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SEM EDX gunshot residue analysis

Gunshot residue (GSR) analysis plays an important role in the determination if a firearm has been used in a crime. Established GSR analysis techniques are based on the use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), which is used to scan the sample and find suspect GSR particles. If a suspect particle is found, an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) technique is used to identify the elements in that particle. 

The Thermo Scientific Phenom Perception GSR Desktop SEM is the only dedicated SEM specifically designed for gunshot residue analysis. Because the system is automated, it enables you to speed up the analysis process. With no need to change your settings each time, you can immediately focus on the task at hand. 

A high-brightness CeB6 source is at the heart of the desktop Phenom system. This means that you can be confident it will provide reliable, long-lasting daily use and won’t need to be replaced unexpectedly. The Phenom Perception GSR Desktop SEM makes gunshot residue analysis on-demand, faster, easier and more reliable than ever before. Perfect for every busy lab that wants to save time and floor space.

  • Dedicated gunshot residue solution
  • Only needs a small lab space
  • Stable operation, available 24/7
  • Long lifetime CeB6 source

Key Features

High throughput, reliable results

Thanks to the fully motorized stage, the Phenom Perception GSR Desktop SEM can handle a scan area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The software uses the internal scan control of the SEM. This enables more accurate beam positioning which especially helps when revisiting the particle in the GSR verification phase. A standard GSR sample holder can hold 30 12mm GSR pin stubs plus the necessary calibration samples.

Fully integrated EDS

The dedicated software package Element Identification (EID) is used to control the fully integrated EDS detector. This EID software is delivered standard as part of the Phenom Perception GSR product.

ChemiSEM Technology

Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM Technology revolutionizes and simplifies EDS analysis by fully integrating SEM and EDS functions into a single, cohesive user interface. Based on live quantification and building on decades of expertise in EDS analysis, the technology provides elemental information quickly and easily, guaranteeing reliable results in less time. ChemiSEM Technology now comes with a powerful new feature: ChemiPhase. ChemiPhase identifies unique phases with a big data approach, finding minor and trace elements while eliminating user bias and reducing possible mistakes.

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Style Sheet for Products Table Specifications
Sample size
  • Max. 100 mm x 100 mm (up to 30 x 12 mm pin stubs)
  • Max. 40 mm (h)
Software Specifications
  • Compliant with ASTM E1588-17 
  • Typically ≥ 98% hit rate on plano artificial GSR sample
  • Supports classification of Pb-free ammunition types
  • Automatic calibrations for reproducible results
Detector types
  • Silicon drift detector (SDD)
  • Thermoelectrically cooled (LN2 free)
Reporting workflow
  • Particle relocation, verification and custom report generation
Imaging module
  • 316(w) x 587(d) x 625(h) mm, 75 kg
Analysis computer
  • Standard workstation including: 24” widescreen monitor
  • 169(w) x 445(d) x 432(h) mm, 11kg
  • Single phase AC 110 - 240 Volt, 50/60 Hz, 300 W (max.)
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On-demand Webinar: Introducing the Phenom Perception Gunshot Residue (GSR) Desktop SEM

In this webinar we detail the Phenom Perception GSR software workflow used in compliance with ASTM and ENFSI guidelines. The webinar covers the accuracy of the instrument and outlines the critical requirements for an effective SEM for gunshot residue analysis.


Webinar: Scanning electron microscopy: selecting the right technology for your needs

This on-demand webinar has been designed to help you decide which SEM best meets your unique needs. We present an overview of Thermo Fisher Scientific SEM technology for multi-user research labs and focus on how these wide-ranging solutions deliver performance, versatility, in situ dynamics and faster time to results. Watch this webinar if you are interested in:

  • How the needs for different microanalysis modalities are met (EDX, EBSD, WDS, CL, etc.).
  • How samples are characterized in their natural state without the need for sample preparation.
  • How new advanced automation allows researchers to save time and increase productivity.

Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization


On-demand Webinar: Introducing the Phenom Perception Gunshot Residue (GSR) Desktop SEM

In this webinar we detail the Phenom Perception GSR software workflow used in compliance with ASTM and ENFSI guidelines. The webinar covers the accuracy of the instrument and outlines the critical requirements for an effective SEM for gunshot residue analysis.


Webinar: Scanning electron microscopy: selecting the right technology for your needs

This on-demand webinar has been designed to help you decide which SEM best meets your unique needs. We present an overview of Thermo Fisher Scientific SEM technology for multi-user research labs and focus on how these wide-ranging solutions deliver performance, versatility, in situ dynamics and faster time to results. Watch this webinar if you are interested in:

  • How the needs for different microanalysis modalities are met (EDX, EBSD, WDS, CL, etc.).
  • How samples are characterized in their natural state without the need for sample preparation.
  • How new advanced automation allows researchers to save time and increase productivity.

Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization


Quality control and failure analysis using electron microscopy

Quality control and failure analysis

Quality control and assurance are essential in modern industry. We offer a range of EM and spectroscopy tools for multi-scale and multi-modal analysis of defects, allowing you to make reliable and informed decisions for process control and improvement.

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Fundamental Materials Research

Novel materials are investigated at increasingly smaller scales for maximum control of their physical and chemical properties. Electron microscopy provides researchers with key insight into a wide variety of material characteristics at the micro- to nano-scale.



EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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3D EDS Tomography

Modern materials research is increasingly reliant on nanoscale analysis in three dimensions. 3D characterization, including compositional data for full chemical and structural context, is possible with 3D EM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

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Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

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EDS Elemental Analysis

Thermo Scientific Phenom Elemental Mapping Software provides fast and reliable information on the distribution of chemical elements within a sample.

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3D EDS Tomography

Modern materials research is increasingly reliant on nanoscale analysis in three dimensions. 3D characterization, including compositional data for full chemical and structural context, is possible with 3D EM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

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Atomic-Scale Elemental Mapping with EDS

Atomic-resolution EDS provides unparalleled chemical context for materials analysis by differentiating the elemental identity of individual atoms. When combined with high-resolution TEM, it is possible to observe the precise organization of atoms in a sample.

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Particle analysis

Particle analysis plays a vital role in nanomaterials research and quality control. The nanometer-scale resolution and superior imaging of electron microscopy can be combined with specialized software for rapid characterization of powders and particles.

Learn more ›

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