Order FAQs

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계정 생성하기

일반 회원 계정은 어떻게 생성하나요?

account/registration/ 에서 작성한 양식을 제출하고 이메일 주소를 인중하시면 온라인 견적, 목록 공유 등의 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다.

온라인 구매가 가능한 정회원 계정으로 전환하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

써모피셔사이언티픽솔루션스(유)와의 기존 거래 계정이 있으신 경우, One-Step 회원가입 서비스를 신청해주시면 온라인 주문이 가능한 계정으로 자동 세팅됩니다. 

기존에 오프라인 거래가 없으셨다면 정회원 가입 신청을 해주십시오. 또한 배송/청구 주소 제출 후 연결되는 ‘정회원 가입처리 진행중’ 페이지의 ‘필수 정보 제출’ 링크를 통해 필요한 서류 및 정보를 반드시 제출해 주셔야 합니다. 

정회원 계정으로 전환하는데 얼마나 걸리나요?

One-step의 경우 1-2일 정도 소요되며, 신규 거래 고객의 경우 정회원 신청 외 필수정보 제출까지 완료 후 3일정도 소요됩니다.  

정회원 신청 후 등록이 완료되었다는 메일을 받기전에 주문하면 어떻게 되나요?

전환을 위한 내부 작업이 완료되기 전까지 주문은 보류되거나 취소될 수 있습니다.

Using your Account Dashboard

계정 페이지 알아보기?

계정 페이지에서는 주문 관련 정보를 종합적으로 파악하고, 주요 문서들을 확인하실 수 있습니다.


계정 페이지의 서비스 및 도구에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Track, manage and share orders

주문 내역은 어디에서 볼 수 있나요?

계정 페이지 좌측의 주문 내역을 선택하여 온/오프라인 또는 고객 센터를 통한 주문 관련 문서(거래명세서 등)와 제품 문서(인증서, SDS)를 보실 수 있습니다.

동료와 주문 내역 정보를 공유하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

계정 페이지 좌측의 '주문 공유' 기능을 사용하면 동료와 주문 내역 정보를 쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다.

다수의 Invoice를 확인하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

주문 내역에 있는 Invoice 탭에서 여러 건의 Invoice를 검색하실 수 있습니다. 주문 번호로 검색하고 기간별 필터링을 해서 보시거나 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

주문 상태는 어떻게 확인하나요?

온라인 또는 오프라인 주문의 경우 주문 내역 조회에서 주문 번호로 배송 현황을 확인할 수 있습니다. 또한 배송 정보가 포함된 거래 명세서를 이메일로 받아보실 수도 있습니다.

How do I manage my Saved Carts?

Shopping carts are auto-saved and can be managed in your account dashboard under Saved Carts. You can merge, copy, email, and delete carts, as well as transfer them to other users with a thermofisher.com account linked to the same institution during the checkout process.

How do I share shopping lists with my coworkers?

Add products to an existing list or new list while you shop, and share lists with coworkers for collaboration or to request purchase on your behalf. 

View and change account profile

How do I update my account profile information?

Review and update your contact information or change your account password in My Profile. You can also update your email notification preferences, shipping and billing addresses, and payment methods.

How do I update my contact information?

Review and update your contact information, update your account e-mail address for confirmation letters, literature, and other communications. Changes made here will not affect your shipping address.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, enter your current password and create a unique and strong password to protect your account. It should be 8-20 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and at least one special character.

How do I set up order-related email notifications?

Update your Order Confirmation Settings, so you can turn the following on or off: order and shipping confirmation emails, copies of invoice receipts, delivery confirmation emails, same as product and promotional updates.

How do I personalize my shipping or billing address?

Instantly update the 'attention to', 'department or lab' and 'building or room' fields in existing validated shipping and billing addresses. 

How do I add a new address?

Add a new address or request address changes here. Allow up to 24 hours for customer care to verify it. If you add a new address that is already associated to your account, it will be available immediately. During this time, the address will be shown as 'Pending' and you'll receive confirmation when the update is complete. 

How do I manage my payment methods?

Review and edit credit card or PO information here

How do I invite my coworkers to my existing institution's account?

Existing account holders can instantly invite colleagues to purchase from the institution's account on thermofisher.com, facilitating their access to product purchases.

Additional links and tools

How do I access my quote history?

Access quote history and search for quotes by quote number, quote name, quote date, and expiration date. 

How do I manage my Thermo Fisher Scientific assets using Services Central?

Services Central lets you manage your Thermo Fisher Scientific instruments and equipment on a single online platform.  

How do I link my existing account to an on-site Supply Center?

If your institution has an on-site Supply Center, you will be able to link your thermofisher.com account with your on-site Supply Center here.

How do I use Thermo Fisher Connect Platform?

For support with the Connect Platform, please email emailsupport.informatics@thermofisher.com

How to order

How do I place an online order?

Place an online order by adding items to your cart from product pages, search results, content pages, or custom tools pages. You can also use the Quick Order tool to bulk upload products, copy and paste items, or manually add items to your order. Additionally, you can promote items to your cart from Save for Later, a Shared List, a Saved or Transferred Cart, or reorder from your Order History.

How do I add multiple products to my cart using Quick Order tool?

Access Quick Order tool to add multiple products directly to your cart by entering catalog numbers using copy/paste or manual input. You can also use it to bulk upload many items simultaneously. 

How do I share shopping lists with my coworkers?

Add products to an existing list or new list while you shop and share lists with coworkers for collaboration or to request purchase on your behalf. 

How do I manage my Saved Carts?

Shopping carts are auto-saved and can be managed in your account dashboard under Saved Carts. You can merge, copy, email, and delete carts, as well as transfer them to other users with a thermofisher.com account linked to the same institution during the checkout process.

How do I save products for later purchases?

You can put aside items in your shopping cart that you do not want to buy right away but might consider in the future with ‘Save for later’.

How do I enter promotions or quotes to get special pricing?

Once all items are added to your cart, simply enter the promotion code or quote in the designated area labeled 'Enter a quote or a promotion' and then select 'apply'.

How do I look for product alternatives?

If a product is not immediately available or has been discontinued, you will be able to view and select an in-stock product alternative suggestion. Look for the text "Available alternatives" next to the unavailable product. Explore the details of each alternative product and add it to your cart if suitable.

How do I set up in-stock notifications?

Request to be notified when products are back in stock at your local distribution center by using the 'In-stock Notifications' feature. Simply enter your email address and select 'Notify Me'. You will receive an email with a link to the product for purchase when it is back in stock locally.

How do I choose Premium Delivery shipping?

Most inventoried items ship by the end of the next business day. Premium Delivery is available on some products for next business day delivery if ordered before 3:30 pm Eastern time. An additional charge of $24.95 will be applied.

How do I edit my shipping and billing addresses?

After selecting 'Proceed to checkout', you can review your shipping and billing addresses. Select any authorized shipping or billing addresses in your institution account.  You can update the 'attention to', 'department or lab' and 'building or room' fields in existing validated shipping and billing addresses. If needed, you can request edits or a new shipping/billing addresses.

What payment methods are accepted?

Select from Purchase Order, Credit Card, or My Approver will pay as your payment method. If you choose My Approver, specify the approver for the order.

How do I check my order status?

Check your order's status, including shipment tracking information, within the Order History section of your Account Dashboard or the Check Order Status tool on the top right of all pages.

Promos and quotes

How do I enter promotions or quotes to get special pricing?

Once all items are added to your cart, simply enter the promotion code or quote in the designated area labeled 'Enter a quote or a promotion' and then select 'apply'.

What should I do if I encounter an error message while applying a promotion or quote?

Certain promotions cannot be combined. If you get an error when applying a promotion, leave comments in the special instructions section during checkout for our Customer Care team to review.

How do I save promotions or quotes for future purchases?

You can save your promotion or quote codes within your profile under Payment Methods. Once saved, they will appear automatically in your cart for each purchase until you remove them from your profile.

How do I view a Sales Quote and share it with coworkers?

Sales Quotes can be viewed from the Quote History section of your account. This section allows you to download a copy of a quote and share it with your coworkers.

Learn more about web quotes here

Generate a Web Quote

How do I generate a Web Quote with contracted account pricing?

Utilize the Generate Web Quote feature in the cart to produce a PDF summary of specified products, displaying your account pricing and the total order cost, including taxes and handling fees.

How do I view and share a Web Quote with coworkers?

Once generated, a Web Quote appears under Saved Carts with a "W" prefix, ready for your convenience. You can save, print, or share the PDF file with colleagues.

Does the pricing on my Web Quote can change?

Yes, the pricing on your Web Quote is based on current rates. However, prices may change without notice, rendering your Web Quote outdated. For inquiries about pricing, contact your Account Representative.

Manage orders

How do I check my order status?

Check your order's status, including shipment tracking information, within the Order History section of your Account Dashboard or the Check Order Status tool on the top right of all pages.

How do I reorder products?

You can reorder products either from Order History or a shared list. In Order History, select the order number or expand the plus sign on the right to review order details and access the reorder button.

Where can I find my order history information?

Within your Account Dashboard navigation, select Order History to retrieve both order documents (such as dispatch notes, proof of delivery and invoices) and product documents (Certificates, Data Sheets) for transactions placed either online or through Customer Care.

How do I access multiple invoices?

Access multiple Invoices on the Invoice tab located in Order History. From this area you can search, filter, view, and download invoices efficiently.

How do I obtain order-related documents?

Expand order details within Order History or Recent Orders, to access dispatch notes, proof of delivery and invoices for the items that you have ordered.

How do I get Key Technical Product Documents?

Expand order details within Order History or Recent Orders, and select 'Product Documents' drop-down menu, to access all product documents for the items that you have ordered such as manuals, certificates, safety data sheets, and protocols.

You can also download product documents for the items you have ordered directly here.

How do I start a return or report an issue with my order?

Request a return or report order issues, by completing this form to get assistance. A Customer Care representative will contact you with the next steps to handle your request.

Check order status and track shipments

How do I check my order status without logging in?

Select 'Order Status' at the top right of the website, or use Order Lookup Tool to track your order status and check on shipments through delivery with your PO number or sales order number. Then, input the shipping postal code/zip code and click 'View Order Details’. 

How do I check my order status if I have multiple orders assigned to the same PO number?

For PO numbers with multiple orders assigned, you need to specify an order date range to obtain status for the correct order.

How do I access dispatch notes and signed proof of delivery for my order?

Use Order Lookup Tool to view the most up-to-date availability information for each product in your order and access dispatch notes and signed proof of delivery to see when the package arrived and who signed for it.

How do I view the expected arrival date for my order?

Click 'Track Shipments' to view the expected arrival date(s) and access the shipment tracking details for the order, including the number of items and products in each shipment. Select ‘Sign up for delivery’ notifications and receive SMS texts. 

Recurring orders

What is a recurring order?

Recurring orders lets you set up and manage frequently purchased products, including reserves. The tool sets shipment frequency and duration of your recurrence for each product on your list. It also lets you specify a Reserve, when needed. You can share the recurring order information with coworkers.

How do I create a new recurring order?

Select Recurring Orders from the left-hand navigation bar of your account page, and follow the steps below to learn how to create a new recurring order.

How do I make changes to existing recurring orders?

Review and make changes to your existing recurring orders by selecting the specific 'series' order details. Here, you can view the shipments details, edit the series name, print a copy, or share your order.

How do I manage existing recurring orders?

Follow the steps below to learn how to manage an existing recurring order.