A cabinet filled with TripleFlasks

TripleFlask products

Continue your scale-up with consistency. Our triple layer flask features the same cell culture-certified surface used in our range of T25 to T225 flasks and provides a total of 500 cm2 surface area for cell attachment, but with the footprint of a T175 flask. It's a large flask with a small footprint. Your lab can enjoy the benefits of minimized variability of cell growth during scale up, saved incubator space, improved lab productivity and compatibility for automated cell culture.

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T500 multi-layer flask TripleFlask products for cell culture

An infographic depicting how to best use Thermo Fisher TripleFlasks

Nunc TripleFlask culturing technique:

Nunc TripleFlask vessels are designed to provide 500 cm2 of surface area with a footprint of a T175 flask. This compact, triple-layer design delivers expanded culture surface to help save CO2 incubator space and increase lab productivity.

The T500 Multi-Layer Flasks come with a variety of options including with filter caps, optimized for continuous venting, and preventing against microorganism contamination as well as vent/close caps which allow visual verification of vent position.

TripleFlask product usage instructions

To use the T500 TripleFlask vessel, simply:

  1. Pour cell suspension into TripleFlask vessel, slightly tilting flask to avoid foam or bubbles (100–200 mL volume recommended)
  2. Leave flask in upright position for short time to allow liquid to equilibrate
  3. For a short time, hold TripleFlask vessel on its side at a 75° angle to your work surface
  4. Quickly and gently turn flask from side to the incubation position
  5. While incubating, media will remain equally distributed on each layer
  6. Use standard trypsinization procedure to harvest cells (10–15 mL trypsin is recommended)

TripleFlask surfaces by cell culture types

To help ensure flexible, reproducible, and reliable results across every stage of cell culture, T500 flasks come in a range of formats, sizes, and surfaces. Please see below for guidance on product selection for specific cell types and desired cell culture ranges.

View surface selection guide

Untreated surfaces for non-adherent cell suspension cultures

Made with high-quality, optically clear virgin polystyrene, the Thermo Scientific Nunc non-treated flasks with high-level sterility assurance are ideal for suspension culture of non-adherent cells.

Untreated surfaces for non-adherent cell suspension cultures

Made with high-quality, optically clear virgin polystyrene, the Thermo Scientific Nunc non-treated flasks with high-level sterility assurance are ideal for suspension culture of non-adherent cells.