER marker antibodies can help elucidate the role of proteins that are centered in the ER.

Nuclear Marker Antibodies

Nuclear marker antibodies provide a way to monitor nuclear changes throughout cellular processes.

Golgi Marker Antibodies

Golgi marker antibodies can aid in the study of the dynamics and morphology of the Golgi.

Plasma Membrane Marker Antibodies

Plasma membrane marker antibodies are designed to dependably detect the key targets.

Interested in staining organelles for cell imaging applications, such as immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, or immunofluorescence?

Organelle stains are a valuable tool as counterstains to identify the cellular or subcellular location of specific proteins or targets of interest. In fixed cell imaging, coupling organelle dyes with antibodies against proteins of interest can help to elucidate protein-protein interactions and further your understanding of cellular functions. Our organelle dyes are usable for staining live or fixed cells for imaging or flow cytometry readouts.

Learn more about organelle staining and imaging cell structure

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.